Re: [閒聊] 關於金州勇士隊

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 (勇士加油)時間20年前 (2004/01/11 04:51), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ 引述《BYANG (Murphy快先發吧!)》之銘言: : : 2004/01/09/SPGRT46SEC1.DTL : Ray Ratto 是 San Francisco Chronicle 報紙的專欄作家, : 也替 寫文章。 : 蠻賤的,但是寫的很中肯。 : 如果要支持勇士隊,就是要接受這些事實~ : So, you guys ready? ^_^ : ######## : 前兩段是說: : To better understand the current friction between : Warriors head coach Eric Musselman and point guard : Nick Van Exel, you must first come to grips with : one central and unshakable truth: : 要深入了解近來教練 Eric Musselman : 與控球後衛 Nick Van Exel 之間的不愉快, : 你必須要先了解一個最中心,不可動搖的真理: : It's the Warriors, for God's sake! : This is who they are! This is what they do! : What kind of glue addiction would make you think : it could be any other way? : 拜託~這是勇士隊,我的老天爺啊~ : 這就是真正的勇士隊啊!這就是勇士隊會做的事情啊! : 什麼樣的瘋狂膠水會讓你以為勇士隊不會這樣子搞分裂? 快笑翻了啦.... 這傢伙嘴巴真的很賤.......... : 另外一段: : The team isn't athletic enough, in a conference : loaded with athletic teams. It doesn't have enough scorers. : It doesn't have go-to guys, at least not ones in which : the coach is willing to invest his trust. : 這隻球隊運動力不足,而整個西區充滿了運動力極佳的隊伍。 : (包括目前戰績還落後我們的太陽隊。猜猜看他們會不會"跳"過我們?) : 這隻球隊的得分點不夠。 : 這隻球隊沒有"那個人",最少沒有一個足以讓教練信任的那個人。 : 還有: : Now we'd be more willing to spin the old alibi wheel with a cheery, : "Hey, stuff happens," and "Everyone goes through a tough patch," : and "It's hard to win on the road," : but we've seen too much, too often. : Fool us eight times, shame on you, and all that. : 現在讓我們來轉動那古老的"藉口輪盤"吧! : 上面振奮人心的選擇有:"嘿!不好的事情總是會發生的嘛!" : "每個人都要經歷一陣辛苦的日子的。" : "客場比較難以取勝嘛~" 但是客場輸巫師18分也太離譜了吧!!!...>_< : 但是我們勇士隊球迷!已經見識太多,太常看到這種情況了~ : 你要是被騙八次,那就太可恥了吧? : This is, after all, the team's 18th losing streak of : seven or more games since 1995, their seventh verifiable : "The coach doesn't understand me'' issue, and, finally, : it comes after the start of the new year, : when the Warriors traditionally let gravity take its course : and begin filling their individual golf schedules. : 畢竟這是自從1995年以來,勇士隊第十八次最少七連敗的連敗紀錄, : 第七次發生可以確認的"教練不了解我"的問題。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 這句是經典呀!! 每年都有人會把這句搬出來,即使是看似光明的去年 : 這些都發生在新年之後,也就是勇士隊依照每年的傳統, : 戰績開始往谷底落下,然後大家開始安排高爾夫球課程的時候。 : Van Exel's ongoing complaint, that he doesn't know whether : Musselman wants him to assert himself offensively, : is actually a complaint that he already has the answer to, : and he doesn't like it. : Van Exel 最近不斷抱怨的問題, : 說他不知道教練要不要他在進攻上更為投入, : 其實他早就已經有答案了,只是他不喜歡那個答案而已。 唉Van Exel可以讓你為他瘋狂,也可以是一個徹底的混蛋...>_< : Now, before this sounds like we're laying the Warriors' : latest fall from mediocrity at Van Exel's feet, : or even at his apparently fractious relationship with Musselman, : let's stop here and remind you all of the conventional wisdom : attached to the Warriors before the season began. : 但是,在這聽起來像是把勇士隊戰績低迷的問題,矛頭指向 Van Exel, : 或者指向他與教練 Eric Musselman 的關係之前, : 先暫停一下,提醒各位,大多數人在球季開始前對於勇士隊本季的展望,如下。 : Not good. Likely to be bad. Maybe even really bad. : Best possible scenario -- 10th, : and out of the playoffs for the 10th consecutive year. : 不好。可能會是差勁。搞不好是非常爛。 : 最好的名次是西區第十名,然後連續第十年打不進季後賽。 : Well, they've achieved not good, and they are bordering on bad. : As Memphis, Houston, Seattle and Denver have improved : and Utah has failed to decompose after the losses of : Karl Malone and John Stockton, : the Warriors now are in slightly worse shape relative : to the conference than they were at the end of last year, : when they acted like going 38-44 was actually 58-24. : "不好"的境界我們已經達到了,然後現在在"差勁"的邊界。 : 灰熊,火箭,超音速,金塊都進步了, : 而爵士也沒有在兩老離隊之後爆掉~ : 現在勇士隊在西區,看起來實在不太妙。 還有快艇,連他們也在核心球員固定後可以打出幾場的好球 而勇士勒~~~~~~~~~~~~ : And hey, after going 21-61, 17-65 and 19-63 : the three years before that, you could hardly blame them. : Face up in a puddle is still way better than face down. : 不過呢,嘿,自從1999-2000起的三個球季, : 勇士隊的戰績分別是19勝63敗,17勝65敗,21勝61敗, : 所以,也別太責備他們了~ : 在一灘死水裡面癱著,臉朝上總比臉朝下來的好些~ : (BYANG: 臉朝上要叫救護車,臉朝下...恐怕就要叫警察了~) : But whatever you want to say about pure hope and blind faith : and tireless devotion, it cannot overcome the simple fact that : the Warriors' roster has less talent on it now than it did last year. : And less talent is never good. : 不管要說什麼單純的希望,盲目的信仰,還是不嫌累的付出, : 都沒有辦法克服這個簡單的事實: : 勇士隊的球員天份比去年更差,而天份更差絕對不是一件好事。 : 最後幾段: 天份被人家花錢買走了,這就是無耐呀!!! : Now it could get better with the Warriors, : as it did at least for a while last year. : It could also get worse, as it usually does. : After all, their last eight Januaries have produced : a winning percentage of .280, while their last nine Februaries : a .250 percentage. The next two weeks will tell us : whether the Warriors are just hitting their traditional wall, : or have actually lost the will to hang with the playoff contenders. : 現在呢,球隊可能會變得更好,如同去年球隊在一小段時間內打出來的成果﹔ : 也有可能變得更糟,如同,嗯,勇士隊一向發生的情況~ : 畢竟勇士隊過去八年的一月份戰績,勝率是.280 : 而過去九年的二月份戰績,勝率是.250(也就是說打四場才贏一場....) 原來已經變傳統了,這......... 台灣到三月以前,都不會有勇士的轉撥,所以看不到勇士的慘狀 (印象中球季末有場轉撥,不知道有記錯嗎?) : 接下來的兩個禮拜,將會告訴我們,勇士隊只是撞到那道傳統的牆, : 還是喪失了跟西區季後賽隊伍一決長短的意願。 : But the important thing to see is that whatever it is, : it isn't the light at the tunnel ... not yet, anyway. : 最重要的是,不管你看到了什麼, : 那都不是漫長陰暗隧道盡頭處的光芒~ : ######## : 不是我在說,這真是一隻充滿了挫折的球隊。 : 球迷們年年抱持一點點的希望,年年失望~ : 然後隔年的希望就越來越小.... : 要觀察這隻球隊,不能夠以戰績作為任何指標, : 因為最後他們總是可以輸的一褲子~ : 也不能拿球員發展來參考什麼, : 因為球員打個幾年,打出身價來了,很快就會以更高的薪水去幫別隊效力~ : 真的要支持某個特定球員的話,勇士隊並不會讓球迷開心, : 因為我們拼命輸球,球隊的問題也一大堆~ : 就算你辛苦的把這隻球隊上上下下的問題全部列出來了, : 勇士隊總是可以跑出新的問題來讓你措手不及! : 有些GM的表現就算差強人意,總也是起起伏伏,有好有壞, : 但是勇士隊的GM表現非常的一致。 : 個人強力推薦網站: 這有趣的站還頗有名的,不過這個網站還是失望了,我們仍然沒有成功的留下Arenas 不過現在看看還是很有趣啦,這大概是道出了勇士球迷的哀怨(其實還蠻幽默的) 為什麼有些人在別隊就好好的,一來勇士就開始擺爛...>< 再說Arenas吧!據說他本人認為待在勇士的時光很快樂,勇士的確因為一些問題沒能給 他頂級合約,可是勇士如果更積極一點展現誠意,說不定還是有機會留他 也許先跟他簽一年短約,隔年再給他一份頂級的合約. 可是勇士高層在這件事上展現的誠意真的不夠,竟然在Arenas還沒決定前 就搶先簽下Speedy,一副我已經找好備胎的樣子,真是的........ 後來跟小牛的交易跟Arenas的離隊絕對脫不了關係,去年隊上的第一人雖然是Jamison 但是明眼人都看的出來,Arenas的表現才是左右球隊勝敗的人, 他可以是我們要的"那個人",這種球員真的難找,可是我們還是失去了他. : 以上與各位關心勇士隊的球迷朋友們分享。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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