[考題] 請教三題英文題目

看板Eng-Class作者 (~ 流浪的貓咪 ~)時間9年前 (2015/04/19 13:40), 9年前編輯推噓4(4014)
留言18則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
請教各位大大三題英文考題 第一題: Alvin requested that his homestay family ____ both a mother and a father, be native–born, non-smoking, middle-class British people, and live near a subway station. (A)having (B)has (C)have (D)had 答案是C,為什麼不能選B呢,family在這裡不是一個單位嗎? 第二題: Jack never likes me: ___ is my sister that he is crazy about. (A)it (B)she (C)who (D)there 答案是A,請問為什麼要選A呢?這堤主要是要考什麼呢? 第三題: We are safe _____ there are no dangers looming in dark corners. (A)in for (B)in on (C)in which (D)in that 答案是D,請問為什麼要選D呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1429422008.A.EB3.html

04/19 16:06, , 1F
04/19 16:06, 1F
不好意思,空格用錯了 是 ____ 然後is

04/19 16:07, , 2F
04/19 16:07, 2F

04/19 16:07, , 3F
04/19 16:07, 3F
第一題是我漏打request ~"~

04/19 18:06, , 4F
in that是「因為」的意思。第三題是非常書面的寫法
04/19 18:06, 4F

04/19 18:16, , 5F
第一題是美式跟英式英文的區別 英式有時會把 family
04/19 18:16, 5F

04/19 18:16, , 6F
當複數因為一個家庭有多於一個人 美式就會看做是一
04/19 18:16, 6F

04/19 18:16, , 7F
04/19 18:16, 7F

04/19 18:17, , 8F
Alvin 是姓氏 Alvin 一家
04/19 18:17, 8F

04/19 22:42, , 9F
第一題你漏打一個字: Alvin demands/demanded/asks/asked
04/19 22:42, 9F

04/19 22:43, , 10F
(這類字) that ...
04/19 22:43, 10F

04/19 22:43, , 11F
這是考(present) subjunctive,線索是後頭的 "be"(這個最
04/19 22:43, 11F

04/19 22:43, , 12F
明顯) 和 "live" http://ppt.cc/VReU 台灣一般是背
04/19 22:43, 12F

04/19 22:43, , 13F
S + demand(這類字) that .... (should) 原形動詞
04/19 22:43, 13F

04/19 22:45, , 14F
04/19 22:45, 14F

04/19 22:45, , 15F
04/19 22:45, 15F

04/19 22:47, , 16F
第二題: 你好像會習慣性的打錯字。下次還是把考題拍照貼
04/19 22:47, 16F

04/19 22:47, , 17F
04/19 22:47, 17F

04/19 22:47, , 18F
04/19 22:47, 18F
不好意思,我少打了,匆匆忙忙打完,沒有對就按存檔完畢... 囧 那請問第二題為什麼是選it 呢 >"< ※ 編輯: evilcandy (, 04/20/2015 18:42:09
文章代碼(AID): #1LCp-uwp (Eng-Class)