Re: [閒聊] Federer still the best - Sampras

看板Federer作者 (我當祭品)時間16年前 (2008/06/20 11:04), 編輯推噓48(48058)
留言106則, 28人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《iliketea (喜歡喝茶)》之銘言: : 標題說明一切,今年咱們ROGI似乎是underdog : 但前球王卻力挺他喔~~不過話說回來 : 如果連草地都保不住了,那ROGI該何去何從... : 我現在連想都不敢想... : 不太會翻,誰幫翻一下吧XD : 原文網址 : Pete Sampras has dismissed suggestions that Roger Federer's four-year : dominance of tennis is on the wane. Sampras 不贊同 Roger Federer 在男子網壇長達四年的統治優勢漸漸消失了。 : Seven-times Wimbledon winner Sampras believes Federer remains the man to beat : despite the Swiss having won just two minor titles in 2008. 7次溫布頓冠軍得主Sampras 相信 Federer 仍然會獲勝,即使今年到現在Federer 只拿 了兩個冠軍。他預測Federer會達成溫布頓六連霸。 : And Sampras has backed Federer to win his sixth consecutive Wimbledon title. : "He's still the guy most likely to win the majors. He's lost a couple but if : anything that'll do him some good, it'll get him fired up," said Sampras. 『他仍然是最熱門的奪冠人選。他失去了今年的頭兩個大滿貫,但這說不定是讓他爆氣的 契機~~』Sampras說。 : "As great as Roger is he's going to have his losses and his bad days, it's : just human nature to go through some lulls. : "The media need a story and something to grab on to, like he's lost his edge. : He hasn't lost his edge. : "If he goes through the next few months and he's losing a lot and he doesn't : contend for tournaments then maybe, but I don't see that happening." : Federer was thrashed by world number two Rafael Nadal in the French Open : final earlier this month, winning just four games. 『像Roger 這樣優秀的選手也是會有高潮低潮的,這很正常。』 『媒體總是要不斷找題材來寫,就像他們現在說Roger失去他的優勢了。但我並不覺得』 『如果他接連著好幾個月都不斷的輸球,甚至開始不去參加一些賽事,那或許是有可能, 但是我沒看到這種情形。』 : And Novak Djokovic, who beat Federer in the semi-finals of the Australian : Open in January on his way to the title, says the Swiss is vulnerable. : He said: "Federer is still the number one in the world, but suddenly he feels : a little bit shaken up because of a couple of losses. Federer 在不久前的法網決賽被Nadal痛擊,只拿下四局。 此外,在今年年初澳網準決賽擊敗Federer的Novak Djokovic亦表示, 『Federer 仍然是世界第一,但是一連串的失敗讓他猛然發現情勢正在轉變』 : "It's normal to have ups and downs after four years of absolute dominance. : "New names are coming, talented players who believe they can beat him and I : am one of them. Suddenly he is a little bit worried." 『在整整四年的完全統治後,出現盛衰浮沉也是很正常的。』 『新人輩出,有天分的選手開始相信他們能擊敗球王,而我也是~~忽然,球王有些擔心 了』Djokovic說。 : Sampras, though, remains convinced that he will lose his record of 14 career : Grand Slam titles to Federer. : And the American former world number one says he wants to be present when it : happens - ideally at Wimbledon, a place he has not returned to since he : retired. 然而Sampras仍確信Federer會打破他14個大滿貫冠軍的紀錄。 Sampras說,那個時候他希望自己也能在場...如果能在他自從退休後就再也沒去的溫布頓 ,是最理想的了。 : Sampras will make his first return to London since Wimbledon 2002 when he : plays in the BlackRock Masters Tennis at the Royal Albert Hall in December. : "If I were to step back on that court at Wimbledon it would bring up a lot of : emotion, just because of what the place meant to me and how big it was to the : sport of tennis," said the American, who makes his debut on the BlackRock : Tour of Champions in Sao Paulo on Thursday. : "As much as I'm a full-blooded American and I love the US Open, there's just : a certain romance that I've always had with Wimbledon. : "I didn't always express it with words but I think internally I just felt a : great connection with the place, the court and the arena. : "I felt like that was what tennis was all about for me and I look forward to : going back and enjoying that experience." 後面就是山大王說溫布頓對他、對網球運動,都有極大的意義; 不過他強調他也很愛美網啦,只是他在溫布頓留下很多特別的回憶,跟這個網球殿堂有著 美好的連結。 等等XD ------------- 感想1. 英雄惜英雄呀~~ 感想2. 目前12個~~這樣算下來,打破紀錄、拿下第15個應該是明年澳網耶,山大王去澳 洲如何? 感想3. Rogi你行的,加油^^ -- 條條大路通羅馬 那我可以陪你一起找羅馬嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/20 11:10, , 1F
Djokovic 真是不會說話= ="
06/20 11:10, 1F

06/20 11:26, , 2F
還好吧 Djo還滿中肯的啊
06/20 11:26, 2F

06/20 11:37, , 3F
06/20 11:37, 3F

06/20 11:38, , 4F
06/20 11:38, 4F

06/20 11:38, , 5F
可是這句話says the Swiss is vulnerable. 還蠻糟糕的
06/20 11:38, 5F

06/20 11:38, , 6F
06/20 11:38, 6F

06/20 11:39, , 7F
06/20 11:39, 7F

06/20 11:40, , 8F
06/20 11:40, 8F

06/20 11:46, , 9F
06/20 11:46, 9F

06/20 12:06, , 10F
06/20 12:06, 10F

06/20 12:15, , 11F
不知道他怎麼發現Rogi開始擔心的 Rogi告訴他的嗎??-.-
06/20 12:15, 11F

06/20 12:39, , 12F
跟一個連續16項大滿貫都晉級四強比 誰容易翻船一目了然
06/20 12:39, 12F

06/20 13:03, , 13F
反正就加油囉!! 低調魂!
06/20 13:03, 13F

06/20 13:18, , 14F
Sampras 一直很支持 Rogi耶 我也不喜歡Djo講的那段話
06/20 13:18, 14F

06/20 13:21, , 15F
我是覺得文化不一樣吧 計較運動員圓不圓融我覺得沒有必要
06/20 13:21, 15F

06/20 14:04, , 16F
我覺得Djo很誠實阿 本來就要有挑戰球王的勇氣!!
06/20 14:04, 16F

06/20 14:12, , 17F
06/20 14:12, 17F

06/20 14:12, , 18F
06/20 14:12, 18F

06/20 14:13, , 19F
06/20 14:13, 19F

06/20 14:16, , 20F
06/20 14:16, 20F

06/20 14:17, , 21F
06/20 14:17, 21F

06/20 14:18, , 22F
06/20 14:18, 22F

06/20 14:59, , 23F
06/20 14:59, 23F

06/20 15:26, , 24F
06/20 15:26, 24F

06/20 15:26, , 25F
06/20 15:26, 25F

06/20 15:44, , 26F
大家本來就在找機會打贏球王 Djo非常中肯
06/20 15:44, 26F

06/20 15:46, , 27F
Roger 得小心了 今年非常艱難 加油~!
06/20 15:46, 27F

06/20 15:47, , 28F
而且時在不該在拿什麼幾個冠軍數比較 就現階段而言
06/20 15:47, 28F

06/20 15:47, , 29F
06/20 15:47, 29F

06/20 16:01, , 30F
不喜歡不代表他講的不中肯 但是我就是不喜歡他這樣講
06/20 16:01, 30F

06/20 16:38, , 31F
06/20 16:38, 31F

06/20 16:39, , 32F
06/20 16:39, 32F

06/20 16:40, , 33F
06/20 16:40, 33F

06/20 16:46, , 34F
06/20 16:46, 34F

06/20 16:46, , 35F
06/20 16:46, 35F

06/20 16:46, , 36F
06/20 16:46, 36F

06/20 16:47, , 37F
06/20 16:47, 37F

06/20 17:45, , 38F
06/20 17:45, 38F

06/20 18:37, , 39F
有信心是好事 但是擅自分析人家心理 唱衰是另一回事
06/20 18:37, 39F
還有 27 則推文
06/20 23:20, , 67F
06/20 23:20, 67F

06/20 23:20, , 68F
obnoxious mother XD
06/20 23:20, 68F

06/20 23:21, , 69F
可是網球某程度上是商業的 他這樣做會讓他失去一些些
06/20 23:21, 69F

06/20 23:32, , 70F
最後 或許說Rogi在下滑會讓他更有信心 那就讓他去吧~~~~
06/20 23:32, 70F

06/20 23:49, , 71F
Federer's done..........也太.......
06/20 23:49, 71F

06/21 01:03, , 72F
06/21 01:03, 72F

06/21 01:03, , 73F
06/21 01:03, 73F

06/21 01:04, , 74F
06/21 01:04, 74F

06/21 01:05, , 75F
06/21 01:05, 75F

06/21 01:06, , 76F
06/21 01:06, 76F

06/21 01:08, , 77F
樓上不顧性命硬闖銅人陣,受我一拜 <(_ _)>
06/21 01:08, 77F

06/21 01:08, , 78F
06/21 01:08, 78F

06/21 01:09, , 79F
06/21 01:09, 79F

06/21 01:10, , 80F
銅人陣XD 原來我愛茶是這樣看自己的同志 (筆記)
06/21 01:10, 80F

06/21 01:21, , 81F
06/21 01:21, 81F

06/21 01:21, , 82F
06/21 01:21, 82F

06/21 01:23, , 83F
06/21 01:23, 83F

06/21 01:34, , 84F
06/21 01:34, 84F

06/21 01:35, , 85F
06/21 01:35, 85F

06/21 01:36, , 86F
06/21 01:36, 86F

06/21 01:37, , 87F
06/21 01:37, 87F

06/21 01:49, , 88F
06/21 01:49, 88F

06/21 02:07, , 89F
↑在一起,在一起↑在一起,在一起... (逃)
06/21 02:07, 89F

06/21 02:26, , 90F
06/21 02:26, 90F

06/21 03:32, , 91F
我推 Rogi 他自己的一句座右銘好了,現在也是我的:
06/21 03:32, 91F

06/21 03:32, , 92F
It's nice to be important,
06/21 03:32, 92F

06/21 03:33, , 93F
but more important to be nice.
06/21 03:33, 93F

06/21 03:34, , 94F
我想光引用這句話就盡在不言中了吧,從成為 Rogi 球迷以來
06/21 03:34, 94F

06/21 03:36, , 95F
整整七年的日子我看到的都是這樣 nice 的 Rogi,球技外對他
06/21 03:36, 95F

06/21 03:37, , 96F
06/21 03:37, 96F

06/21 03:38, , 97F
六連霸,再優雅的哭一次吧 XD 我今年還要去美網看你呢!
06/21 03:38, 97F

06/21 03:41, , 98F
06/21 03:41, 98F

06/21 03:43, , 99F
06/21 03:43, 99F

06/21 23:51, , 100F
對於Djo的發言風格 Rogi也有發表他自己的看法喔,官網球
06/21 23:51, 100F

06/21 23:52, , 101F
06/21 23:52, 101F

06/22 00:19, , 102F
看蘋果那篇報導我就頭暈= = 自信是好事過頭是自大
06/22 00:19, 102F

06/22 01:13, , 103F
Djo 就是那樣 但是我討厭= =
06/22 01:13, 103F

06/22 12:01, , 104F
Djo 就是那樣 但是我不討厭 XD
06/22 12:01, 104F

06/22 12:02, , 105F
當然 還是我們的Rogi最完美啦~~ ^^
06/22 12:02, 105F

06/23 22:53, , 106F
06/23 22:53, 106F
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