Re: [問題] 一題 Magoosh 邏輯題問題

看板GRE作者 (xzl)時間9年前 (2015/03/23 19:03), 編輯推噓3(300)
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我是謝忠理,我先解一下這個題目,再說一下我對這個題目的看法。 原題目,答案只列有爭議的兩個。 ------------------------------------------------------------ A senator, near the end of his first six-year term and running for reelection, made the claim: "Citizens of our state are thriving. While national unemployment levels have remained high, our state unemployment rate has been at astonishingly low levels for eleven years running. Clearly, everyone in our state has benefited from the economical packages I have introduced during my time in the Senate. Therefore, grateful citizens of our state ought to vote for my second term." This argument is most vulnerable to what criticism? A) It takes a condition to be the effect of something that has happened only after the condition already existed. C) It conflates political conditions with economic conditions. ------------------------------------------------------------ Q:pcgeek (原 po) 提出: 正解為 A,想請問各位,為何不能選 C 呢? 原文中提到: Clearly, everyone in our state has benefited from the economical packages I have introduced during my time in the Senate. Therefore, grateful citizens of our state ou ght to vote for my second term. 這樣豈不是把經濟狀況與其整體政治表現混為一談了嗎? 只因為 everyone in our state has benefited from the economical packages 就說大家應該將選票投給他? A:這段文章嚴格說只有一句,因為後半是個很長的引述句。為了分 析,我將引述句內容以(句中)句為單位,拆開成為四句。 1. Citizens of ... are thriving. (小結論:生活好) 2. While national ... years running. (生活好的證據) 3. Clearly, everyone ... the Senate. (生活好的原因) 4. Therefore, grateful ... second term. (主要結論,因為生活好,所以要投票感恩) 分析內容後,我們應該可以確定,前三句都在說經濟狀況。 只有最後一句話算是政治,因為這裡說到要投票給該參議員。 所以整個論述是: 以經濟狀況為因(前三句)得到政治目的的果(最後一句) 經濟與政治是因果關係,但是這前後四句話並沒有將經濟與政治 「混」在一起。 這應該就是 Magoosh 的原始說明中所稱的: (C) is wrong because the argument is not mixing up economic conditions and political conditions. The two are clearly separate in the argument. 但如果說這樣就是「混在一起」,那麼 外面在下大雨,我們今晚就在家裡吃吧。 是不是就會被說成是:「將天氣狀況與飲食方式混在一起」?若 如此,我們說的話幾乎都不合邏輯了。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 補充我對這題的看法: 一、這題的文字不夠佳,反映出題目「可能」設計不良 原文一開始寫道: A senator, near the end of his first six-year term and running for reelection, made the claim: 這 near the end of his first six-year term 與 running for reelection 是怎麼平行的? 而本題問句是: This argument is most vulnerable to what criticism? 這是問句的句型嗎? 我之所以會挑這些毛病,是因為在教學中,常有同學拿坊間參考 書來問我問題,當我讀到題目的文字不符合用字、文法或句型時 ,我都會告訴同學,見微知著,這種題目的其他部分也可能不夠 嚴謹,因而產生出一些似是而非引人爭議的地方。所以除非同學 非常執著,否則我都會請他們不必在這種地方太糾結。 二、邏輯題目先做 GRE 的官方考古題,做完了還想再做,就做 GMAT 的官方考古題。全做完了,也都全弄懂了(不是用猜的),那 GRE 的邏輯題一定高分。其他坊間題目,參考就好了。LSAT 的 題目不太建議做,因為有些題目的類型與 GRE 不同,怕同學不 會分辨,做多了浪費自己的時間。 以上,提供給各位做參考 謝忠理 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

03/23 19:54, , 1F
03/23 19:54, 1F

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03/24 01:25, 3F
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文章代碼(AID): #1L3_BqO8 (GRE)