Re: [單字] 嘲笑的用法及差異

看板Eng-Class作者 (RoadMan_A)時間10年前 (2014/05/13 07:58), 編輯推噓1(102)
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※ 引述《ine810211 (慎慎要上進)》之銘言: : 抱歉有點愚昧的請問 : 關於這五個嘲笑單字的用法 : sneer 冷笑 - 優秀的我在旁邊冷眼看著丟臉的你所做出的微笑或聲音。 The duchess sneered at the young girl's lack of court etiquette, and left her red-faced and embarassed in front of the queen. 女爵看到小女孩不懂宮廷禮儀,不禁冷笑,讓她晾在女王面前丟人現眼。 : mock 模仿式的嘲笑 The TA mocked the undergraduates' ignorance: "and he was, like, 'how do I turn this on?'" 研究助理時常嘲笑大學生的無知:「然後他問,阿要怎麼開機?」 : ridicule 嘲笑 - 抓住對方某點問題,拿來開玩笑 His political enemies often ridiculed his eagle beak of a nose, and called him 'hawkish' despite his membership in the Peace Party. 雖然他是和平黨的黨員,政敵還是常常因為他的鼻子彎曲如鷹喙,而笑他是「鷹派」。 : scoff 嘲笑 - 公開嘲笑某事為無用,或藐視某事,或嗤之以鼻 The president scoffed at the rebel's victory, and vowed that government troops will crush them within year's end. 總統對叛軍的勝利嗤之以鼻,並保證政府軍將在年底以前平定他們。 : jeer 大聲嘲笑 - 一般公開且較大聲 He jeered Obama at a rally, "aren't you an American? Show me your birth certificate!" 他在歐巴馬的集會上大聲嘲笑他「阿你不是美國人嗎?出生證明拿出來呀!」 先醬~ -- 'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life Trying to make ends meet, You're a slave to money then you die -Bittersweet Symphony, The Verve -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

05/13 15:21, , 1F
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