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看板GRE作者 (小賴)時間14年前 (2010/01/29 17:16), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
V:640 Q:770 順序 IAVQ+I I: 154"Sometimes imagination is a more valuable asset than experience. People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes." A: The following is a memorandum from the sales director to the president of the Healthy-and-Good food company. "A recent study indicates that Venadial, a new margarine currently produced only in the country of Alta, actually reduces cholesterol levels. Derived from the resin of pine trees, Venadial works by activating a metabolic response that is not yet well understood. However, cholesterol levels fell ten to fifteen percent among participants in the study who consumed Venadial daily, and the risk of heart attack by one-third. In addition, the new margarine is so popular that stores in Alta are unable to keep it on their shelves. Therefore, if our company obtains the exclusive right to sell Venadial internationally, our profits are sure to increase substantially within a very short time." 兩題好像都不是高頻題 V: 抱歉,因為太緊張,我考完差不多都忘了, 不過所有的類反都不陌生,CAT跟韓2年裡都有看過, 第六題出現填充,第十題出現閱讀,算運氣不錯。 還有目前應該沒換題,所以當月機經請不要放過! 我有遇到nuance <> 閱讀也有遇到牛頓跟煉金術 剩下的我想到再補上! Latent<> Tranistory<> persistent Conciliate<> Bribe:incorruptible = : : = affected:insensible <> nettle Vitiate <> fortify Q: 我覺得比pp難很多, 很多很長的敘述需要花時間算, 也有很多很繞口的題目花了一點時間, 我後面剩5分鐘算10題,時間很趕, 算很快也不知道對不對就一直猜,還漏了最後一題, 有770很開心了 (可能前面算得好) 有4,5題印度機經都有,所以想考好印度jj要記得做喔! 我最後加試I,結果被管理人員說服寫了..... 新題型滿有趣的,給你一個issue,又給你一個支持它的reason, 然後要你贊成或反對,不過只有30分鐘可以寫。 (不過管理人員應該覺得我很囉嗦,因為我常常舉手,希望她不要覺得我鬼鬼祟祟。) 因為部隊可以申請外出補習, 去年6月補老方, 11月底退伍, 從12月開始拼兩個月, 終於解脫了, 祝大家殺G成功! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/29 17:17, , 1F
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01/29 18:22, , 2F
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我今天跟你同考場 我是第一個考的那一個
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※ 編輯: littledevon 來自: (01/29 21:49) ※ 編輯: littledevon 來自: (01/29 21:49)

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