Re: [聯賽] FC Barcelona VS Espanyol

看板FCBarcelona作者 (muen)時間16年前 (2008/04/20 04:00), 編輯推噓6(7111)
留言19則, 7人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《windbislash (風之羽)》之銘言: : 同城德比 : 轉撥網址 : 凌晨兩點開踢 : 1-Valdes, 13-Pinto, : 3-Milito, 4-Marquez, 5-Puyol, 11-Zambrotta, 16-Sylvinho, 22-Abidal, : 24-Toure Yaya, 20-Deco , 6-Xavi, 8-Iniesta, : 9-Eto'o, 14-Henry, 19-Messi, 7-Gudjohnsen, 17-Giovani, 27-Bojan : Leo Messi : Bojan Krkic is available again along with Thierry Henry, Andrés Iniesta and : Deco after they were all given the green light to return to playing again : after training on Friday. : Deco is set to appear again after missing the last nine matches with an : injury. Another highly-anticipated return is expected as Camp Nou fans look : forward to seeing Lionel Messi back in action. : The Argentinian forward played last week for a few minutes against : Recreativo and is building his strength back up ahead of the Champions League : semi final. 一場非常可惜的比賽, 全場壓著西班牙人打了90分鐘, 下半場Messi帶動全隊攻勢更加密集, 打到對手祭出鐵桶陣不說, 最後十分鐘還得用各種手段, 死拖活拉把時間消耗完 全場能破門的機會太多了, 說也說不完, 但無藥可解的進球荒, 令比賽時間的最後大家都沉不住氣, 開始遷怒對手跟裁判, 不過毫無疑問這場比賽並不難看, 只是messi回來以後, 我們又得面對以前的老問題, 希望有朝一日能輕鬆打破鐵桶陣 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/20 04:01, , 1F
全場能破門的機會太多了, 說也說不完???????????????????
04/20 04:01, 1F

04/20 04:02, , 2F
推回來 萊卡破鐵桶只有兩招-定位球跟點球 現在只剩點球
04/20 04:02, 2F

04/20 04:06, , 3F
一樓請回去看剛剛的轉播推文 數數看射門的次數
04/20 04:06, 3F

04/20 04:06, , 4F
不過鼎鼎大名的wing2000既然都噓了, 大概也不會想看吧
04/20 04:06, 4F

04/20 04:06, , 5F
對方龍門太猛,是這場平手的關鍵 他超水準表現
04/20 04:06, 5F

04/20 04:07, , 6F
加油阿 好不容易傷兵都回來了
04/20 04:07, 6F

04/20 04:11, , 7F
這場球我們狀態是不錯的, 週中確實精采可期.
04/20 04:11, 7F

04/20 04:12, , 8F
04/20 04:12, 8F

04/20 04:11, , 9F
i cannot type chinese,i go to sleep,ilove barcelona
04/20 04:11, 9F

04/20 04:13, , 10F
but i think this match play bad..
04/20 04:13, 10F

04/20 10:48, , 11F
04/20 10:48, 11F

04/20 10:49, , 12F
04/20 10:49, 12F

04/21 03:19, , 13F
04/21 03:19, 13F

04/21 03:20, , 14F
這場確實沒進球, 但至少節奏有打出來, 看得到球員的拼勁
04/21 03:20, 14F

04/21 03:21, , 15F
04/21 03:21, 15F

04/21 03:22, , 16F
還是我標準太低 orz 不過看球最好還是找點樂子
04/21 03:22, 16F

04/21 03:24, , 17F
不然只是在生活壓力之外 又自尋煩惱
04/21 03:24, 17F

04/21 03:25, , 18F
總之還是一句話: 請相信巴薩這個豪門的底氣
04/21 03:25, 18F

04/21 03:25, , 19F
04/21 03:25, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #182azZtF (FCBarcelona)
文章代碼(AID): #182azZtF (FCBarcelona)