Re: [問題] 一題填空請教

看板GRE作者 (hermeneutic)時間7年前 (2016/07/29 03:51), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ 引述《thermo409 (超級喜歡郭嚴文)》之銘言: : The biography clearly shows that Taiwan, contemptuous as he may have been : of the acquisitive society in which he live was always ____ money. : careless with : ravenous for : unimpressed by : insightful about : disdainful toward 機經文化害人不淺!其實很多學生對機經文化的正當性早有質疑,只是這   股聲音被數間相關既得利益的補習班給刻意「冷處理」了;請各位參閱托   福版近期的文章,stanleypi 和 aezx 版友都已勇敢地發聲,直指這嚴重   的弊端-各位,是時候了! thermo,我是 Dean 老師,雖然最近較忙,但今天上線看到您的問題,發 覺「機經文化害人匪淺」,誤導學生甚深,故趕緊指出以下幾點立刻幫您 解惑(上色、趣味的補充等等之後再抽空修文):   1. 答案是 "ravenous for",不是 "unimpressed by" 2. "contemptuous as ... he lived" 形容的絕對是「人」,不是 "Taiwan" 其實光看代名詞用 "he" 就知道 "Taiwan"(地名)不可能是 "X was always ravenous for money" 這個子句的主詞;從 "biography" 和 「形近字的 typo」去想,題目一定是把有名的 Mark "Twain" 打錯成 "Taiwan" 了。 另外,"contemptuous as ... he lived" 是作為副詞的從屬子句,修 飾 "Twain was always ravenous for money" 這個獨立子句-我刻意 不說「主要子句」,好幫助各位看出,上述兩個子句終究還是一起被 "that" 引導,整個句子的主要子句/結構其實只是 "The biography clearly shows sth"。"contemptuous ..." 這個從屬子句的擺放位置 顯然是「插在」 "Twain" 與 "was always ravenous for money" 之 間,所以題目在 "lived" 後面少放了一個逗號;同時,各位也看到題 目把 "lived" 打錯成 "live"-馬克‧吐溫已去世多年(1910 年掛 點),自當是 "the acquisitive society in which he 'lived' "。 官方的-甚至更該強調「合法的」-題目「不可能有這麼誇張的錯 誤」(Twain 打錯、lived 寫錯、缺逗號、最後答案又錯),所以上 面才說「機經文化害人匪淺」。 "contemptuous as ... he lived" 的句構是我們高中就學過的「as (連接詞)當『雖然』解」的用法,所以 "that" 後面改寫成白話就 是:     "Although he may have been contemptuous of the acquisitive society in which he lived, Twain was always ravenous for money." 對照:     "Contemptuous as he may have been of the acquisitive society in which he lived, Twain was always ravenous for money." 後者因為 as 的特別用法而倒裝的關係,顯得有文言的(literary) 的美感。 ● 同樣的句構舉例: Much as I love you, I won't let you have these last two bottles of Heineken. 請各位複習 Jennifer Aniston 這支經典的廣告:
3. 題目原文出自 "The Atlantic"(美國很有深度的文化月刊)2003 年 11 月號,Christopher Hitchens 針對 Fred Kaplan 寫的馬克‧吐 溫傳記所撰的書評 果然是 Mark Twain!原句如下:     "Contemptuous as he may have been of the Gilded Age and the acquisitive society, Twain was ever ravenous for money, and his acumen was almost inversely proportionate to his ambition." 書評網址: ● 答案不該是 "unimpressed by" 的理據     如果答案是 "unimpressed by",題目應當寫成(以下只是舉例) "Always contemptuous of the acquisitive society in which he lived, Twain was utterly unimpressed by money." 才比較合理。 ● 答案是 "ravenous for" 的額外理據 "as"(即 "although")指示一個重要的轉折,所以空格要和「雖然馬 克‧吐溫很可能對自己所處社會的汲汲營營感到輕蔑」這個資訊相對, 那麼「但他自己對金錢卻也總是非常貪奪」便是很棒的後聯。 我在 Roger Wigglesworth 寫的 John Israel Montefiore 傳記中有 讀到以下的句子可以讓各位對照以助理解之透徹:     "Montefiore had learned to speak Maori, although he was contemptuous of Maori customs and habits." 註:毛利族(the Maori)是紐西蘭有名的原住民,跟「沉睡的小五郎」應該 沒有關係… : 答案是 unimpressed by : 意思我可以理解 但是這段文章我試著去拆解結構 但是沒有什麼結論 : 尤其是,contemptuous as 這邊我不太確定他是用來形容誰.. : 感謝> < P.S. thermo,我也「超級喜歡」「郭嚴文」! -- Teacher Dean 英語標準考試專家 the dean of English standardized tests 字彙意象學創始者 the originator of, the demiurge behind, the Verbal Imagery theory -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

07/31 22:31, , 1F
謝謝老師 可能機經常常會有謬誤的地方QQ 真的很感謝
07/31 22:31, 1F

08/05 12:01, , 2F
好文 謝謝老師
08/05 12:01, 2F
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