Re: [求譯] 笑話翻譯

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幫大家整理一下,順便見縫插針 XD : 21. A jump-lead walks into a bar. The barman says ''I'll serve you, but : don't start anything'' : 一條跨接線走進一家酒吧,酒保說:「我可以服務你,但是你不要給我亂來/亂接。」 : (start:引起事故、打開某個開關?) dunchee:21. "jump leads"(英)/"jumper cables"(美) 是用來 jump start a car / start a car -> 6 然後"start"也有其它意思 -> 1 sber:#21 "jump start" : 22. Slept like a log last night........ Woke up in the fireplace. : 昨晚睡得很沉像個木頭……然後在壁爐中醒來。 : 23. A priest, a rabbi and a vicar walk into a bar. The barman says, ''Is : this some kind of joke?'' : 一個神父、猶太教的學者,和副主教走入一家酒吧。酒保說:「這是在耍我嗎?」 : (三人皆不喝酒) dunchee:23. 參考: 很多笑話的開頭是把三 個背景截然不同的人湊在一起,所以那個barman那樣子說。這笑話的三個宗教/支派 leaders不禁酒,所以笑點不在這。如果把Vicar改成Imam,那麼就是基督教,猶太教,伊 斯蘭教的leaders tengharold:Vicar 不是副主教 : 24. A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says ''Sorry we don't serve food : in here'' : 一個三明治走入酒吧,酒保說:「對不起我們這邊不供應(服務)食物。」 : (serve:服務/供應) : 25. The other day I sent my girlfriend a huge pile of snow. I rang her up, I : said ''Did you get my drift?''. : 某天我送給我的女朋友一堆雪,我打電話給她,問:「你有收到我送的浮冰嗎?」 : (不太確定這裡的雙關是…?) sber:#25 "snowdrift" dunchee:25. -> 3 .. -> 1 25. ->4
tengharold: get my drift = 懂我的意思 / 收到我的雪堆 : 26. I cleaned the attic with the wife the other day. Now I can't get the : cobwebs out of her hair. : 某天我和(我用)我老婆打掃閣樓,現在我沒辦法把蜘蛛網清出她的頭髮。 : (with:與/用) : 27. Went to the paper shop - it had blown away. : 去了一家紙商店——它被吹跑了。 : (papar shop:賣紙的商店/紙作的商店) : 28. A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel and were standing in : the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, : the manager came out of the office and asked them to disperse. ''But why?'' : they asked, as they moved off. ''because,'' he said ''I can't stand chess : nuts boasting in an open foyer.'' : 一團西洋棋迷到飯店辦入住,並且在大廳聊他們近來的輝煌戰績。過了差不多一小時, : 經理從辦公室走出來並且要求他們離開。當他們離開的時候,他們忍不住問:「為什麼 : 啊?」經理回答:「因為我受不了一群棋迷(栗子)在門廳自吹自擂。」 : (chess nut棋迷與chestnut栗子音近) tengharold: 這裡是影射著名的歌詞 The Christmas Song 的第一行 Chestnuts roasting on an open fire 相對經理的 chess nuts boasting in an open foyer
: 29. I was in Tesco's and I saw this man and woman wrapped in a barcode. I : said, ''Are you two an item?'' : 我正在超市然後看到這個男人和女人正在包裝條碼,我問:「你們兩個是一起賣的嗎?」 : (wrapped in a barcode:包裝條碼?/包裝在一起用同一個條碼) sber: #29重點是在"an item" 講兩個人是an item是在說他們是情侶。 : 30. I'm in great mood tonight because the other day I entered a competition : and I won a years supply of Marmite......... one jar. : 今晚我心情超好的,因為某天我去比賽然後我得到的獎品是一年的Marmite… : 一罐子而已。 : (Marmite味道古怪,還好一年份只有一罐子) sber:#30 marmite就是很英國的食物... tengharold: 完全同意,個人感覺還蠻噁的 XD : 31. So I went to the Chinese restaurant and this duck came up to me with a : red rose and says ''Your eyes sparkle like diamonds''. I said, ''Waiter, I : asked for a-ROMATIC duck''. : 我去一家中國餐廳吃飯,然後這隻鴨子帶著一朵玫瑰來找我,說道:「你的雙眼閃爍如 : 同星辰。」我說:「服務生,我需要的是一隻香烤鴨子。」 : (aromatic:香的。romantic:浪漫的) ely6231:#31 讓我想到friends有一集joey誤會omnipotent的意思 XD tengharold: 其實 Aromatic 跟 a romantic 念起來差很多 : 32. Four fonts walk into a bar the barman says ''Oi - get out! We don't want : your type in here'' : 四個文字格式走到一家酒吧,酒保說:「滾出去!我們不要你們這類的來這裡(不要你 : 們在這邊輸入字型)。」 : (type:類型/打字) : 33. I was having dinner with Garry Kasporov (world chess champion) and there : was a check tablecloth. It took him two hours to pass me the salt. : 我正在和世界棋王Garry Kasporov共進晚餐,而桌巾是格子花紋的。他花了兩小時才把 : 鹽巴遞給我。 : (check tablecloth:格子花樣/棋盤狀的桌巾) : 34. There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest.. He sent in ten : different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. : Unfortunately, no pun in ten did. : 有個男人參加了當地報紙的雙關語競賽…他寄出了十個不同的雙關語,希望至少有一個會 : 贏,不幸的是,十個雙關語中沒有一個雙關語凱旋歸來。 : (sent in: 寄出/派出。win:贏得獎項/獲勝?) sber: #34重點是"no pun in ten did". 因為平常講 "no pun intended" : 35. I went down the local supermarket, I said, ''I want to make a complaint, : this vinegar's got lumps in it'', he said, "Those are pickled onions''. : 我進入一家當地超市,我說:「我要客訴,這瓶醋裡面有異物。」對方回答:「那些是 : 醃洋蔥。」 : (不確定這邊是否有雙關…) ely6231:#35 pickled onions -> onions pickled in vinegar : 36. I backed a horse last week at ten to one. It came in at quarter past : four. sber: #36在說他以10:1下注了一匹馬,但10:1又是 12:50(時間)的意思。 ely6231:#36 可以從back the wrong horse下去想~ 英國的賽馬場次用時間命名 the 1:50之類的 tengharold: 我上周賭一匹馬 10:1,結果它 4:15 才跑完。 : 37. I swear, the other day I bought a packet of peanuts, and on the packet : it said ''may contain nuts.'' Well, YES! That's what I bought the buggers : for! You'd be annoyed if you opened it and a socket set fell out!'' : 某天我買了一包花生,我發誓在包裝上他寫「可能含有花生種子」。好吧,沒錯!這就 : 是為什麼我要買這包的原因!你如果打開是看到花生殼掉出來你也會生氣! : (可能含有花生種子:本來買就是為了要吃花生的種子) dunchee:37. "May contain nuts"是一般食品包裝上的警語,是給對nuts過敏的人的警示 -> 1 b 第2例句 "nut"也是 --> 2 (所以才說a socket set。都已 經是花生了你還說"may contain nuts"。不是你賣的(吃的)nuts,難道是這個工具類的 "nuts"?(Wikipedia這個)) 對廠商來說是有點白痴的警語(但是廠商為了怕被罰, 所以還是要寫)。這類古怪的"白痴labels"很多 : 38. A lorry-load of tortoises crashed into a trainload of terrapins, What a : turtle disaster : 一群海龜撞上一群烏龜,真是一場龜難。 : (turtle disaster音近total disaster) : 39. My phone will ring at 2 in the morning, and my wife'll look at me and : go, ''Who's that calling at this time?' ''I don't know! If I knew that we : wouldn't need the bloody phone!'' : 我的電話在凌晨兩點響起來,我老婆看著我問:「是誰會這時候打來?」 : 「我怎知!如果我知道的話我就不用電話了!」 : (要接電話才知道是誰) : 40. I said to this train driver ''I want to go to Paris". He said : ''Eurostar?'' I said, ''I've been on telly but I'm no Dean Martin''. tengharold: Eurostar = you're a star? Dean Martin 可是美國大明星 sber:#40另外一個證明這些是英國東西的例子 Eurostar是倫敦通巴黎的火車,他以為他 在問他是不是歐洲明星,所以他說 我曾上過電視,但並不有名。telly也是英國講法 : 41. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly. But when they lit a fire in : the craft, it sank, proving once and for all that you can't have your kayak : and heat it. : 兩個愛斯基摩人坐在冰屋裡,冷到不行。不過當他們在裡面生火時,它卻坍塌了,證明 : 了你不能加熱你的冰屋。 : (不確定這裡是否有雙關?) sber: #41不是在屋子 是在舟上 愛斯基摩人的冰屋叫igloo。 tengharold: you can't have your kayak and heat it too 聽來像是俗語 you can't have your cake and eat it too (魚與熊掌不可兼得) : 42. I've got a friend who's fallen in love with two school bags, he's : bisatchel. : 我有個朋友愛上了兩個書包,他是雙包戀。 : (bisatchel音近bi-sexual) : 43. You see my next-door neighbour worships exhaust pipes, he's a catholic : converter. : (exhaust pipe排氣管,不太確定pipe是否意指pope, : catholic converter除了意指轉信天主教的人,也是一種汽車的排氣管?) sber:#43 觸媒轉換器 catalytic converter : 44. A three-legged dog walks into a saloon in the Old West. He slides up to : the bar and announces: ''I'm looking for the man who shot my paw.'' : 一隻三腳鴨走進一家西部酒館。他滑入酒吧內並且宣稱:「我在找那個射殺我的蹼的人」 : (paw蹼 音近pal夥伴) tengharold: 這是西部片報仇梗,但 paw 應解為美國南方發音的 pa,也就是老爸 dog 不是鴨 (三腳鴨 XD) paw 也不是蹼 : 45. I tried water polo but my horse drowned. : 我嘗試著打水球(在水中打馬球),但是我的馬淹死了。 : (water polo:水球,polo:馬球) : 46. I'll tell you what I love doing more than anything: trying to pack : myself in a small suitcase. I can hardly contain myself. : 我告訴你我有多喜歡作一件事:試著只打包一件小件行李(把我自己裝入小型行李箱)。 : 我幾乎沒辦法把我自己塞進去。 sber:#46的重點在I can hardly contain myself.平常這麼說是在講我要控制 不住我自己了 ely6231:#46 hardly contain myself 雙關裝不下/無法表達感受 : 47. So I met this gangster who pulls up the back of people's pants, it was : Wedgie Kray. iamx:#47 在學校有種從後面抓住別人內褲頭往上拉的惡作劇方法叫做 give someone a wedgie. tengharold: Wedgie Kray = Reggie Kray : 48. Went to the corner shop - bought 4 corners. : 去了一家角落商店——買了四個角落。 : (corner shop:在轉角的商店/賣轉角的商店) : 49. A seal walks into a club... ely6231:club:俱樂部/木棒 雙關海豹走進夜店or被木棒敲死 人們為了海豹皮屠殺大量海豹.. tengharold: walks into 還有"一頭撞上"的意思 : 50. I went to the Doctors the other day, and he said, 'Go to Bournemouth, : it's great for flu'. So I went - and I got it. : 某天我去看醫生,他說:「你可以去伯恩茅斯,對感冒有益。」 : 所以我去了—然後感冒了。 : (great for flu:對感冒有療效/對感冒很好) -- 'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life Trying to make ends meet, You're a slave to money then you die -Bittersweet Symphony, The Verve -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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