Re: [Ask ] 可以請英文很好的人或老師交我"學測作ꐠ…

看板EngTalk作者 (完成該完成的事)時間16年前 (2008/09/30 00:43), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《akheadshot (騎烏龜狂飆)》之銘言: : 請問誰可以交我英文作文拜託哩 : 英文作文能力不是很好 : 希望有人可以+我即時通 gn00207097 或是給我聯絡方式 讓我學習英文 : 是英文老師當然很好 不是的話也可以! 只要英文能力強就好了 : 在這裡先謝謝 會+我的人 : 希望可以幫我改英文作文 一個禮拜2篇 I think English is a kind of tool.You have to use it to make it better. There are too many people do not "USE" English actually,they just "learn" English.Although passing the English exam is important,but if you just want to "learn" how to compose a composition in a short time,I think you can try to improve your chinese writing skill first.Try to read more and think deeper to enrich your compositions.Think harder,but write down those feeling in your way.Maybe some simple words,phrases,sentences and paragraphs.The spelling and grammar is not that important at the begining actually,it is just some skills.If you want you can send me some paragraphs ,I would like share more to you. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: windshape 來自: (09/30 00:44)
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