[字彙] 紅寶p.263

看板GRE作者 (XINATION)時間15年前 (2009/07/11 19:19), 編輯推噓21(2100)
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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23564107 請用infuriate、inflict來照個句吧 ps.音檔晚點在放上去,還在upload中 參考 inflame <> subdue inflammation <> mollification inflate:burst=pull:tear infuse <> drain away ----------------------------------- inflame in-flame(fire) v.使燃燒 [To set on fire; kindle.] v.加劇 [To make more violent; intensify] ex.An already savage nature is inflamed to madness. v.發炎 [To produce inflammation in (a tissue or organ).] ps. inflame這個的意念就是"火上加油",讓事情變的更stong的意思。 inflame <> assuage inflamed adj.發炎的 ex. His inner ears were inflamed. 他的內耳發過炎。 inflammation n. [the act or fact of inflaming.] n.發炎 [Pathology. redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, heat, and disturbed function of an area of the body, esp. as a reaction of tissues to injurious agents.] infuriate in-fury(anger)-ate v.使大怒 [to make furious; enrage.] infuriate:rage ( v / n) inflate in-flat(blow)-e v.充氣 [To fill (something) with air or gas so as to make it swell.] ex. I inflated the basketball. v.膨脹(ex.過度驕傲) [To raise or expand abnormally or improperly] ex. He is inflated with pride. ps. inflation n.通貨膨脹 (市面上流通的貨幣數提高了;物價會變高) inflate:burst (前cause後) review deflate v.放氣 [ to release the air or gas] v.緊縮(通貨) inflict in-flict(strike) v. [ to impose anything unwelcome] ex. The typhoon inflicted severe damage on the island. 颱風給島上造成重大損失。 ps. conflict n/v.衝突 influx in-flux(flow) n.流入 [act of flowing in.] ex. an influx of customers 顧客的蜂擁而來 ex. to stop the influx of illegal aliens. influx <> exodus n.外出 infuse in-fuse(pour) v.注入 [To put into or introduce as if by pouring] ex. infuse new life into the troops 給軍隊注入新的活力 v.使充滿 ps. 泡茶 = infuse tea review con-found(=fuse;pour注入) [共同注入就會使人混亂] v.使混亂;使困惑 from L. confundere "to confuse," lit. "to pour ex. confused adj.困惑的 - informed adj.見多識廣的 [having or prepared with information or knowledge] adj.根據情報的 [Possessing, displaying, or based on reliable information] ps. information n.資訊 infraction in-fract(break)-ion n.違犯 [breach; violation; infringement] ex. an infraction of a moral/social code. ps. 你有沒有覺得fract 跟break的發音很像呢。 事實上,就是音相同,而有能互換。 infringe in-fringe v.違犯 [ to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress] ex. They infringe the principle of non-discrimination. 他們違犯了非歧視原則。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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