[情報](有Dexter結局雷!)毒師和法醫 將有延伸劇!!!

看板EAseries作者 (USD10)時間11年前 (2013/09/24 09:58), 編輯推噓21(21012)
留言33則, 20人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
伐木工真相大白 原來就只是為了拍眼伸劇!! SHOW TIME的意思是說要製片方延續劇情到第九季,但由於主教Michael C. Hall推出該劇 ,現在改成衍生劇的方式,按原計劃先投入一季充當第九季,看收視率決定是否繼續拍。 (ps. 英文原文來源尚找不到 中文原文來自大陸的盜版下載討論區 故不貼出處 ) 今年的暑期美劇市場充滿了離別的氣息,《絕命毒師》、《嗜血法醫》等多個擁有良好口 碑和收視率的老牌美劇都將與觀眾告別。不過,在北京時間今晨,《嗜血法醫》製片人斯 科特·巴克對外表示,該劇完結之後還會以衍生劇的方式,繼續演繹法醫的故事。 截至目前,《嗜血法醫》節目組已經有多個提案供參考,劇中的多位演員也主動請纓希望 能在衍生劇中有所作為。 “我們可以肯定的是,衍生劇與之前的作品有著很大的不同, 但是卻有著很強烈的關聯。我們希望節目能夠有更強烈的戲劇衝突,為觀眾解答之前《嗜 血法醫》裡面的種種疑惑。”斯科特·巴克說。 不過讓人遺憾的是,《嗜血法醫》中的核心角色戴克斯特的扮演者邁克爾·C·豪爾明確 表示自己不會參與有關《嗜血法醫》後續作品的拍攝,這也意味著戴克斯特這一角色可能 不會再出現,至少不會作為主角出現。 與此同時,另一檔美劇《絕命毒師》的衍生劇集也已經確定,原劇的風流律師古德曼將成 為新劇主角,演繹遊走在黑白兩道的人生。 劇集名稱確定是 Better Call Saul 原文出觸: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saul_Goodman_%28Breaking_Bad%29#Better_Call_Saul_spin-off it was announced that a spin-off series focusing on Saul is being developed by Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan and writer Peter Gould; the latter wrote the episode that introduced the character. Gilligan had considered it in a July 2012 interview: "I like the idea of a lawyer show in which the main lawyer will do anything it takes to stay out of a court of law. He'll settle on the courthouse steps, whatever it takes to stay out of the courtroom. That would be fun—I would like that."[2] In July 2013, Vince Gilligan commented that the series had yet to be green-lit but he and Gould are "full speed ahead on trying to get going." In developing the series, they are considering making it a half-hour show with a comedic tone but might still choose to go with a one-hour drama like Breaking Bad and will not reveal whether it would be a prequel or sequel series until Breaking Bad finishes its run.[3] During his appearance on Talking Bad, Odenkirk noted that Saul was one of the more popular characters on the show, speculating that the audience likes the character because he is the program's least hypocritical and is good at his job. On September 11, 2013 it was announced that the series had been green-lit by AMC, given the tentative title Better Call Saul and will be a prequel in a one hour format -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/24 10:26, , 1F
Better Call Saul,這代表時間軸跟毒師交錯or毒師年代之前
09/24 10:26, 1F

09/24 10:27, , 2F
倒是Dex不清楚是要寫哪個時間? 警方立場? 都很期待阿
09/24 10:27, 2F

09/24 10:34, , 3F
09/24 10:34, 3F

09/24 10:54, , 4F
Better call saul XDDDDD
09/24 10:54, 4F

09/24 11:12, , 5F
既然Dex不想演,就賜死他啊,變伐木工是怎樣= =
09/24 11:12, 5F

09/24 11:58, , 6F
09/24 11:58, 6F

09/24 12:03, , 7F
記得製作人有在訪談提到 如果BB是七分黑暗三分幽默 那希
09/24 12:03, 7F

09/24 12:03, , 8F
09/24 12:03, 8F

09/24 12:17, , 9F
Better Call Saul!!!!
09/24 12:17, 9F

09/24 13:50, , 10F
記得Better Call Saul的故事是接series finale之後。
09/24 13:50, 10F

09/24 13:55, , 11F
Saul還有官方網站XDD http://www.bettercallsaul.com/
09/24 13:55, 11F

09/24 14:16, , 12F
第二行讓我看了好幾次才看懂 XD 「因為主角退出該劇」
09/24 14:16, 12F

09/24 14:48, , 13F
此篇爆dexter結局雷= =?
09/24 14:48, 13F

09/24 14:57, , 14F
靠杯阿 這不是大爆雷阿?
09/24 14:57, 14F

09/24 14:58, , 15F
恩...我就被雷到了= =
09/24 14:58, 15F

09/24 15:40, , 16F
09/24 15:40, 16F

09/24 15:44, , 17F
抱歉 因為原po第一行就有寫 所以我推文....真的是很抱歉
09/24 15:44, 17F

09/24 15:44, , 18F
09/24 15:44, 18F

09/24 15:45, , 19F
我已經寫信給原po刪掉我的推文 真的很抱歉
09/24 15:45, 19F

09/24 17:07, , 20F
回myvoice大 原文最後是寫prequel喔
09/24 17:07, 20F

09/24 17:16, , 21F
better call saul聽起來好搞笑爛電影片 XD
09/24 17:16, 21F

09/24 18:47, , 22F
09/24 18:47, 22F

09/24 19:55, , 23F
Better call Saul haha dexter spin-off是能演啥
09/24 19:55, 23F

09/24 21:31, , 24F
我記得之前在傳spin off時有看過一篇說是after series fin
09/24 21:31, 24F

09/24 21:31, , 25F
09/24 21:31, 25F

09/24 21:31, , 26F

09/24 21:34, , 27F
09/24 21:34, 27F

09/24 21:34, , 28F
我記成是after series finale吧。
09/24 21:34, 28F

09/24 21:57, , 29F
Better Call Saul感覺會變喜劇耶XD
09/24 21:57, 29F

09/25 01:09, , 30F
Masuka:我也是法醫 額呵呵呵呵 ^0^
09/25 01:09, 30F

09/25 23:40, , 31F
Better Call Saul 看好中~~
09/25 23:40, 31F

10/30 16:37, , 32F
10/30 16:37, 32F

11/28 23:15, 5年前 , 33F
Better Call https://daxiv.com
11/28 23:15, 33F
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