Re: [心得] Covert Affairs 第三季(雷雷雷雷雷)

看板EAseries作者 (Annuit coeptis)時間12年前 (2012/09/07 06:26), 編輯推噓4(403)
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關於第八集後的發展... 轉貼自國外娛樂網站 大概是記者和執行製作Matt Corman 和 Chris Ord 兩位的訪談 請注意,訪談中有雷。 *以下附上試譯,因匆促寫就,有誤或有言而未盡之處還請板友指正~ 解開Covert Affairs的懸疑之謎:老闆的背叛與Annie/Auggie的未定數 警告:以下內容含有周二以及之後所撥出Covert Affairs的劇透,如果你還沒 看,請先移開你的視線;若不介意,就請繼續看下去~ USA有線電視的Covert Affairs在周二晚間的一集有出人意表的進展,把 通常發生於劇情季末的重大事件轉折放在一般的集數中呈現。 在簡短考慮和Simon私奔到遠方小島後,Annie和他的情郎雙雙被槍殺,扣下板 機的不是別人,卻是Annie先前將之視為導師的Lena. Annie幾近致命的的重傷 導致她接下來一周都躺在醫院昏迷不醒;這段時間之中,她將被許多夢境所折 磨,而其中相當重要的一場夢境,則與她的同事Auggie有關。 而以下內容,則是執行製作Matt Corman 與 Chris Oerd 提前對Lena 的背叛與 Annie 矛盾的內心所作的進一步提前說明 TVLINE | Simon 真的死了嗎? CORMAN | 是的,他死了。這是我們採取的立場。觀眾們必須接受這個顯而易 見的事實。而我想我們在這一季開始時就和你們聊過,我們的目的是如何使觀 眾認知到人們在間諜世界中所經歷的真正賭注與風險。如何把這一季作得充滿 戲劇性、充滿重大事件、並且呈現給觀眾諸多的危險,這對我們是一個很重要 的概念。而我們也很興奮地以這個原則完成這齣製作。我們認為在季中就做出 來,也是一個很有趣的想法。 TVLINE | Annie被槍殺後,情況到底有多危險? CORMAN | 非常危險。對Annie而言,所有的事都已經改變了。經歷了這件事之 後,她的生活從此改變,不管是在CIA之中或者之外都是。 TVLINE | 她醒來之後,還會記得多少? ORD | 噢。她會記得她怎麼會在那裏,她會記得發生的所有事。而除了她自己 的記憶之外,這些事也會被CIA高層記上一筆。這些是關於他們之後將要處 理的事情。而那些夢──我們會讓它們保有它們該有的位置。我們將在那些夢 中探索Annie的潛意識,而整個Auggie/Annie在舞池共舞的場景就在傳達這些 意義。至於Annie醒來後,是否會記得,我們會說,不,她不會記得那些夢。 TVLINE | 你是否可談談這些夢境對於之後兩人關係的發展有何影響,即使她 並不記得這些夢境?而這些夢境都意指著她對Auggie的感情 ? CORMAN | 夢境可以傳達人們的感受,但Chris說過,Annie不會帶著這些東西 向前邁進。這幾乎就有點像是她有意識的那個自我需要抓住那個潛意識中的自 我,那是她的旅程,在那她將明白在昏迷那段期間之中所經歷的事。這對我們 是個令人興奮的實驗,而在整個劇情架構與故事線之中做出這些小小改變也是 相當有趣的一件事。我們對這件事引以為榮,並且這些在之後的劇情也仍占有 很大的一部分。 ORD | 確實只有還活著的角色會跟著Annie邁向未來,而她在昏迷期間的所經 歷的則不會。Auggie在她身旁有非常坦白的表現,並且對她敞開了心房。這會 讓Auggie自己非常驚訝,而這對Auggie來說非常重大,他將在未來的幾集不斷 思索、質問這些事情。 TVLINE | Auggie 會發現 Annie差那麼一點就要和Simon 亡命天涯了嗎? CORMAN | 嗯,這問題非常有趣。明擺在眼前的事實──那就是Annie和Simon 在一起,這大概是Auggie自己要在他心裡腦補的~ TVLINE | 在所有面向之中,有許多不同的情感──Annie對Auggie,對Simon; Auggie 對 Aniie。他們怎麼調和這些矛盾? CORMAN | 調和這些不同的想法也是這一季的內容。Annie是一個極度情緒化的 人,她會做出一些情緒化的抉擇。有時候,這些抉擇對人們是不太好的。這些 將在之後的集數交代。 TVLINE | 談談Lena吧:她究竟在做什麼?是什麼驅使她這麼做? ORD | Lena是FSB的雙面間諜。FSB是俄羅斯的諜報機構 (註:由舊蘇聯KGB所改 組,全名為Federal Security Service,俄羅斯聯邦安全局,負責俄羅斯的國內 事務)。但Lena的動機則遠非意識型態。她從事雙面間諜是出於她自己的原因。 為一個疊床架屋的官僚組織賣命,對於一個間諜而言,是件令人感到挫折的事。 到頭來,Lena以兩方通吃的方式超越了這些障礙,這使得她站在一個能夠掌握權 力的位置上面,她能夠獲得所有的訊息。她發現自己醉心於此,最終,這腐蝕了 她本身,而她成了我們在第三季第八、第九集所看到的魔鬼,甚至到第十集都還 是如此。對於Lena而言,她的動機是實現她的自我。 TVLINE | Lena是一個Annie曾經視為導師而付諸信任的一個人,Lena的背叛會對 Annie帶來怎樣的影響? CORMAN | 這會打從心底震撼她。對於一個間諜來說,第一直覺和識人之能是他 們最主要的吃飯傢伙。當這些生存技能出了差錯,他們作為一個間諜的整套技能 都有問題。 Annie確實曾和Lena站在同一陣線的事實,將成為Annie無從解套的棘手問題。 TVLINE | Lena 下一步會做些什麼? 她有更進一步的其他目標嗎? CORMAN 她會在第十集 (將於9/18 日播出) 擔綱重要角色。我們的夏季季末結局 的一切都是關於 Lena 與 Annie 的糾葛。 ( Covert Affairs 第三季將於 10/16 續播) 以下為訪談原文: September 4, 2012 08:00 PM PDT Covert Affairs Post Mortem: Show Bosses on [Spoiler]'s Betrayal and Annie/Auggie's Future by Vlada Gelman WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Tuesday’s episode of Covert Affairs — and beyond. If you have yet to watch, avert your eyes now. Everyone else, you may proceed…. USA Network’s Covert Affairs made an unexpected move in this Tuesday night’s episode, packing a season finale-sized twist into a regular installment. After briefly flirting with the idea of running off to a remote island with fellow spy Simon, Annie and her beau were shot by none other than her mentor, Lena! Annie’s near-fatal wound will send her into a coma in next week’s episode, during which she’ll be plagued by dreams — including a very important one involving her pal Auggie. Below, executive producers Matt Corman and Chris Ord preview the ramifications of Lena’s betrayal and Annie’s conflicted heart. PHOTOS | Covert Affairs Hot Shots: Annie and Auggie Slow Dance in ‘Emotional’ Episode TVLINE | Is Simon really dead? CORMAN | Yes. He’s dead. We stand by that move. Audiences should take it at face value. And I think we talked to you about this at the beginning of the season, how our goal was to make the audience aware of real stakes and the dangers people in the life of a spy experience. It was important to us in the early conception of the season to really do dramatic, big things and show the audience the perils. And we were really excited to do it at this point, as well. Sometimes, TV shows will shoot somebody or kill somebody off as a finale. We thought it was an interesting concept to do it in the middle [of a season]. TVLINE | How much danger is Annie in after the shooting? CORMAN | Significant. Everything has changed for Annie. Her life is never going to be the same, inside the CIA or out, after this experience. TVLINE | How much is she going to remember when she wakes up? ORD | Oh, she’ll remember how she got there, certainly. She’ll remember everything that happened. Beyond just her own memories, it’s certainly on the CIA’s mind. This is something that they’re going to be dealing with going forward. The dreams – we’re keeping them in their own space. We’re exploring her subconscious [in these dreams], and that’s the point of the whole Auggie/Annie dance floor scene. But whether she comes out of that dream remembering that, we’re saying no. TVLINE | Can you talk about how those dreams might forward relationships, even though she doesn’t remember them? They’re saying a lot about how she’ s feeling for Auggie. CORMAN | The dream can project what you’re feeling, but as Chris said, she’ s not going to carry those forward. It’s almost like her conscious self needs to catch up with her subconscious self, and that will be the journey that she takes, where she comes to the realization of some of the things she’ s experiencing in the coma state. It was a really interesting exercise for us, and it was fun to do something that’s a little different in its format and storytelling. We’re proud of it and feel that it’s still very much a part of the show. ORD | Certainly the characters that are still alive and not in a coma state will be carrying forward the feelings that Annie’s situation evokes. Auggie is very honest at her bedside and really opens up to her. That may surprise him, and those are big feelings that he’s going to have to think about and question in episodes going forward. TVLINE | Will Auggie find out that Annie almost ran away with Simon? CORMAN | It’s interesting. The events on the ground — that they were together — are there, and it’s sort of like he would have to fill in those gaps in his mind. TVLINE | There are a lot of feelings on all sides – Annie for Auggie, and Simon, Auggie for Annie. How do they reconcile? CORMAN | Reconciling those different ideas is what the season is about. Annie ’s a highly emotional person, and she makes emotional decisions. Sometimes, those decisions are bad for you. Sorting that out is the work of [Season] 3.5 and beyond. TVLINE | Moving on to Lena: What’s her game? What’s driving her? ORD | Lena is a double for the FSB, which is a Russian spy [group], but her motivations go beyond ideology. She’s in it for herself. It’s frustrating for a spy to be working for an institution with tons of bureaucracy. Ultimately, Lena found a way to transcend that by working both sides and putting herself in a position of power where she was privy to all the information. She found that intoxicating and, ultimately, it corrupted her and made her the devil that we see in Episode 8 and 9 [airing next week] and even Episode 10 going forward. For Lena, the motivations are [about] self-fulfillment. TVLINE | This is a woman who Annie thought she could trust and counted as a mentor. How will Lena’s betrayal shake Annie? CORMAN | It’ll shake her to the core. For a spy, their No. 1 tool is their intuition and their ability to read people. When that’s called into question, everything about their skill set is called into question. The fact that Annie did align herself with Lena is going to be something very tricky for her to unravel. TVLINE | What’s Lena’s next course of action? Does she have a new target? CORMAN | She factors very heavily into Episode 10 [airing Sept. 18]. Our summer finale is all about Lena and Annie. (Covert Affairs resumes Season 3 on Oct. 16.) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/07 14:41, , 1F
09/07 14:41, 1F

09/07 20:12, , 2F
09/07 20:12, 2F

09/08 01:00, , 3F
傷心 我還蠻愛Simon的耶 >"<
09/08 01:00, 3F

09/08 01:49, , 4F
在TV Guide還有一篇
09/08 01:49, 4F

09/08 01:52, , 5F
09/08 01:52, 5F

09/08 01:53, , 6F
真的是太可惡了QQ 很喜歡Simon的說...
09/08 01:53, 6F

09/08 19:53, , 7F
想要拐跑女主角就是豎旗了阿 simon~
09/08 19:53, 7F
※ 編輯: lemondrink 來自: (09/17 22:43)
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