Re: [情報] FIA:Ferrari的ERS系統完全合法

看板FORMULA1作者 (小星)時間6年前 (2018/05/30 22:30), 6年前編輯推噓8(808)
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峰迴路轉~ FIA會在加拿大繼續監控法拉拉的ERS【。 說是在摩納哥沒有適合的感測器可以監控法拉拉的賽車, 加拿大就會有新的感測器惹,不過怎麼裝上去是個問題,要研究研究。 沒完沒了欸XD 前情提要如下: 法拉拉賽車的ERS系統在Azerbaijan賽後被檢舉 FIA在Barcelona取樣檢查電池系統      →沒有發現 FIA在Monaco單獨幫法拉拉的賽車裝監控感測器 →說沒有問題 FIA在Canada裝了新的監控插件        →【目前在這,拭目以待(?)】 -- FIA to boost Ferrari ERS monitoring in Canada Formula 1 race director Charlie Whiting is confident that new software will make make it easier to for the governing body to monitor Ferrari's ERS system, which has been questioned by rival teams. The FIA has been looking at the Ferrari ERS and unique twin-battery arrangement since the Azerbaijan GP, and Whiting confirmed after Thursday's running in Monaco that he was now satisfied with it. Contrary to earlier reports, Whiting says no extra sensors were fitted to the Ferraris in Monaco, and instead the FIA had to pursue a more complicated process to check how the system was operating. The new software, which will be used from the Canadian GP onwards, will streamline that process and allow the FIA to continue to keep a close watch. "Via a complex routine we were able to be satisfied that the Ferrari was OK," said Whiting. "But we don't want to have to go through that all the time in order to make sure, so we would rather additional measurements are made. "What we will have for Canada will be a better system which will help us get things done much, much quicker, because it's taken us a couple of races to get to the bottom of it. "We want them to put extra monitoring on, but at the moment we're having to do it in a painstaking way. It takes a little longer than we would like. We'll arrive at the same conclusion, I would imagine. In Canada they will be providing a change of software. "What we're trying to do is to monitor exactly what the differences between the two halves of the battery are. That's the crux of the matter. "Other systems treat their battery as one. Ferrari, it's one battery, but they treat it as two. That's the fundamental difference, I don't think it's a secret I'm giving away there." Whiting says it would not be easy to fit sensors. "It's not simple, because these things, not only are they sealed, because they only have two if them for the season, it's not just a straight matter of plucking a sensor off the shelf, and putting it on. It needs better integration for that. "I'm not sure when any more additional sensors can be fitted. Probably not until next year, if the truth be known." He admitted that it had been a complex problem for the FIA to address. "We really have been trying to get to the point where we are entirely satisfied that the power being delivered to the MGU-K is correct. "It was difficult to explain exactly what we were seeing, that's what we kept going through with Ferrari, because it's a very complex and totally different system to anybody else's. "And in much the same way as we do with other bits of the car, we have to understand these things, it just took us a bit longer to understand what was going on. "Their duty is to satisfy us that the car complies, as you know, but they were finding it hard to satisfy us. "I think it's wrong to say that Ferrari didn't communicate, because they've been very helpful the whole way. "It's just been very painstaking and detailed work to try to get to the bottom of how their system works, and hence give us the comfort that we need." -- 總有一天你會發現,你所做的一切,只是徒勞無功。世人不需要你的名字,你所維護的正 義,會隨著時代變質。唯一留下的,就只有英雄的名字。我喜歡製造別人的麻煩,當然, 也不介意自己攬上麻煩,但是會因為麻煩而受到損害的人,絕不是吾。噓——今天我聽到 的蠢言蠢語已經夠多了,讓我清靜吧。意義,我不需要。我的目的就是讓遊戲持續下去。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

05/30 23:02, 6年前 , 1F
05/30 23:02, 1F

05/31 01:29, 6年前 , 2F
法拉利:你抓不到我 你抓不到我
05/31 01:29, 2F

05/31 08:41, 6年前 , 3F
法家式微 被施壓力的太明顯
05/31 08:41, 3F

05/31 09:16, 6年前 , 4F
05/31 09:16, 4F

05/31 09:16, 6年前 , 5F
05/31 09:16, 5F

05/31 09:52, 6年前 , 6F
05/31 09:52, 6F
改一下懶人包說明。 另外一個新聞是: FIA有說檢舉人是之前在法拉拉現在在梅奔奔的James Allison 梅奔奔對此感到非常生氣,認為FIA不該公開檢舉人。

05/31 10:20, 6年前 , 7F
05/31 10:20, 7F

05/31 10:20, 6年前 , 8F
05/31 10:20, 8F

05/31 10:20, 6年前 , 9F
05/31 10:20, 9F

05/31 10:21, 6年前 , 10F
05/31 10:21, 10F

05/31 11:32, 6年前 , 11F
05/31 11:32, 11F

05/31 12:04, 6年前 , 12F
05/31 12:04, 12F
這就不知道了XD最近的案例是: 中國站後法拉拉被檢舉 後視鏡和側箱間俯視能看到一小塊(tiny)瀝青路面,這違反了技術規則 雖然FIA說這沒問題但對方一再堅持,最後法拉拉有出來說明他們做了什麼

05/31 13:42, 6年前 , 13F
05/31 13:42, 13F

05/31 13:43, 6年前 , 14F
05/31 13:43, 14F

05/31 13:43, 6年前 , 15F
05/31 13:43, 15F

06/03 20:27, 6年前 , 16F
06/03 20:27, 16F
不清楚XD 是根據技術規則3.5.4去檢舉的,可能也許是這個:
※ 編輯: hosichin (, 06/03/2018 20:40:36
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