Re: [Ask ]When buying,how to say.....

看板EngTalk作者 (Champs-Elysees)時間15年前 (2008/08/21 18:06), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《waitingo (tingo)》之銘言: : When I want to buy something. : which one I should say ~ : 1. I want this one..... (most taiwanese said) : 2. I'd like this one ......(textbook) >> try describing the item specifically, such as.. I'm taking the number necklace on the left. : And I want to pay the bill : How can I say? : Because I just can say "How much?" >< : I would like to konw much polite way about pay money. >> try: What's the price for this sunglass? try if you want some discount for undiscount item.. Can you give me a better price? : THANK YOU VERY MUCH~ : I'm in Thai now, but I don't speak Thai. : so I really want to konw how to say is correct when in restaurant : and buying. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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