[情報] 07/03 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini作者 (Nicolas)時間8年前 (2016/07/02 18:05), 編輯推噓14(1405)
留言19則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/9 (看更多)
Gemini horoscope for Jul 3 2016 Gemini horoscope for Jul 3 2016 You may wish you had a clever guide who could take you by the arm and guide yo u through the twists and turns of a difficult endeavor. You may wish this pers on could teach you what you need to know, and could help you create the perfec t strategy for completing your mission. That would be ideal, Gemini, but it ma y not happen - and you may not need it to happen. You already have all the ele ments you need to accomplish your goal. You are smart and creative. While it w ould be easier to rely on someone else, you are more than capable on your own. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你也許希望你有聰明的嚮導,他能夠跟你手牽手指引你 穿越迂迴曲折的重重困難。 你也許希望這個人能教導你必須要知道的知識, 並且能幫助你創造完美的策略來完成你的任務。 那是理想化的,雙子們,但是它也許不會發生 - 你也不需要它發生。 你已經擁有你需要完成目標的所有原素。 你是聰穎且有創造力的。 依賴別人也許會比較輕鬆容易,你比你自己原本的(想像的)更有能力。 ps.如有誤譯請指正,謝謝。 王安石的詩,稍後再附上。 -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my samsung SM-N910U -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1467453915.A.A84.html

07/02 18:10, , 1F
07/02 18:10, 1F

07/02 18:29, , 2F
王安石 北陂杏花https://imgur.com/wopsASW
07/02 18:29, 2F

07/02 18:54, , 3F
07/02 18:54, 3F

07/02 19:04, , 4F
07/02 19:04, 4F

07/02 19:53, , 5F
07/02 19:53, 5F

07/02 20:08, , 6F
日檢+1 一起加油!!
07/02 20:08, 6F

07/02 20:55, , 7F
07/02 20:55, 7F

07/02 21:04, , 8F
07/02 21:04, 8F

07/02 23:49, , 9F
07/02 23:49, 9F

07/03 00:58, , 10F
07/03 00:58, 10F

07/03 01:29, , 11F
07/03 01:29, 11F

07/03 03:17, , 12F
07/03 03:17, 12F

07/03 10:38, , 13F
07/03 10:38, 13F

07/03 10:38, , 14F
07/03 10:38, 14F

07/03 22:54, , 15F

07/03 22:55, , 16F

07/03 23:00, , 17F
07/03 23:00, 17F

07/03 23:03, , 18F

07/03 23:32, , 19F
07/03 23:32, 19F
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