Re: [Ask ] being an international student?

看板EngTalk作者 (瓢蟲森巴)時間18年前 (2006/12/05 08:22), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《annfeel (da bin)》之銘言: : thank you so much^^ which school do your friend go to in Taiwan? this sentance confused me... She was in NTU, and then she's in UPenn now... : Does 500 thousand only include the expense of living? well...i remember that it includes all the fees which she need to pay by herself, including the dormitory, living, textbooks....etc The tuition ain't needed to pay since she's an exchange student hope my answer can satisfy you :) : ※ 引述《Candiece (瓢蟲森巴)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《annfeel (da bin)》之銘言: : : I have been dream about studying abroad, but i have no idea how to be an : : international student. All the problems such as expenses, test, living and so : : on. Some people tell me to ask the teachers, but I have no any idea and : : knowlenge about studying abroad, so I don't know what to ask first. Is there anyone : : who can give me some advice. I hope to study for improving my english and : : spanish. : one of my classmates is being an exchange student in University of Pennsylvania : and according to what she told us, she needs to afford nearly 500 thousand NT : dollars to afford the expense in USA for one year. : She took an exam and interview in my school,and then she was chosen to be an : exchange student for University of Pennsylvania. : Thus, if you want to more information, I could ask the details for you from : my friend...:) -- Who will be with me? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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