Re: [SC. ] OG12-114

看板GMAT作者 (想知道和世界頂尖的差距)時間9年前 (2014/07/30 00:38), 編輯推噓1(100)
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想請問關於 whose跳躍修飾的問題... 想請問 whose做跳躍修飾只能在"限定" 中使用嗎? "非限定" 能使用跳躍修飾嗎?! 此題中 , whose members made ....... 這裡的whose 應該是修飾 associations吧?! 假如whose是修飾 associations, 這樣whose不就能在非限定中 使用跳躍修飾嗎?! 感恩 ^^ ※ 引述《max6 (啊囉哈)》之銘言: : 1.OG12-SC114 : The original building and loan associations were : organized as limited life funds, whose members made : monthly payments on their share subscriptions, : -------------- : then taking turns drawing on the funds for home : -------------------------- : mortgages. : (A) subscriptions, then taking turns drawing : (B) subscriptions, and then taking turns drawing : (C) subscriptions and then took turns drawing : (D) subscriptions and then took turns, they drew : (E) subscriptions and then drew, taking turns : 答案是C : 我覺得A也很好 : 莫老說 V, Ving/Ved 可視為 V1 and V2 : 所以 A=C : 或著說taking turns這動作附屬於made monthly payment : 這樣解釋似乎也很合理 : 請問這樣解釋行得通嗎? : 2.OG12-D48 : Critics contend that the new missile is a weapon : whose importance is largely symbolic, more a tool : for manipulating people’s perceptions than for fulfilling a : real military need. : 請問more a tool...在這句子裡扮演什麼角色,是a weapon的同位語嗎? : 感激不盡 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

07/30 11:21, , 1F
07/30 11:21, 1F
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