[Intr] Hi :)

看板EngTalk作者 (=_=)時間15年前 (2009/04/08 04:30), 編輯推噓1(103)
留言4則, 1人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
Name: Muse1117 Nickname: Mu Birthday: 01/17 Hobbies: Classical Music, Cooking Occupation: (if you are a student, where/what you are studying) Currently, I am a PhD student in math. --How long have you been learning English? About 10 years... --What does English mean to you? What do you like about it? English is a skill to earn my living. Actually, I am not interested in English. But I have to force myself to learn. --Any tips about learning English? I do not know... It is very hard for me. --Any other information about yourself? This week, I failed the English exam again >< It was an oral exam for internatinal students who plan to teach in the school. Our department required that we should pass the exam within 2 years. I took the exam five times and failed each time T_T I tried to talk with Americans, but they were busy. They could not spend time talking with you everyday just for practicing English conversation. So I wonder if there is anyone who can practice English conversation with me at least 30 minutes everyday. We may talk through Skype. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/08 04:41, , 1F
I never understood math guys till recently
04/08 04:41, 1F

04/08 04:41, , 2F
I'm retaking calculus in columbus state. everything
04/08 04:41, 2F

04/08 04:42, , 3F
is explained in such clear sense, it's really hard
04/08 04:42, 3F

04/08 04:42, , 4F
not to nail it and really get to love it
04/08 04:42, 4F
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文章代碼(AID): #19sxVIGu (EngTalk)