Re: 杜拜男網賽決賽

看板Federer作者 (He got 16, going on 17)時間13年前 (2011/02/27 18:30), 編輯推噓11(11026)
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針對前前有板友說 Rog 在場上想辦法...恩... 大略翻一下 Rickyroger Djokovic's game in the first set was even better than his game at the AO against Roger. By a good bit. 91% first serves or so at one point. And the best I've ever seen him hit the ball. Ever. 不管誰輸誰贏,稱讚Djokovic,沒有很難 Djo第一盤擊球狀態是有史以來我看過的最好,最好! If people ever wonder what "the zone" is, that was it right there in that first set. 大家如果還在想說啥叫"神領域",第一盤就是。 MARCIAF said it beautifully; that all the while it seemed Roger was simply trying to find a way back into the match, as though he wanted to push "restart". This had everything to do with Novak. Not the result entirely, but definitely the start and the first set. Rog想把比賽歸零重新開始,但Djo不准 Also, if Roger did talk things out with Paul, I didn't see it. Novak most certainly spoke to Vajda a good deal. Lovely graphic shown where 73% of all balls were hit to Roger's backhand, and you could see Roger trying his best to run around it but Novak was always on the front foot on serve and Roger was always on the back foot with his poor serving, hence Novak feasted on that equation. 我沒看到Rog跟Annacone的戰術。但 Novak 肯定跟他的教練說的可清楚了:73% 的球 打向 Rog 的反拍,Rog 雖然很努力奔跑救球,但 Novak 發球好,Rog 則相反;正重他的 下懷。 Now onto what Roger did wrong. I can understand that Roger really was dealing with a better player on the day, but I was so disappointed in how he didn't use the court at all. He still moves so well, but never changes it up. What a waste. I hardly saw him slice today. Instead he took Novak on in groundstroke exchanges. A Novak who simply thinks he can beat anyone. The only way you get a person of the zone is to change things up, not mildly, but radically. Chip everything. Charge on every second serve return. Serve a slow first serve. Slice every backhand for a whole game. Just bust the opponent out of the beautiful world he is living in. 來談談 Rog 做錯了什麼,可以看出 Rog 今天就是在打個神魂附體的選手,但我不免失望 他居然打法這樣單調。他移位依然很棒,但都沒有變化。今天幾乎都沒看到切球,相反地 只看到他在底線跟 Novak 對幹,跟一個信心高漲的 Novak 對幹。把這種人把神壇上請下 來的唯一方法就是改變節奏,不是只變一點,而要變很大。切切切,二發都給他切回去, 發超慢速一發,就是把他的狀態給攪亂。 I saw none of that. Roger was content to simply try and beat Novak at his own game, which ironically, for the better part of the 2000s, was his own game, which is why he is struggling to let go of it. Paul would have been pulling his hair out (whatever's left of it). 今天啥都沒看到,Rog 就只就想在底線擊潰 Novak,但令人莞爾的是自21世紀以來這底線 大部分菁華還都是他自己的 XD 也說明了為啥他很難放棄。 I've said it before and I'll say it again. Roger's problem now is just one thing; lack of an ability to truly THINK on the court in terms of match dynamics. He simply does not change things up. He does not see subtle things his opponents are doing anymore to be able to adjust on the fly. He just eggs on with the same game. Where Paul has helped immensely until now is in helping Roger reach that level of "minimal excellence". Roger, since Annacone, moves, better, hits better, volleys better, and even has a better second serve, which guarantees him a path to finals/SFs. But when he has to meet someone at the same level, the younger guy does two things better: 之前說過了現在再說一遍,Rog 現在的問題只有一個那就是在場上當比賽進行他無法清楚 的思考。他就是沒有不同的戰術,他沒看到對手做的一些細微的事情,然後就此因應,他 就是在孵同樣的打法。教練到目前為止幫他最多得就是讓他各項技術都好一點。Rog 自從 請他之後移位有快一點,擊球更好一點,截擊友準確一點,甚至二發都更有攻擊性,這都 讓他可以邁向四強或決賽。但當他必須打一個跟他一樣好的人,年輕人這做兩個事: 1) Keeps up his level from better mental focus 因為專注力好,整場都保有高水準 2) Sees changes quickly and adapts better 看到些微變化就能立即做調整 At that highest of high levels, that's what makes the difference. Not a faster serve or quicker feet. Just an ability to focus hard and think. Either this is age-related or he has distractions we just don't know about. But that is his problem. Hardly anything particularly technical. It doesn't matter that today he hit more BHs DTL than yesterday or whatever. He's playing at an excellent level again so those are not the things that make the difference. 在最高最高的水準,這就是決定勝負的所在,不是發球或移位;就是個專注的能力。是老 化還是心有旁鶩我們不得而知,但這是他的問題,這都不是技術面的。這跟他今天打的帥 氣反拍直線比昨天多無關,他狀態還是不錯所以這些都沒關係。 He needs to feel fresher point to point. Easier said than done. I'm sure this is it. I'll admit this was the first match of his I saw at this tournament, but it's what I think. 他必須每球都腦筋清楚,但說比做容易。 (最後兩句棄翻,因為怕被噓 XD) 筆者是打過網球而且少年時期曾被教主延攬到佛羅里達,只因父母不肯而作罷 現在是醫生,類似怪醫豪斯里的Wilson這樣 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/27 20:40, , 1F
02/27 20:40, 1F

02/27 20:40, , 2F
02/27 20:40, 2F

02/27 20:45, , 3F
mix things up...
02/27 20:45, 3F

02/27 23:50, , 4F
02/27 23:50, 4F

02/28 00:13, , 5F
02/28 00:13, 5F

02/28 00:18, , 6F
切球少.就說要多切球 切球多.就說要少切球
02/28 00:18, 6F

02/28 00:19, , 7F
費爸最大問題就是反拍 體力已不容許他持續的閃身正拍
02/28 00:19, 7F

02/28 00:19, , 8F
而一旦當天反拍狀況不穩 就可能影響到正拍狀況
02/28 00:19, 8F

02/28 00:21, , 9F
不過對上當今其它的Top 3, 除了恢復過去的神之反拍
02/28 00:21, 9F

02/28 00:22, , 10F
02/28 00:22, 10F

02/28 00:23, , 11F
而要恢復到神的狀態 也只有看當天的狀態了
02/28 00:23, 11F

02/28 00:24, , 12F
現今的top球員 球技已與費爸不相上下了
02/28 00:24, 12F

02/28 00:25, , 13F
不可能再像過去 在狀況不好的情況下 還能贏球
02/28 00:25, 13F

02/28 01:03, , 14F
看來大家都沒把文章看清楚 orz
02/28 01:03, 14F

02/28 04:04, , 15F
我覺得除了那豆以外 切球還是非常管用 而且切球也能
02/28 04:04, 15F

02/28 04:04, , 16F
擴大費拔仿守範圍 也比單首反拍抽球不容易失誤 更不
02/28 04:04, 16F

02/28 04:05, , 17F
用說能變換節奏了 ~
02/28 04:05, 17F

02/28 15:33, , 18F
02/28 15:33, 18F

02/28 15:34, , 19F
最近幾場很常同一套打到最後 一發離家出走就沒辦法了
02/28 15:34, 19F

02/28 17:07, , 20F
我也覺得這篇寫的很中肯+1 一發一旦進不去那個發球局真
02/28 17:07, 20F

02/28 17:08, , 21F
的就危險了 反拍又不耐抽 切球是一個方法之一 但前提是
02/28 17:08, 21F

02/28 17:11, , 22F
一定要切深 若不夠深一定被對手巴的份 而且我覺得還是要
02/28 17:11, 22F

02/28 17:12, , 23F
和抽球交互使用啦 如此才能產生擾亂對手節奏的作用 下次
02/28 17:12, 23F

02/28 17:15, , 24F
02/28 17:15, 24F

02/28 17:18, , 25F
Roger一定要想好戰術啊 如此才有可能贏現狀態誇張的Djo
02/28 17:18, 25F

02/28 18:36, , 26F
如果每次都是在SF或F遇到Djo 我覺得一直輸也沒關係耶 XD
02/28 18:36, 26F

02/28 18:57, , 27F
Rogi第二盤只是一時找不回狀態 才輸的這麼乾脆
02/28 18:57, 27F

02/28 18:58, , 28F
硬要說要加強什麼 只希望一發進球率能穩定就好
02/28 18:58, 28F

02/28 18:58, , 29F
02/28 18:58, 29F

02/28 21:25, , 30F
02/28 21:25, 30F

02/28 22:20, , 31F
02/28 22:20, 31F

02/28 23:41, , 32F
現在發球的重要性更甚反拍 另外切球都切斜線居多
02/28 23:41, 32F

03/01 04:54, , 33F
發球真的好重要阿~ 但是我一直覺的 DJO接發球真的不
03/01 04:54, 33F

03/01 04:55, , 34F
是蓋的 有時候都覺得 真的發球狀況不好媽- -? 還是對
03/01 04:55, 34F

03/01 04:55, , 35F
03/01 04:55, 35F

03/02 09:56, , 36F
03/02 09:56, 36F

03/02 09:56, , 37F
03/02 09:56, 37F
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