Re: [Mind] whenever i think of you...

看板EngTalk作者 (瓢蟲森巴)時間18年前 (2006/12/11 11:43), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《goodseeyou (伴點映)》之銘言: : whenever i think of you, : always feeling a sweet fire flying into my mind, : smoothing my scars,bringing me warm. : whenever i think of you, : a hope flash into my mind that : you and i will make our dream come true together. : i hope that : we will stand any storm,and go to the future between : you and i. It reminds me of many good memories... my ex-boyfriend and I... we went to California together, and then go to Hualien & Kenting this summer but after being together for 3 monthes...he dumped me for one ridiculous excuse I don't blame him, since I love him so much that i only want him to be happy thus i accepted his excuse and let him go I still can remember all the things we've made together it's a really good memory now, he regrets breaking up with me and would like to be friends again, if there is still a chance,we may be together again that's what he said... I believe your sweet relationship will hold as long as you love each other :) best regards~ -- Who will be with me? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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