[情報] qBittorrent v4.1.4 release

看板EZsoft作者 (我要好工作)時間5年前 (2018/11/19 11:26), 5年前編輯推噓1(101)
留言2則, 2人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
EDIT(2018-11-22): The crash issue has been resolved. The installers are available now. 當機的問題己被解決,開放下載安裝程式 qBittorrent v4.1.4 was released. The macOS builds will follow in a couple of days. There will be 1-2 more releases in the 4.1.x series. After that we will switch to 4.2.x. The 4.2.x series will drop support for versions of Windows before Windows 7. EDIT(2018-11-20): The installers for 4.1.4 were deleted almost immediately after release. Crashes were reported on Windows 10 for the 64bit installer. See bug #9865. New installers will be uploaded when the problem is fixed. ‧FEATURE: Recognize *.ts files as previewable (silver) ‧FEATURE: Allow to disable speed graphs (dzmat) ‧FEATURE: Clear LineEdit on ESC (silverqx) ‧BUGFIX: Fix divide-by-zero crash (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Remove speed limit checkbox in Options dialog (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Fix speed graph "high speeds" bug (dzmat) ‧BUGFIX: Don't update torrent status unnecessarily (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Improve force recheck of paused torrent (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Restore torrent in two steps (glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Improve scaling of speed graphs (dzmat) ‧BUGFIX: Add isNetworkFileSystem() detection on Windows. This allows network mounts to be monitored correctly by polling timer. (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Reduce horizontal graphs resolution. Improves perfomance. (dzmat) ‧BUGFIX: Don't recheck just checked torrent (mj-p, glassez) ‧BUGFIX: Add SMB2 magic number (Chocobo1) ‧BUGFIX: Restore startup perfomance to v4.1.2 times. Needs at least libtorrent 1.1.10 (sledgehammer999) ‧BUGFIX: Make strings actually translatable (sledgehammer999) ‧WEBUI: Handle downloading .torrent file as success (Tom Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Fix Alternative Web UI to be available (glassez) ‧WEBUI: Consider empty locale setting as not set (glassez) ‧WEBUI: Add free disk space to WebUI status bar (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add WebUI search API controller (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Fix WebUI Auto TMM context menu bug (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Use independent translation for WebUI (glassez) ‧WEBUI: Add categories WebAPI (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Fix minor JavaScript defects (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Add locale to js file path (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Translate WebUI torrents Status column (Thomas Piccirello) ‧WEBUI: Bump Web API version ‧RSS: Allow to disable downloading REPACK/PROPER matches (Stephen Dawkins) ‧RSS: Improve RSS Feed updating (glassez) ‧SEARCH: Allow resizing search filter in search job (thalieht) ‧SEARCH: Improve parser for search engine versions.txt (Chocobo1) ‧SEARCH: Update Python URLs (Chocobo1) ‧SEARCH: Fix asking to install Python (Chocobo1) ‧SEARCH: Reformat python code to be compliant with PEP8 (Chocobo1) ‧OTHER: cmake: restore out-of-source build (Eugene Shalygin) ‧OTHER: cmake: cmake: use C++14 when available (Eugene Shalygin) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EZsoft/M.1542597973.A.E9A.html

11/19 14:06, 5年前 , 1F
11/19 14:06, 1F
※ 編輯: EijiHoba (, 11/21/2018 15:54:08 ※ 編輯: EijiHoba (, 11/23/2018 17:07:40

11/25 22:22, 5年前 , 2F
11/25 22:22, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1RyYrLwQ (EZsoft)