[問題] google apps 網域驗證相關問題

看板Google作者 (我不是拼錯...)時間14年前 (2010/04/17 17:07), 編輯推噓3(303)
留言6則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
這問題困擾我好久了,希望在這裡有人可以幫助我。 我們公司申請了一個新的網域,是打算作特定市場的, 在亞太線上稍微搜尋一下.com,發現很幸運,沒人使用,就立刻買了五年的權利。 可是公司內部已經有很多mail了,想要全部都放在外頭, 不想再自行架設mail server,於是我想到google 有apps的應用服務。 沒想到這就是惡夢的開始! 我們一次申請了同一個名字,但世界各地有名的網域,不過主要還是要用.com的, 因第一次設定,於是我用了一個.com.tw的來試試看, 發現了問題,原來是亞太線上沒有CNAME的東西,於是我打電話去亞太線上, 他寄了封信來敎我怎麼用A紀錄來通過GOOGLE的驗證。 嗯,.com.tw的很順利的通過了,興高采烈的準備申請.com, 卻不料,我一輸入網址,居然出現了這網域已經申請google apps的服務, 原來是這個網址過去是屬於別人的,大概是那人還是那公司申請過了吧。 於是我就想,那應該去找原本那人,請他將裡面資料刪除,密碼給我我再改指向, 應該比較簡單一些,所以我查了那間公司,原來是一間大陸的原料商, 看了電話,我就直接撥過去,找了MIS之類的人談, 但他們卻一頭霧水,後來還打電話過來罵「我看不起你們此種搶網域的行為。」 顯然要密碼是不大可能了,當然我就硬著頭皮用A紀錄, 就是原本我.com.tw申請過的方式,依樣畫葫蘆的申請一次。 兩天後,居然失敗了!! 當時我是想,大概是有人使用過,所以A紀錄不行吧, 於是我委請網頁公司,幫我把網址代管一下,用他們的CNAME按照正確流程, 原原本本的驗證一回。 一樣的,兩天後,還是否定了這驗證。 但因為我原本發了封信給google,當時我以為驗證應該會通過, 所以我是詢問,購買他們的進階一年50USD的服務, 是否可以同一個網域底下,分開需要或者不需要, 他回了我一封信。 Hello, You can only have ALL users on STANDARD edition (7GB) or ALL users on Premier ($50 per person, 25GB), you cannot split users over the two editions. Please let me know any more questions. Thank you, Charles. 在過幾小時後,我才收到驗證否定的信,當時我絕得莫名奇妙, 於是我撥了通電話過去這個Charles留下的電話, 一開始好像收訊不好,斷斷續續,最後居然變成留言機。 於是我前天又發了封信給這個Charles,他的信箱是@google.com結尾的, 我想應該是內部人員了,按照這mail我回了這樣的內容。 Dear Mr. Charles, Thank you for your reply of e-mail. However, we would like to state and clarify as below: www.xxxxx.com has belonged to xxxxxxx International Inc. since Dec.09.2009. However, it was belonged to a Chinese company long before this. They used this web address to apply for the related services of Google apps. But since now, we need to register for all services for Google apps and we have applied the for certification of approval, followed all related rules of Google apps such as set up of cname, html, mx…etc. But they were all failed to pass. I believe that you should be able to recognize the URL owners, but not order of application. Now, we do own the URL address and we have applied for certification of approval followed the procedures, we do not understand why it was not approved. Please, we request you kindly to have the Google engineer to handle this for us URGENTLY. We have requested the internet company in Taiwan to do the complete cname and html approvals, but so far up to today, we still received the notification from Google that it was not approved. We hope that you can settle this up for us urgently. Your quick reply and solution of this problem will be highly appreciated. We will be looking forward to receiving your reply. If there is any other question, please feel free to e-mail me, thank you very much. Sincerely Amadues. 到今天都還沒收到回信,於是我上了他們的意見回覆網站,貼了一模一樣的內容過去, 我想請問版友,是不是過去有人真這麼巧用這個網址申請了Google apps, 就無法讓現在使用者驗證回來? 我可以肯定不管是HTML,CNAME甚至是MX RECORD,都完全按照google所說驗證, 為什麼不過? 在驗證沒過的那封信是這樣寫的。 Hello, We were unable to reset your password because we couldn't verify the HTML/CNAME changes you made to domain xxxxxx.com. We have a number of useful resources in our Help Center to assist you with uploading HTML files and/or creating CNAME records for verification purposes. For CNAME verification, please visit: https://www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?answer=47283 For HTML verification, please visit: http://www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?answer=63026 Please note that you need to use the unique string of text that is provided to you by Google in the automated password reset steps (ex. googlefffggghhh12345). If you'd like to try resetting your password again, please visit the following page in our Help Center and follow the instructions provided: http://www.google.com/support/a/bin/answer.py?answer=33561. Sincerely, The Google Apps Team 因為公司催著要用信箱,但我不想另外找郵件代管, 於是先用Windows Live擋著先,可是我是打算要付費在Google Apps呀! 能不能幫助我....好好解決這事情! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/17 17:14, , 1F
==.==== 你是不是沒搞清楚 DNS 在幹麼啊?
04/17 17:14, 1F
SORRY 可能是我敘述太長 我這裡同時擁有xxxx.com及xxxx.com.tw 申請com.tw有過 申請.com卻沒過! 因為.com過去的所有者是大陸人,現在是我! 就不讓我過! ※ 編輯: Amadues 來自: (04/17 17:45)

04/17 17:44, , 2F
恭喜原 po 抓到 apps 的制度漏洞.... [核爆]
04/17 17:44, 2F

04/17 18:10, , 3F
04/17 18:10, 3F
全部都試過了... ※ 編輯: Amadues 來自: (04/17 19:00)

04/17 20:15, , 4F
04/17 20:15, 4F

04/17 20:24, , 5F
如果你真的很急的話~~ 主帳號先用mail.xxx.com
04/17 20:24, 5F

04/17 20:25, , 6F
04/17 20:25, 6F
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