Re: [分享] 來自中國東莞台資裕元鞋廠罷工現場

看板FuMouDiscuss作者 (妍皮不裹痴骨)時間10年前 (2014/04/18 16:13), 10年前編輯推噓7(7016)
留言23則, 10人參與, 最新討論串3/4 (看更多)
hfptt:臺灣人滾你媽B就對了,再不滾你媽就白生你了 04/18 15:38 =================================================================== @ The Jerusalem Post Emmanuel Lincot, chairman of contemporary China studies and vice dean for international affairs at the Catholic University of Paris. “This beginning of integration with China has presented a good opportunity for Taiwan to emerge on the political and international stage,” he said. “It ’s been a smart move by Ma – integration through globalization.” And Lincot further stated that Taiwan has not been – and will not be – the only beneficiary of the cross-strait agreements. China, he said, may need Taiwan more than Taiwan needs China. 中國需要台灣 也許超過 台灣需要中國 “The Communist Party in China is in crisis – and the biggest investor in China now is Taiwan. Almost 30 million jobs in China depend on Taiwan, and 中國的最大外資是台灣 中國境內有幾乎3000萬個工作 要依賴台灣 there is an interdependence between the two economies. “China needs the support of Taiwan, it seems totally asymmetrical, but it’s real.” 中國需要台灣的支持 這看似極為不對稱 但這是真實的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 編輯: leefengyuh (, 04/18/2014 16:15:46

04/18 16:14, , 1F
觀點不太對 中國人治社會 台商走了廠房剛好被接走
04/18 16:14, 1F

04/18 16:15, , 2F
中國人沒在管吃相 況且又是臭到極點的台商 被吃剛好
04/18 16:15, 2F

04/18 16:16, , 3F
看到八卦那幾個台商瞧不起中國勞工的嘴臉 真的希望他們
04/18 16:16, 3F

04/18 16:16, , 4F
04/18 16:16, 4F

04/18 16:16, , 5F
04/18 16:16, 5F

04/18 16:17, , 6F
之前八卦板就有台商ID 瞧不起台灣勞工也信不過中國勞工
04/18 16:17, 6F

04/18 16:17, , 7F
04/18 16:17, 7F

04/18 16:20, , 8F
現在直接外資top1 是香港 台灣往後退一點
04/18 16:20, 8F

04/18 16:24, , 9F
04/18 16:24, 9F

04/18 16:26, , 10F
04/18 16:26, 10F

04/18 16:26, , 11F
04/18 16:26, 11F

04/18 16:27, , 12F
04/18 16:27, 12F

04/18 16:27, , 13F
04/18 16:27, 13F

04/18 16:28, , 14F
不過痛幹慣老闆 不分國界
04/18 16:28, 14F

04/18 16:32, , 15F
26 不法台商你就用力給他死吧死吧死吧 不痛他們無感的
04/18 16:32, 15F

04/18 16:33, , 16F
所以說經濟吸引26我完全不相信啊 這是鬼島耶
04/18 16:33, 16F

04/18 16:33, , 17F
會吸引26 政府因素絕對撇不掉
04/18 16:33, 17F

04/18 16:40, , 18F
04/18 16:40, 18F

04/18 16:48, , 19F
說到底共狗就是鬼島台商和美帝養的啊 都是歐美品牌
04/18 16:48, 19F

04/18 16:58, , 20F
04/18 16:58, 20F

04/18 17:02, , 21F
04/18 17:02, 21F

04/18 17:02, , 22F
04/18 17:02, 22F

04/18 22:04, , 23F
痛幹慣老闆 不分國界
04/18 22:04, 23F
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文章代碼(AID): #1JKDwTk_ (FuMouDiscuss)