[請益] from在這兩句中的解釋

看板Eng-Class作者 (跟著我一起搖擺)時間9月前 (2023/10/02 20:33), 9月前編輯推噓0(007)
留言7則, 3人參與, 9月前最新討論串1/1
1. A group of people is drinking from wine glasses 請問,把from改成by using語義會變嗎?差在哪呢親? 2. He's reading from a piece of paper 我的理解:reading是完全不及物,from a piece of paper 是補充He;所以這個人正透過 一張紙在閱讀。 如果要翻譯成“他正在閱讀一張紙”,應該要把from拿掉,a piece of paper 變受詞 想請問各位的看法 https://i.imgur.com/TsQjHKP.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1696250017.A.D3B.html ※ 編輯: abbb1223 ( 臺灣), 10/02/2023 20:36:05

10/03 14:05, 9月前 , 1F
雖然這兩個句子沒有受詞,我們懂受詞在『wine glasses
10/03 14:05, 1F

10/03 14:05, 9月前 , 2F
』和『piece of paper』裡面,所以受詞是『from』它們
10/03 14:05, 2F

10/03 14:05, 9月前 , 3F
。 A group of people is drinking wine from wine gl
10/03 14:05, 3F

10/03 14:05, 9月前 , 4F
asses. He's reading a quote from a piece of paper.
10/03 14:05, 4F

10/03 14:05, 9月前 , 5F
10/03 14:05, 5F

10/04 20:19, 9月前 , 6F
10/04 20:19, 6F

10/05 01:29, 9月前 , 7F
10/05 01:29, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1b6hYXqx (Eng-Class)