Re: [CR. ] pp2-17

看板GMAT作者 (Javy)時間10年前 (2014/11/13 22:27), 10年前編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《si4410dy (si4410dy)》之銘言: : 17. (26864-!-item-!-188;#058&003368) : At present the Hollywood Restaurant has only standard-height tables. : However, many customers come to watch the celebrities who frequent the : Hollywood, and they would prefer tall tables with stools because such seating : would afford a better view of the celebrities. Moreover, diners seated on : stools typically do not stay as long as diners seated at standard-height : tables. Therefore, if the Hollywood replaced some of its seating with high : tables and stools, its profits would increase. ^^^^^^^ : The argument is vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it gives reason : to believe that it is likely that : (A) some celebrities come to the Hollywood to be seen, and so might choose to : sit at the tall tables if they were available : (B) the price of meals ordered by celebrities dining at the Hollywood : compensates for the longer time, if any, they spend lingering over their meals : (C) a customer of the Hollywood who would choose to sit at a tall table would : be an exception to the generalization about lingering : (D) a restaurant's customers who spend less time at their meals typically : order less expensive meals than those who remain at their meals longer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : (E) with enough tall tables to accommodate all the Hollywood's customers : interested in such seating, there would be no view except of other tall tabl : OA:C : 想請問這題的D選項 : 花較少時間吃飯通常點的較便宜,反之亦然 : 為何不能這樣解: : 部分換成高腳桌椅的點的變成較便宜所以profit不會increase 便宜指的是價格高低 profit指的是中間的利潤 這之間沒有直接的關聯,因為缺乏「成本」這個因素 單位利潤=單位價格-單位成本 所以便宜的餐點搞不好成本很低很低,profit反而高 比較貴的餐點搞不好成本非常高,反而賺不到多少錢 這也是自修影片中有講到的「動態平衡」概念(10'25"開始)
Dustin -- Dustin Deng (一戰自修760,AWA 5.5) Dustin SC專班: Dustin的GMAT自修頻道: 台灣GMAT心得文資料庫: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: danyuchn (, 11/13/2014 22:28:03 ※ 編輯: danyuchn (, 11/13/2014 22:36:19

11/14 16:24, , 1F
豁然開朗懂了 感謝dustin
11/14 16:24, 1F
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