[文法] 請問一段句子的翻譯和文法

看板Eng-Class作者 (我愛$$)時間8年前 (2016/09/12 17:39), 編輯推噓2(2020)
留言22則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
如題 Eventually,the same happens to the roots, starved as they are of nutrients fro m the leaves. 但是adj as they are 從文法是來看有however的意思,但是句意應該不是這樣應該是把a s當成因為來解釋,可是starved as they are of nutrients from the leaves. 這段我 想不出解釋的方法和這種文法的用法請問有這種用法嗎? 謝謝幫忙 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1473673147.A.055.html

09/12 20:06, , 1F

09/12 20:37, , 2F
那麼請問of nutrients from the leaves要怎麼看比較
09/12 20:37, 2F

09/12 20:37, , 3F
09/12 20:37, 3F

09/12 21:46, , 4F
h大的連結下方就有阿 starve sth. of
09/12 21:46, 4F

09/12 21:48, , 5F
starved of 就相當於 deprived of
09/12 21:48, 5F

09/13 01:25, , 6F
..., [0] starved (1) as they are (2) of ....
09/13 01:25, 6F

09/13 01:26, , 7F
[0]: 分詞,相當於 they(前頭的the roots) are starved
09/13 01:26, 7F

09/13 01:26, , 8F
09/13 01:26, 8F

09/13 01:26, , 9F
(1) starved (of "前頭提的東西") 你不給context,所以你
09/13 01:26, 9F

09/13 01:26, , 10F
09/13 01:26, 10F

09/13 01:26, , 11F
(2) they are (starved) of ...
09/13 01:26, 11F

09/13 01:26, , 12F
"as" 是用來類比前後兩種情況 ("(..前頭..)如同(..後頭..
09/13 01:26, 12F

09/13 01:26, , 13F
09/13 01:26, 13F

09/13 01:27, , 14F
基本上 as 前後是:
09/13 01:27, 14F

09/13 01:27, , 15F
[they are] starved (of "something")
09/13 01:27, 15F

09/13 01:27, , 16F
they are (starved) of nutrients from ....
09/13 01:27, 16F

09/13 15:48, , 17F
喔喔 謝謝各位
09/13 15:48, 17F

09/13 23:16, , 18F
adj+as+S +V用來表讓步,原句後半相當於though/as
09/13 23:16, 18F

09/13 23:18, , 19F
they are starved of...
09/13 23:18, 19F

09/13 23:19, , 20F
09/13 23:19, 20F

09/13 23:20, , 21F
09/13 23:20, 21F

09/13 23:20, , 22F
09/13 23:20, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1NrdUx1L (Eng-Class)