[閒聊] [寵社] 玩魚論壇禁止交易物品說明

看板Facebook作者 (圈叉)時間13年前 (2010/10/12 00:32), 編輯推噓15(15011)
留言26則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
樓上公告文有人反應看不到 原文網址http://forum.playfish.com/showthread.php?t=1378101 附上簡短翻譯 翻的不好 有錯請指教 1. UNRELEASED ITEMS This includes upcoming items and items that have never been in the stores (example: Newcomer dress) 未釋出之商品 包括未來會上市的物品和從未出現的商品 例如 新手洋裝 2. SPECIFIC STICKERS AND SEEDS (random ones) Note: a. it's okay to trade Sticker Packs, but not to trade specific stickers. b. it's not okay to trade/swap sticker packs for someone else's sticker packs (On a similar note, please don't try to bend the rules by using hints and other elusive/creative wording) 已知種類的貼紙或者樹種(普通的隨機樹種) 註a.交易貼紙包可以 已知的不行 註b.可以互相交換貼紙包 3. TRADING FOR CODES FROM PREPAID CARDS, ETC. Quote: Originally Posted by boidae Hey Traders! This is a very important reminder that trading any Playfish items for any other form of currency is against Playfish's Terms of Service! Please note this includes any form of transaction involving codes (such as those with Playfish Cash Cards or Ultimate Games Cards), and if you attempt such trades your threads/posts will be removed and you may receive heavy infractions or even a ban from the forums. So please do not trade with these codes, or anything similar. Cheers! 禁止交易儲值卡序號 4. TRADING GIANT WWF STATUES & GOLDEN MAYOR AWARDS. 禁止交易巨大wwf冰雕 黃金市長 5. TREASURE BAIT ITEMS (cash coins) Do not make posts offering or requesting hacked items. Anyone caught breaking this rule will receive a heavy infraction and a temporal ban from the board. 不要徵求美人魚磁鐵商品 4. MYSTERIOUS FLOWER SETS (cash coins)<=有兩個4 別問我為什麼 Do not make posts offering or requesting hacked items. Anyone caught breaking this rule will receive a heavy infraction and a temporal ban from the board, You can trade the SEEDS, or SWAP your mysterious flowers for other people's mysterious flowers. Sorry for those who grew them legitimately and intended to trade them for 4999s/999's/etc, but there's noone to blame for this but the hackers themselves. 禁止賣整組CC神祕花 可以買CC神祕花種 可以交換CC神祕花 --

06/14 20:44,
06/14 20:44

06/14 21:13,
06/14 21:13

06/14 21:13,
06/14 21:13

06/14 21:14,
06/14 21:14

06/14 21:17,
06/14 21:17

06/14 21:19,
06/14 21:19
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sundino 來自: (10/12 00:34)

10/12 00:36, , 1F
10/12 00:36, 1F
※ 編輯: sundino 來自: (10/12 00:40)

10/12 00:44, , 2F
食物的部份 似乎是被BAN的問題已經解除
10/12 00:44, 2F

10/12 00:45, , 3F
10/12 00:45, 3F

10/12 00:45, , 4F
10/12 00:45, 4F

10/12 00:48, , 5F
交換美人魚磁鐵商品跟徵求美人魚磁鐵商品 同樣被禁止!?
10/12 00:48, 5F

10/12 00:50, , 6F
10/12 00:50, 6F

10/12 00:51, , 7F
10/12 00:51, 7F
※ 編輯: sundino 來自: (10/12 00:56)

10/12 00:59, , 8F
10/12 00:59, 8F

10/12 00:59, , 9F
10/12 00:59, 9F

10/12 01:01, , 10F
應該是不能賣花 只能交換吧?
10/12 01:01, 10F

10/12 01:02, , 11F
10/12 01:02, 11F

10/12 01:03, , 12F
10/12 01:03, 12F

10/12 01:14, , 13F
之前有一陣子論壇好像改成可以交易treasure bait
10/12 01:14, 13F

10/12 01:14, , 14F
現在又不行的喔? ~.~
10/12 01:14, 14F

10/12 01:16, , 15F
You can sell the Treasure Bait, or SWAP your treasure
10/12 01:16, 15F

10/12 01:16, , 16F
bait items for other people's treasure bait items.
10/12 01:16, 16F

10/12 01:17, , 17F
These are the only trades that will be allowed in the
10/12 01:17, 17F

10/12 01:17, , 18F
10/12 01:17, 18F

10/12 01:49, , 19F
10/12 01:49, 19F

10/12 02:10, , 20F
~"~ 為什麼不能徵求美人魚磁鐵商品? 挖寶不是就挖的到磁鐵了
10/12 02:10, 20F

10/12 08:12, , 21F
10/12 08:12, 21F

10/12 10:05, , 22F
10/12 10:05, 22F

10/12 10:10, , 23F
禁止交易儲值卡序號 <-- 代儲?
10/12 10:10, 23F

10/12 15:23, , 24F
意思是只能直接徵CC商品? 雖然說我也買不起啦 ~"~a
10/12 15:23, 24F

10/12 20:28, , 25F
美人魚磁鐵的東西 挖寶可以挖到磁鐵耶...
10/12 20:28, 25F

10/13 01:39, , 26F
10/13 01:39, 26F
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