[Sky] Hammers confirm Eidur talks

看板FCBarcelona作者 (The King Of Kings)時間17年前 (2007/08/13 21:54), 編輯推噓7(704)
留言11則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
West Ham still tracking striker West Ham have confirmed talks for striker Eidur Gudjohnsen are ongoing, but nothing has been agreed with Barcelona. The former Chelsea ace has been interesting The Hammers after Thierry Henry's arrival pushed him down Frank Rijkaard's pecking order. Gudjohnsen is believed to be available for just £6.7million, although the player's lofty demands are reportedly deterring other clubs from joining the hunt. West Ham supremo Eggert Magnusson has denied the East Londoners have concurred on a price with Barca, but stated talks are continuing. "Talks are ongoing," Magnusson confirmed to virir.is. "We have not had an offer accepted by Barcelona - the papers are wrong." Manager Alan Curbishley may be prepared to push the boat out even further for Gudjohnsen following the side's disappointing 2-0 defeat to Manchester City on the opening weekend of the new season. -- 另外 想請問 有沒有白馬訓練中心要附設植髮中心的八卦阿 http://tinyurl.com/254mne http://tinyurl.com/2e26pl -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/13 22:02, , 1F
倫敦槌子幫!( ̄□ ̄|||)
08/13 22:02, 1F

08/13 23:31, , 2F
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08/14 03:02, , 9F
訓練場,連某座聖地都可能步上 Vicente Calderon 的後塵。
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08/14 19:43, , 10F
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08/14 19:44, , 11F
容: "莫名奇妙" XD
08/14 19:44, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #16m69wE8 (FCBarcelona)