[字彙] 紅寶--p.189

看板GRE作者 (XINATION)時間15年前 (2009/02/18 21:57), 編輯推噓31(3102)
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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22476863 給個推吧~ 其實我很期待推推耶 -------------------------------------------------- execute ex-(s)ecut(follow)-e v.執行 [to carry out; accomplish] ex. to execute a plan or order. v.將...處死 ex. The murderer was executed on the gallows. 殺人犯被處絞刑 ps. executive n.經理;執行官 CEO =chief executive officer 首席執行官 ps.2 .exe impossible:executed=adamant:moved 不可能的無法被執行=堅硬的無法被打動 exemplify exempl(=exemplum; example)-ify v.作為...的例子 [To serve as an example of] ex. The room's style exemplifies his ideal of 'beauty and practicality'. exemplary exempl(=exemplum; example)-ary [能成為例子的] adj.可做模範的 [worthy of imitation; commendable] ex. exemplary conduct. adj.懲戒性的 [ serving as a warning] ex. an exemplary penalty. exempt ex-empt(take) v.免除,豁免 [to free from an obligation or liability to which others are subject; release] ex. to exempt a student from an examination. ex. to exempt from military service. adj.被免除的;被豁免的 ex. Religious organizations are exempt from taxation. 宗教機構被免除賦稅。 ps. preempt v.以先買權獲得;先佔有 [這個字我們以後會特別說明] exert ex-(s)ert(join) [盡力推使指之相連] v.行使;發揮 [to put forth or into use, as power; exercise, as ability or influence] v.盡力 [ to put (oneself) into strenuous, vigorous action or effort.] ex. to exerted all my strength to move the box. 字源:1647, from L. exertus, pp. of exerere "thrust out, put forth," from ex- "out" + serere "attach, join" (see series). exhale ex-hale(breathe) v.吐氣 [ to emit breath or vapor; breathe out.] ex. He exhaled a billow of cigar smoke. 他吐出一股雪茄煙。 ps. inhale v.吸氣 exhaust ex-haust(draw) v.用完,耗盡 [To drain of resources or properties; deplete] ex. tobacco crops that exhausted the soil. v.詳盡研究;詳盡論述 ex. to exhaust a topic. vi.排出氣體 n.排出的氣 字源:1533, "to draw off or out, to use up completely," from L. exhaustus, pp. exhaurire "draw off, take away, use up," from ex- "off" + haurire "to draw up" (as water), exhausted:rest 疲憊的需要休息 exhaustive ex-haust-ive adj.無遺漏的; 詳盡的 ex. After an exhaustive search the missing document was found. 經過徹底搜尋丟失的文件被找到了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/18 22:00, , 1F
02/18 22:00, 1F

02/18 22:04, , 2F
大推X大的分享 感恩
02/18 22:04, 2F

02/18 22:09, , 3F
辛苦X大了!! 大家都要加油~
02/18 22:09, 3F

02/18 22:10, , 4F
02/18 22:10, 4F

02/18 22:36, , 5F
有看有推! 謝謝
02/18 22:36, 5F

02/18 22:51, , 6F
02/18 22:51, 6F

02/18 22:53, , 7F
02/18 22:53, 7F

02/19 00:11, , 8F
02/19 00:11, 8F

02/19 03:19, , 9F
02/19 03:19, 9F

02/19 07:28, , 10F
02/19 07:28, 10F

02/19 09:20, , 11F
02/19 09:20, 11F

02/19 09:29, , 12F
推推~~ 給你鼓勵鼓勵
02/19 09:29, 12F

02/19 10:04, , 13F
感謝X大~ 也給一個推推~y
02/19 10:04, 13F

02/19 10:23, , 14F
02/19 10:23, 14F

02/19 10:44, , 15F
02/19 10:44, 15F

02/19 11:17, , 16F
02/19 11:17, 16F

02/19 11:40, , 17F
02/19 11:40, 17F

02/19 12:33, , 18F
02/19 12:33, 18F

02/19 13:04, , 19F
02/19 13:04, 19F

02/19 15:36, , 20F
02/19 15:36, 20F

02/19 16:18, , 21F
超推 以後整理起來出書造福大眾吧!!
02/19 16:18, 21F

02/19 17:09, , 22F
02/19 17:09, 22F

02/19 18:10, , 23F
02/19 18:10, 23F

02/19 19:40, , 24F
02/19 19:40, 24F

02/19 20:11, , 25F
02/19 20:11, 25F

02/19 21:04, , 26F
02/19 21:04, 26F

02/19 21:58, , 27F
02/19 21:58, 27F

02/19 23:15, , 28F
02/19 23:15, 28F

02/20 09:21, , 29F
02/20 09:21, 29F

02/20 20:10, , 30F
02/20 20:10, 30F

02/20 20:49, , 31F
推一個 幹的好!
02/20 20:49, 31F

02/21 21:54, , 32F
推推 一定要推x大的啦
02/21 21:54, 32F

02/22 00:32, , 33F
推 感謝
02/22 00:32, 33F
文章代碼(AID): #19d1FShM (GRE)