Re: [情報] [-CA-] Kessaran, the Undying

看板Facebook作者 (Mr. Anderson)時間12年前 (2012/03/27 15:05), 編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多),_the_Undying 七億王熊熊登場 雙手各 125m HP,合計 250m 頭部 500m HP,全部合計 750m,這就是為什麼 150+ 增加到 60 人嗎XD 金牌要往上抓了,建議先抓兩千萬 DP估計300,慎入,穿透請自己點來看,怪物圖面都會顯示 (還是只有CA-tools會?) 以下是戰勝訊息: Heeding the Silver Light council's warnings, you gather your forces intent on eradicating the pure evil known as Kessaran, the Undying. The being of destruction and decay is quickly making it's way out of the Undead realm, trying to reach the portals to the Demon realm. From there, Kessaran would have access to the surface world and force untold desecration upon VAleria, a fate unacceptable to you after all you have endured.< 因為銀光議會的警告,你帶著鄉民們前往討伐純粹的邪惡:不死者卡薩蘭 這個毀滅與衰變的化身正從不死國度出發,準備前往惡魔的國度 在那裡,卡薩蘭可以連結到地面世界,並毀滅一切 (習慣就好,天天都要被炸的) Penelope: "I have amassed the mightiest army the Silver Light Order could muster. Countless platinum knights are at your disposal. Quickly now, I will open a gateway to the Undead realm where we will face Kessaran. I must warn you, Kessaran is unlike any beast, monster, god or otherwise that you have ever encountered. We must plan and coordinate our attacks carefully. Kessaran is too powerful for a frontal assault." 潘妮洛普(白衣牧師):我集結了銀光議會所能集結最強的軍隊 無數的白金騎士(就是後期任務都要的那個騎士)都納入你的指揮 快,我會打開不死國度的大門,直接面對卡薩蘭 我必須警告你,他和任何的野獸、怪物、神或任何你面對過的都不同 我們必須謹慎計畫、小心的合作攻擊,正面攻擊卡薩蘭是找死 Your army of holy warriors form up rank and file. Ivory-clad giants amass in the rear ranks as griffon aerial forces soar above you. The platinum knights form tight defensive positions and begin moving as one. Penelope finishes casting her gateway spell and rips open a portal leading to the Undead realm. Through the gateway you can see hordes of undead swarming at the penetrating light. In the back of the vast cavern you can see Kessaran, a giant embodiment of warping necromantic energies and dark armor. You watch your holy legions advance through the gate in good order. Soon you and your personal guard follow suite. 你神聖的戰士們組成軍隊,象牙包覆的巨人們在軍隊後方挺進 上空是獅鷲組成的空中武力,白金騎士組成緊密的防禦陣形並開始移動 潘妮洛普打開了傳送門,穿入的光線讓你看到無數不死軍團正集結湧來 你在軍隊後方看見了卡薩蘭,一個死靈能量和黑暗盔甲組成的巨大身軀 你神聖的軍隊依照命令向前進,你也和你的護衛們跟上軍隊 Kessaran: "Yessss come... famousss hero of Valeria... your soul will be a mighty addition yesss..." 卡薩蘭:很好,來吧,Valeria 的英雄,你的靈魂會是很強大的加成(? Your platinum legions are the first to engage Kessarans forces, slicing through the swarms of undead barring their path. While the knight's armor makes them nigh impenetrable, the sheer weight and numbers of the undead begin engulfing the legions. You almost lose sight of the entire front rank until the holy wards activate, exploding the undead outwards. You look back and see Penelope fall from exhaustion, the spell sapping her energy. The Ivory Giants thunder up into the melee, crushing necromantic forces under foot while swinging their massive blessed ivory hammers. 你的白金軍團最先接觸到敵人,他們直接劈開擋在面前的不死大軍 雖然白金盔甲讓他們堅不可摧,但是大量的敵人還是吞噬了他們 你幾乎看不見整個前線軍團,直到神聖結界啟動,把不死軍隊炸飛 而你看到背後的潘妮洛普失去力氣倒地,剛才的魔法吸光了她的魔力 象牙巨人們開始和敵人短兵相接,用巨大、受祝福的象牙戰鎚擊碎不死軍團 Kessaran: "NOW mighty hero... feel the power of the UNDEAD! Yesssssss!" 卡薩蘭:現在,感受不死的力量吧! Kessaran holds out his massive black-plated arm and you watch in paralyzing fear as dark necromantic energy rushes forth swirling about the Ivory Giants. Their pale skin begins to turn dark, crackling with blue energy. Their skin decays revealing massive skeletal monstrosities. Acting quickly, you order the griffin squadrons to dive into Kessaran. With their razor sharp claws, the griffins slam into Kessarans arm tearing away at the armor and interrupting his spell. You command the platinum knights to continue their advance ignoring the new skeletal giant threat. With a coordinated attack you unleash a powerful holy blast into Kessaran. Penelope gets back up and begins chanting a new spell with all her reserved might. A massive cleanse spell sweeps through the giants' ranks removing the dark curse. The skeletal giants crumple to the ground with an incredible thud. 卡薩蘭伸出黑色盔甲組成的手,你害怕的看著他將黑暗的死靈能量釋放出來 死靈能量衝擊象牙巨人們,讓他們的皮膚變黑,然後出現裂痕、散發藍色能量 他們的皮膚迅速腐敗,連底下的骨骼都露出表面 你命令獅鷲直接攻擊卡薩蘭,打斷他的施法 然後讓白金騎士繼續前進,無視骷髏巨人的威脅 潘妮洛普返回戰鬥,然後開始施展新的咒語 一股巨大的淨化咒語掃過象牙巨人,把黑暗的詛咒移除,而讓它們散落在地 You collapse to your knees, all energy exhausted. As your vision blurs and fades, you catch a glimpse of Kessaran with a massive crater in his chest where the holy blast had hit. Penelope rushes to your side as the guardsmen drag you from the battlefield. 你倒下了...我不知道為什麼可是你倒下了,明明只有嘴砲兩下看人陣亡而已...... 總之你的視線開始模糊、消退,但你發現卡薩蘭胸前被神聖能量擊中 潘妮洛普奔向你身旁 You awaken back at the Silver Light cathedral with the Arbiters circled around your bedside. Reports indicate Kessaran collapsed into the dark earth defeated, but not destroyed. You can almost hear the dark whispers of the Undying monstrosity in the back of your mind. 你在銀光城醒來,身旁圍繞著聖殿 報告指出,卡薩蘭敗北了,但他還沒死 你似乎可以聽見一股黑暗的耳語在你心中響起... Kessaran: "We ssshall meet again mighty hero... it iss not over..." 卡薩蘭:我們會再見的,還沒完呢... -- CA的boss發音要準一點大概很難,好幾個都重複一堆 s 這王比冥王龍還虛,主角根本沒有被碰到啊! 數值很漂亮就是了,雖然抗性、神能在故事都被無視了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/27 16:08, , 1F
CA越來越難玩下去了, 打材料打到天昏地暗 =_=
03/27 16:08, 1F

03/27 18:31, , 2F
等低 DP也少 這種王我是都不碰的...
03/27 18:31, 2F

03/29 03:38, , 3F
03/29 03:38, 3F

03/30 09:22, , 4F
03/30 09:22, 4F
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