Re: [閒聊] 12個F1要有KIMI的理由

看板FORMULA1作者 (Sebastian Vettel)時間10年前 (2013/08/29 08:12), 編輯推噓5(501)
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因為M大的要求,小弟試著翻翻看 (max032r6:可以求一下翻譯嗎...小弟英文不好QQ) 不負責任翻譯如下: Current Lotus F1 driver Kimi Raikkonen is a sporting hero; immensely talented, rude as hell and very funny when he’s blind drunk. Or wearing a gorilla costume… Kimi is so effortlessly cool because he doesn’t give a damn what other people think about him. Just in case you’re unaware of what the ‘Iceman’ brings to the F1 table, here are 12 ways to remind you. Lotus 的當前車手Kimi Raikkonnen 是個才華洋溢的運動英雄。 當完全喝醉了,他是個有趣的傢伙,當在一個猩猩裝裡,Kimi一樣有趣。 因為他完全不管別人怎麼看自己,Kimi 天生就是很酷的車手。 這裡給了12個原因,提醒你 Kimi 在 F1 是個怎樣的存在 1. He looks good in a gorilla suit F1 drivers are so restricted in what they can do away from the circuit – in case of injury or misrepresentation of the team – that they struggle to have fun. But not our Kimi; in 2007, he donned a Gorilla suit so that he could compete in a motorboat event in Finland. 1.他在猩猩裝看起來很好 為了避免受傷,或是導致車隊困擾,即使在圍場外,當代 F1 車手被限制著 做許多事情。這些限制讓車手們難以享樂,但是這些限制是沒有辦法限制 住 Kimi的。2007年Kimi 穿上了猩猩裝參加了一個在芬蘭的汽艇賽。 2. He knows what he’s doing Kimi is confident in his ability and clearly knows what he’s doing. So when his race engineer dared to tell him how to drive at the 2012 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Kimi told him exactly where to go…Fair play. 2.他知道自己在做什麼 Kimi 總是很確定自己在做什麼,所以當他的賽是工程師膽敢告訴他要怎麼做 (例如 2012 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix) Kimi會告訴他滾一邊去。好樣的。 3. He never minces his words Raikkonen is brutally honest and that’s refreshing in Formula 1. Drivers come out with so much PR BS, that it’s hard to know what’s real anymore. And Kimi? What do you think? 3. 他從不閹割自己想說的話 在F1裡Raikkonen是一個相當稀有的誠實車手。 現代F1車手總是和公關們一起出現,要從他們口中知道他們的真正想法已經 不再容易了。但對於Kimi,你覺得呢? 4. He’s always got time for Ice Cream Kimi Raikkonen famously tucked into an ice cream at the 2009 Malaysian Grand Prix during a red flag period. The rest of the field? They were sitting in their cars in the rain. 4.他總是可以找到時間來根冰淇淋 在2009 Malaysian GP,Kimi趁著紅旗在車庫裡拿到了冰淇淋。至於其他車手呢? 當時他們正在車上淋著雨。 現在我們都知道了這件有趣的事,Kimi 就是想要冰淇淋 5. Nothing fazes him Raikkonen famously revealed that before his first Formula 1 race for Sauber at the 2001 Australian Grand Prix, he was asleep half an hour before the race. Nothing bothers Kimi and he rarely gets nervous. 5. 沒有事能影響他 2001 Australian GP,當Kimi 第一次出場駕駛 F1,他趁著比賽開始之前睡了 半個小時。沒有什麼事能讓他緊張。 6. He likes to party You’ll never see an F1 driver party hard. Unless of course it’s Kimi. Above, he’s drunk on a boat and falls over. It’s funny to watch, even though we know Kimi doesn’t give a damn what we think. 6. 他喜歡派對 你很難看到一個F1車手使勁的參加Party,除非你看到的是 Kimi。Kimi喝醉 後從遊艇上掉下來的影片很可笑,雖然他根本不在乎我們怎麼想。 7. Kimi’s an adrenaline junkie Formula 1 driver contracts are full of restrictions; don’t do that, you mustn’t do this. Kimi doesn’t have time for this, which explains his snowmobiling accident in 2011. The accident injured his wrist, but fortunately healed in time for his F1 return. Motorcross is also a sport he enjoys when he does get some time off. He also spent his time off rallying. Despite showing flashes of speed, he spent the majority of his short WRC career crashing into trees and barriers. Not that he cared. 7. Kimi 對腎上腺上癮 F1的車手合約充滿了限制,別做這個,不准作那個。 Kimi沒有時間管這些鬼東西。這解釋了他在2011年的雪上摩托車意外。 隨然幸運的在回歸F1之前復原了,但是當時他弄傷了他的手腕。 當他有了休閒的時間,越野摩托車是另一個他喜歡的活動。 他也花了些時間在拉力賽。雖然展現了些速度上的亮點,但是他在 短暫的拉力歲月裡,他主要幹的就是撞進樹堆或是障礙物裡, 當然他也不在乎 8. He’s Top Gear comedy gold Last year, Kimi Raikkonen made a popular appearance on Top Gear, to lap the ageing Suzuki Liana around the TG track. Thanks to wet and cold conditions, he couldn’t challenge Sebastian Vettel’s fastest time. Lewis Hamilton has subsequently gone faster still, leaving the Finn 3.2 seconds down on the leader. 8. He’s Top Gear comedy gold 去年 Kimi 去參加了 Top Gear 的節目,用一輛老的Suzuki Liana在TG track 上做了成績。因為潮濕和寒冷的情況, Kimi沒辦法挑戰 Vettel和Hamilton做 出來的成績 9. One face, 100 emotions Even when on the top step of the podium, Kimi is always cool, calm and eager to get back in the car. The picture above shows the biggest smile he’s likely to crack. 9. 任何情緒下都是同一張臉 就算上了頒獎台的最高點,Kimi仍然相當冷靜而且想回到車子裡。 以上是Kimi能展現的最大的笑容。 ======================================== 難過,開心,有樂子,毀了 贏了,DNF,竿位,ALO DNF 颶風,有趣的笑話,最有趣的笑話,嘗試笑 ======================================== 10. Crashing makes him happy While people complain about Kimi’s lack of emotion, you sure do cherish the moments when he laughs. Like when he’s crashing. Take this example of the Finn laughing at Sky Sports F1 presenter Natalie Pinkham as she takes on the challenge of driving on ice. She crashes – after rubbish advice from the Iceman – which Kimi finds utterly hilarious. 10. 撞車讓他開心 人們總是抱怨 Kimi沒有表情,所以你應該珍惜他大笑的一瞬間,像是撞車了。 當Sky Sport 的播報員試著挑戰在冰上開車,因為Kimi的垃圾建議, 車撞了;而 Kimi 笑翻了! 11. He’s a terrible interviewee… Kimi hates talking to the media; he’s admitted that. So when journalists interview him, they’d better be prepared to come away empty handed and we’d better be ready to laugh at the awkwardness. When asked by a journalist, for example, about the importance of his helmet and the meaning of its design, Kimi said: “It protects my head.” When asked what activities there are in Finland, he replied: “Well, in summer there’s fishing and shagging. And in winter the fishing is bad.” Probably not the answer that was expected, typical Kimi. 11.他是個很糟的受訪人 Kimi 自己也承認,他很討厭在媒體前說話。所以當記著試著採訪他, 他們最好有空手而歸的準備。 例如:當記者問到關於頭盔的設計的意義以及重要性, Kimi 回答: 它保護我的頭。 當記者問到在芬蘭夏季有什麼活動, 他回應在夏天可以釣魚,而冬天釣魚不好。 答案可能不會是你預期的,這就是典型的Kimi。 12. He’s a damn good racing driver There is no denying Raikkonen is one of the biggest talents to enter Formula 1 in the last 15 years. He burst onto the scene in 2001 after just 23 single-seater races, and raced for the likes of McLaren and Ferrari before taking the title with the latter in 2007. After a brief break between 2009 and 2012, he returned with the Lotus team where he not only looks better than ever on track, but he seems to be incredibly comfortable at the team – they clearly understand what makes him tick, which previous teams failed to do. 12. 他是個超級好的車手 沒有人懷疑過,Kimi是F1這15年來最有天賦的車手。 只經歷了23場單座車賽事,Kimi 2001年突然的登上了F1的舞台。為McLaren 和Ferrari 開過車,並於2007年取得車手冠軍。 經過了 09到12 年的短暫休息,Kimi回到了F1。他現在看起來甚至比之前更好。 比起之前的車隊, Lotus 知道怎麼讓Kimi覺得舒適,這讓他表現的更好。 He has also created some stand-out moments in recent F1 history – including the one featured in the video above – such as this awe-inspiring last-lap overtake on Giancarlo Fisichella for the lead of the 2005 Japanese Grand Prix. So there you have it; 12 reasons why F1 would suck without Kimi. 他也展現了一些當代F1最美妙的一瞬間。例如2005年在日本站最後一圈對Fisichella讓人讚嘆的超越,並贏得了比賽。 所以這裡你知道了,為什麼F1 沒了Kimi很無趣! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/29 08:47, , 1F
08/29 08:47, 1F

08/29 09:16, , 2F
有一個人比Kimi還會說真話啊→Juan Pablo Montoya
08/29 09:16, 2F

08/29 10:58, , 3F
8. 我理解成他是 top gear裡面最好笑的來賓?
08/29 10:58, 3F

08/29 12:34, , 4F
crashing into trees and barriers.->majority XDDDD
08/29 12:34, 4F

08/29 12:40, , 5F
08/29 12:40, 5F

08/29 18:31, , 6F
08/29 18:31, 6F
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