[回報] 7.22 大阪下午場

看板GRE作者 (Tiesto)時間13年前 (2011/07/22 20:47), 編輯推噓3(304)
留言7則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
V:640 Q:800 沒壓分的分數 有點丟臉= =+++ 因為我填充只準備了高頻 閱讀也亂選 類比 charismatic:appeal=presumptuous:panache debase:stature=chill:temperature filmstrip:frame=medley:song irrigate:water=fund:money mill:grinding=scissor:cutting (第一題) monopoly:competition=varied:unity (好像是變體 不過還是很容易選) ungovernable:manage=unalienable:transfer bend:rigid=submerge:buoyant 反義 affability <=> unfriendliness affinity <=> aversion compunction <=> absence of misgiving obdurate <=> pliable (第三題) pallid <=> colorful sunder <=> yoke transparent <=> deceitful vagrant <=> constant vitality <=> enervation 填充 "Some report suggest that allergy ______ (reaction) by Aspirin is sparse; In deed, Aspirin _________ asthma【译文】由阿司匹林引起的过敏很少见,事实上,阿司 匹林加重了哮喘" palliate/ …prompt The writers the author discusses are to varying degree, _____figure, in..... they either conflict environment or only in their imaginable...... 傳說中的【选项一】mercurial【选项二】pedestrian 【选项三】eccentric 爭議題 這題是我的第二題 我選mercurial 我是沒掉庫 不過分數不高不知是不是這題的問題 Although sincere friendship is established out of pure goodwill ____ with self consideration, _____ will come to us at a later time. unmixed/ advantages The virtue of N(名字)'s poetry is its uttering……(中间有个词都是说他的诗 的品质之類的) Very few can show ____ portrait of those. ugliness……unsentimental 有一本书看起来很肤浅,但是实际上很 。(不肤浅反义) This book looks very superficial, but is actually profound and _____. erudite Although electronic locomotive were in service since 1895, the high cost of it ______the widespread of its____ impede …… adoption 有一題填空沒看過 不過我也只有看高頻和早上的小樣@@ 閱讀 117 月球的起源 119 女作家(Hurston)作品的三派评论 127 矿工生活 Q請參考官方 1.糖果題 答案用力背下來就是了... MLKN/6.2 我用算的可是第一題要排變動"百分比"的大小 我算成變動的大小 寫到下一題才想到 簡直崩潰 第二題我又看不懂題目 只記得6.2就選了 x<0 x^2=4 ColA:x ColB:-2 選C 一個正方形邊長6x 一個長方形長8x+2寬3x+1 兩者面積相同 問x? =3 還有一題是有一個數線圖上面顯示 x<-2<y<-1<z<0<w ColA:yz ColB:xw 選A 再來一題是ColA:2^74+2^74+2^74+2^74 ColB:2^76 選C 小弟數學應該是錯兩題 還有800真是謝天謝地 issue: It is a grave mistake to theorize before one has data. 在获得数据之前就进行理论阐述,这是一个严重的错误。 高頻15 通用184 argument: A recent study shows that people living on the continent of North America suffer 9 times more chronic fatigue and 31 times more chronic depression than do people living on the continent of Asia. Interestingly, Asians, on average, eat 20 grams of soy per day, whereas North Americans eat virtually none. It turns out that soy contains phytochemicals called isoflavones, which have been found to possess disease–preventing properties. Thus, North Americans should consider eating soy on a regular basis as a way of preventing fatigue and depression. 高頻20 通用162 謝謝大陸的官方和GRE版的朋友 讓我這一月JJ流得到滿意的結果 小弟下台一鞠躬<(_ _)> 另外我今天AW考完出來休息的時候 看到有個韓國人在看資料 不過當場沒被抓到@@ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tiesto1114 來自: (07/22 21:39)

07/22 22:10, , 1F
07/22 22:10, 1F

07/22 23:49, , 2F
原來會抓啊 是說我也有帶去那邊無聊看一下(看不熟)
07/22 23:49, 2F

07/22 23:49, , 3F
還好沒怎樣...= =" 不過說明有說休息空間都有錄影
07/22 23:49, 3F

07/22 23:49, , 4F
不會調出來拉近看我在看啥吧 0rz
07/22 23:49, 4F

07/22 23:52, , 5F
不過是進場前看的 中場休息沒出來@@"
07/22 23:52, 5F

07/23 00:07, , 6F
他是在中間休息的時候看的啊 所以應該算作弊吧@@
07/23 00:07, 6F

07/23 01:31, , 7F
07/23 01:31, 7F
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文章代碼(AID): #1EAN55N_ (GRE)