Re: [心得] Vampire Diaries S03E03 (雷)

看板EAseries作者 (Shirley)時間12年前 (2011/10/01 17:52), 編輯推噓15(15017)
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原文吃光光 心血來潮想打完整的劇情給大家 不過是英文版的喔~ 另外不怎麼重要的就沒打了 但還是很長喔!! 我是防雷頁! 大清早的~Damon又在喝酒 手機響起未知號碼的電話 D: You're interrupting my drink. K: You miss me? D: Katherine. Where are you? K: Lurking outside your window, pining away. (我看的版本中文翻的很棒: "在你窗外獨徘徊 為伊消得人憔悴" XDD) D: What do you want? K: I'm homesick. What have I missed? D: Well, Stefan's still Klaus's little prisoner and Elena still thinks she can save him and no one's thought about you since you left. K: And what about you? I'm sure now that you're given up on your brother, you're plotting some sort of way of moveing in on his girlfriend. D: I didn't give up on him. I just don't know where he is. But you do. Are you trailing them? K: A hybrid who wants me dead and his sidekick who's off the rails? I couldn't be further away. D: Which means you know exactly where they are. K: All I know is that Klaus pitched a fit once his hybrids didn't work. Now he's looking for some answers. D: How do you know that? K: Spend 500 years running, and there will be a few people along the way that are looking out for you. D: Is that what you're doing? Looking out for my brother? K: Maybe, maybe not. I'm conflicted. D: Where are they? 場景切到老K跟S 老K把S帶去 Chicago, 但S表示對以前在這裡當獵人的記憶模糊 講古~約1920年代的Chicago S享受完他女伴的血液後 進入一間酒吧 Gloria:(在舞台上唱歌) Guess who my eyes have just spied, ladies? Looking for a good time, Mr. Salvatore? S: Save me a dance, Gloria. (一個女人搶走S正要拿的酒) S: Please, help yourself. Rebekah: Oh, I always do. Careful, Mr. Salvatore. (吻S) You're still wearing your date.(指S的唇還有他女伴的血的甜味) She's lovely. S: Who are you? R舉起食指放在唇上後 瀟灑離去 回到現代的老K和S在Chicago S不懂老K為何還不放過他? 玩樂過了~製造混血兒也失敗了 老K說要帶他去見他最喜歡的女巫 說她必能解決混血兒的問題 D&E:正在夢鄉的E翻個身剛好進入完美好男人Damon的溫暖懷抱XDDDD D: Rise and shine, sleepy head.(起床了 小懶豬 好可愛的翻譯XDD) E: (尖叫) What are you doing? Get out! D: You know you were dreaming about me. Explains the drool. E: Oh, my God. 6:00 a.m.. Seriously? Do you really have nothing better to do at 6:00 a.m.? D: Fine, don't come with me to bring S home. See ya. E: Wait. Wait, wait, wait. What? What are you talking about? Where is he? D: Windy city. E: He's in Chicago? Well, how do you know? D: It came to me in a dream. I was naked. You would have loved it.(D你一定要 這樣誘惑剛滿18歲的少女嗎???XDDD) Start packing. E: Is he ok? D: Well, let's just say he's not there to meet Oprah.(翻E的衣櫃,拿起一件大 紅內褲XD) Put there in the "yes" pile. E搶走~白眼 D用很機車的表情走開 換可憐的芭比C C: Daddy, are you there? Why won't you talk to me? Dad! (通風口傳出有馬鞭草的氣體 C咳嗽 Bill進來) B: I'm so sorry this happened to you. C: Dad... B: I need an answer. How do you walk in the sunlight? C: Just let me go. B: Sweetheart, please, just answer me. Then we'll get on with it. C: Is that all you want to know? B: That's all I want to know. (C用眼神示意手上的戒指) B: Interesting.(拔了C的戒指) C: No, dad, no! What are you... What are you doing? What are you doing? B: Your ancestors built this place. People figured it was for unruly prisoners at the jailhouse, but... They had something else in mind. Vervain in the ventilation system to keep their subject weak. Reinforced steel containment chair, and that. C: What?(C後面有扇窗戶 有陽光) What are you doing? Dad? (B拿了袋血誘惑C) B: Blood controls you, sweetheart. This is how I'm going to fix you. C: What? (B開窗 C痛苦尖叫) 公路上的車子中 D: I sure hope we find him, cause it would suck if the last memento of S was that crappy old necklace. E: It's an antique, D, like you. D: (拿S的日記) Read this. Paints a pretty little picture of S's first experience in Chicago. E: It's S's diary. I'm not going to invade his private thoughts. D: You need to be prepared for what you're about to see. E: I've seen S in his darkest periods, I can handle it. D: Here's one. March 12th, 1922. "I've blacked out days. I wake up in stranger's blood, in place I don't recognize with women I don't remember." Ahh! I'm shocked! S's not a virgin? (原來S已經不是處男了 ←這邊害我大笑 ) E: (搶走日記) Eyes on the road, grandma. D: Fine. Back to my game. Tell me if you see a Florida plate. (長途旅程的一種遊戲) 回到1920年的酒吧 G還在舞台上唱歌 R與一男伴共舞中 S與一些男人聊天大笑中 R覺得被干擾很不爽 R: Sorry to crash the fun, boys, but some of us actually came here to hear the music. Not you. S: I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Are we offending you? R: It would take a lot more than a baby face like this to offend me.(說完離開) S: (抓住R的手臂) You ever going to tell me your name? R: Sure, when you earn it. Now do G a favor and stick a sock in it. (R離開繼續與剛剛的舞伴跳舞) 現代的酒吧 老K與S進入 兩人見到G S驚訝G還活著 老K說G是法力強大的女巫 G說這可以延緩他的衰老 用藥材和咒語 但還是遲早會死 老K趕S去倒酒 與G談混血兒的問題 G說每個咒語都有漏洞 需要跟下咒的那個女巫連通 也就是original witch 但她早就死了 而Rebekah身上有G需要的東西 S則在吧檯發現了一張照片 是自己跟老K在1920年左右的合照 極為疑惑 C媽打給C說想跟他吃中飯 此時T來到她家 場景切回C和她爸B B一直來回打開窗戶烤C 再測試她能不能抵抗血的誘惑 想藉此徹底壓至她對吸血鬼的本性 D&E E: S could live anywhere in Chicago and he chose this? D: There used to be an all-girls high school around the corner, but it shut down for attendance issues. Weird. E: If you're trying to scare me into giving up and going back, it's not going to work. D: Here we are. S's second personality home. E: Pretty obvious he hasn't been here. D: Tour is not over yet. (D將一扇後面藏有密室的櫃子打開) E: S hid his alcohol. What a monster. D: Look harder. E: It's a list of names. These are all of his victims? D: Still handling it? (牆壁上的名單真的落落長) E: What were you doing in the 1920s? Paving the way for women's liberation? D: I was around. Chicago's a big city. S was a cocky ripper douche. But I could avoid him and still indulge in a few Daisy Buchanans of my own. E: Where are you going? D: His old stomping ground. E: I'm coming with you. D: No. You stay here and whip up an actual plan. I'll back when I find him. 老K&S 在一間倉庫(老K的代號是OK 指Old K 也指Original Klaus) S: This doesn't make any sense. Why don't I remember you? OK: You said it yourself, that time had a lot of dark holes. S: No, if you knew me, then why haven't you said anything? OK: I'm a little busy right now. Memory lane will have to wait. S: What the hell is going on? Answer me. OK: Let's just say we didn't get off to a brilliant start. To be honest, I hate you. 回1920s的酒吧 S和R共享一個女人的血液中 S: It's beautiful.(只掛在R脖子上的項鍊) R: A witch gave it to me. Supposedly it's magical. S: And is it? R: It brought me love, didn't it? (兩人熱吻) OK走向R,一把抓起R: It's late, R, we're leaving. R: Get off of me! S: Who is this guy? R: S, don't. He'll kill you. He's a lot stronger than he looks. OK: So this is the famous Stefan Salvatore I've been gearing so much about. You're right, he does have funny hair. I'm bored. I want to go. R: Then go without me, I'm not your girlfriend. OK: No, you're my sister, which means... You have to do as I say. S: Your sister. 回到現代老K&S S: So I knew another original vampire. OK: If you can't handle it, then don't ask. 老K打開R的棺材 S: I don't recognize her. OK: Well, don't tell her that. R's temper is worse than mine.(拔掉匕首) Time to wake up, little sister. Any day now, R. She's being dramatic. S: Look, why don't you just tell me what the hell is going on? I mean, you obviously want me here for a reason, right? OK: Well, you have many useful talents. S: Do I? OK: In fact, I learned some of my favorite tricks from you. 又回1920s的酒吧 OK: So S, enlighten me what makes you worthy of an original like my sister? S: She's pure vampire and you're no more than a diluted blookline. R: Don't listen to him, S. Nik's an elitist. S: Hmm. And where's the rest of your family? OK: Well, let's see. Um, I killed most of them. R: Oh! But not all. S: And you're ok with that? R: Well, we all had the chance to choose a side. I chose the right one, eventually. (突然來了一個男人 Liam 是剛剛給S和R享用其血液的女人的丈夫) Liam: Where the hell's my wife? S: I don't know. I give up. Liam: You think you're so tough? Hiding in your bar, drinking your liquor? A telephone call to Chicago P.D. might set you straight. S: Lila? Lila, please come here for a second.(剛剛提供S和R血的女人) Liam: Oh, thank god. Come on, we're leaving. S: Oh, no, no, no, no. No. You're sitting.(Vampire 不管老少都愛用控制這招) (兩人坐下S拿出小刀) R: S, don't be mean. Liam: What the hell are you doing? S割開Lila的手 讓血流入酒杯 S: Thank you so much, Lila. Why don't you go and bandage that up. I'd like you to join me for a drink. Liam: What kind of sick freaks are you? S: I said, drink!(L被迫喝了一小口 老K十分感興趣的看著) I didn't catch your name. Liam: Go to hell. S: Do you want another sip? Liam: Liam. Liam Grant. S: Liam Grant! Have another sip, Liam. 老K大笑 拿起自己的酒杯去跟Liam乾杯 S: Finish it. 回到現代的Chicago 的倉庫 OK: I was your number one fan. S: Why should i believe any of this? OK: (對守衛說) When she wakes up, tell her to meet us at G's bar. Then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed until you die. S: Where are you going? OK: You think I'm lying, S. You and I knew each other. You trusted me with one of your secrets and now I'm going to prove it to ypu. S: How? OK: We're going to your old apartment. D到G的酒吧 G: Well, look what the wind blew in. Last I heard, you hated this place. D: Gloria. Damn! If I knew you were going to age like this, I would have stuck around. G: I always did like you better. But I see your brother is still running in the wrong crowd. D: You've seen him? G: With Klaus. Bad combo. D: You know where they went? G: They'll be back here later tonight. They're out running a little errand for me. D: Gloria... Don't be a tease.(D握住G的手) What kind of errand? G: I don't think so. You may be cute, but you're still a vampire. (G把手抽開) E在S的公寓讀日記 裡面談到Lexi對他的幫助 突然聽到老K和S來的聲音 趕忙躲進密室裡 老K也知道櫃子後面有東西~打開讓S進去 S在裡面發現了E 兩人凝望許久後 S用一瓶1918年的純麥威士忌誘走了老K E拿著馬鞭草針等著D回來 E: Finally! I called you an hour ago. D: (丟一袋衣服給E) Make youself presentable. I know where S's going to be tonight. E: I told you that I was practically discovered by Klaus and you're worried about what I'm wearing? D: I had an hour to realize what a bad idea it was to leave you here alone, process it, and move on. Are you ok? E: Yeah. D: Ok, good. Get dressed. You're all road-tripy and gross. E: So you know where he's going to be? D: Yes, with Klaus. So I'll distract Klaus and you deal with S. E: Ok, thank you. D: But you're going to have about five minutes tops before that hybrid freak rips my heart out. So, please. tell me you can do this. E: I can do this. 酒吧裡 G: Where's R? OK: She'll be here. I can't just conjure here on demand. What's with you? I thought Chicago was your playground. S: So this is why you asked me to be your wingman? Because you liked the way that I tortured innocent people? OK: Well, that's certainly half of it. S: What's the other half? OK: The other half, S, is that you used to want to be my wingman. (OK把酒滑給S) 回1920s S: They're jealous. Your family wants you dead because they can never be what you are. OK: What? An abomination? S: No. A king. (兩人相視而笑) OK: Look at us. Two sad orphans.(S望向R) My sister fancies you, you know. But... I should warn you, R doesn't do anything half-speed, and that includes falling in love. So just be careful. She's totally mad. S: I appreciate the advice. OK: And when the point comes where she inevitably leaves you. She can't help it, it's just who she is. Don't let your heart do anything stupid. S: You know that, you're a good friend, Nik. I'm glad I met you. (舉杯敬酒 回到現代 S想起來了) OK: To friendship.(兩人敬酒) C&C爸B B: I want you to know, when Carol Lockwood called and told me about you... I sat down and cried. C: Dad, I'm ok. I've learned to adapt. I don't need to be fixed. I can't be fixed. B: I've always taught you to try your best. I need you to try best now. (又用血引誘C) There, see? You're doing it. C: I can't. B: Yes, you can. Fight the urge. C: Daddy, I'm starving. B: I know you are, Car. Try. C: Why? You know that this isn't going to work. B: It has to work. It's the only option. C: Why are you trying to fix me? B: So I don't have to kill you! C: Daddy, I'm sorry. B: The sun's gone down. We'll try again tomorrow. (B關上牢門離開 丟開血袋時 聽到了槍上膛的聲音 是C媽 Liz) L: Hello, Bill.(←我以為下一句是 Goodbye, Bill. XD) B: Put the gun down, Liz. I know what I'm doing. L: That's our daughter in there. She looks up to you. She loves you. B: Then she'll trust me to do the right thing. Let me do this, Liz. Not because she's a monster, but because we love her. L: Tyler.(T出現 下樓) B: You're not going in there.(L發威開槍!) L: Go ahead. T進去幫C戴上戒指後~公主抱救走了芭比C!!! 回到酒吧 S: So I'm confused. If we were such great friends, why do I only know you as the hybrid dick who sacrificed my girlfriend on an altar of fire? OK: All good things must come to an end. 又回1920s的酒吧 S和R共舞 老K在旁看著 突然酒吧遭槍擊 S發現子彈是木製的 S: They're using wooden bullets. They know. R: That means he's here. S: Who? Who's here? (R看起來很驚恐) OK: R! Come on, we've got to go, sweetheart. S: What the hell is going on? R: S! OK: Go! (R的項鍊掉落 S看見想去撿起來) OK: S. I'm sorry, but the fun has to end here. S: What are you talking about? OK: You must forget R and me. Until I say otherwise, you never knew us, S. Thank you. I had forgotten what it was to have a brother. (OK閃電離開 S什都不記得) 回到現代 S: You compelled me to forget. OK: It was time for R and I to move on. Better to have a clean slate. S: But why? You shouldn't have to cover your tracks... unless you're running from someone. OK: Storytime's over. (S看到D進入酒吧 D示意S出去談) S: I need another drink. A real one. D&S S: What is wrong with you?! D: What is wrong with you? You kill Andie one day, you save my life the next. What are you good, bad? Pick one. S: Klaus almost saw E today. You have to get her out of Chicago. D: She's not going anywhere until she's got you checked into vampire rehad and on the mend. Trust me. I've tried. S: She is the key to everything. Klaus can't know that she's alive. D: What are you talking about? S: She was supposed to die in the sacrifice and she didn't. Now Klaus can't create any new hybrids. His witch is seconds away from figuring that out. Tell E to go home and forget about me. D: Tell her yourself. D膽子很大的進入酒吧絆住老K OK: I see they're opened the doors to the riff raff now. D: Oh, honey. I've been called worse. OK: You don't give up, do you? D: Give me my brother back... You'll never have to see me again. OK: Well, I am torn. You see, I promised S I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did i really sign up for? And clearly you want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be there, so... D: What can I say? I'm a thrill seeker. 久違的E&S S: You shouldn't be here. E: Where else would I be? S: What do you want? D won't be able to distract OK for long. E: Come home. (E抱住S 相擁後 E想幫S注射vervain 但失敗被S逮到) S: How much clearer can I make it? I don't want to come home! 老K在酒吧裡虐待D 打算宰了他 但G救了D 表示不許老K在酒吧裡打架 老K和D說等他把事情解決後 S自己不會想要再回家的 E&S S: Klaus is obsessed with siring these hybrids. The second he knows you're alive, he'll figure out why it's not working. E: Look, I know you're trying to protect me, but I can't let you do it. Come with me, S, please. S: And what do you expect if I do? Huh? It's never going to be the same,E. E: I know that. S: I don't think you do. I've left bodies scattered from Florida to Tennessee. Innocent people. Humans. E: Lexi found you like this before. In the twenties, and she saved you. S: And you know what I did after that? I spent 30 years trying to pull myself together. To a vampire, that's nothing. To you? That's half your life. E: I can't give up on you, S. S: Yes, you can. It's done. That part of my life is done. I don't want to see you . I don't want to be with you. I just want you to go. (好絕情我都哭了>"<) 車中~E摸著S給她的項鍊(就是當初R的那條) D上車 兩人回家 C媽很貼心的給C一袋血喝 和她解釋自己和B都深受家族傳下來的觀念所影響 T來了~C媽識相的走了XD T說要問為何C那天早上偷溜走XDD C說很難過自己的父親恨她 老K回倉庫找R 發現R不在棺材內 且警衛已經被吸光了 OK: Rebekah... It's your big brother. Come out, come out, wherever you are. R閃電把匕首刺入老K的心臟 R: Go to hell, Nik! 場景回1920s的倉庫 OK: Hurry up, R. Let's go. R: He'll be here any second. OK: Do you want to die? We've been found. We need to move. R: Not without S. OK: S's not coming. We have to disappear, He'll draw too much attention. Let him go. R: What did you do? OK: Come on. We don't have time for one of your tantrums. R: I don't want to run anymore, Nik! All we do is run. I want to be with S. OK: Fine. Then choose. Him or me. That's what I thought. Get in the truck. Let's go. R: Good- bye, Nik. 老K大怒用匕首刺了R的心 回到現代 老K拔出了匕首 OK: Don't pout. You knew it wouldn't kill me. R: Yeah, but I was hoping it would hurt more. OK: I understand that you're upset with me, R... So I'm going to let that go. Just this once. Brought you a little peace offering. You can come in. R: Stefan. OK走向S: Now you remember. S想起了所有的事 OK: G tells me you know how to contact the original witch. R: The original witch. OK: What do you have that G needs? R摸脖子 大驚: Where's my necklace? What did you do with it? I never take it off! OK: I don't know. I didn't touch it. R: We need to find it, Nik. Now, I want it back! OK: Tell me that's not what she needs, R! (兩個老吸血鬼超激動 我們翻桌他們翻棺材XD) D和K通話 D: Ok. You were right. He was there. K: I'm always right. Let me guess-- it ended in tears and heartbreak. D: Where are you? K: Why? Do you want to come rub sunscreen on my back? D: I'm thinking Europe. Italy, maybe. Or Spain. You were always s sucker for those lazy afternoons. K: Keep guessing, Damon. Bye-bye. K走出電話亭 想起當年1920s的酒吧 那時她也在 警察正在蒐集證據(拿的都是酒 是想偷拿回家喝嗎?) K走進R逃走時掉落的項鍊 突然發現S走回來~趕忙躲去角落 S撿起地上的項鍊 此時有Chicago 的警察問S有沒有見過這兩人 畫裡正是老K和R S被老K奪走記憶自然說不認識 回到現代~K身後有兩Chicago 的巴士經過 K攔了輛計程車就走了~ The end--- 結論:1.真的是一山還有一山高啊!!!! 竟然還有老K和R這種元老vampire 也怕的人物 不負責的猜測是這些人物可能也就是Bill的祖先 可能他們有那種反 Vampire的組織吧 2.Key目前除了E沒死外 還有她脖子上的項鍊 唉~真不曉得還有沒有 2號John可以替她死的 3.ES目前似乎真的分手啦~~~~S回頭找舊愛去了 4.項鍊到底有什麼神秘的玄機呢??而且Kat也有看到S拿走R的項鍊 老K和R會 花多長時間想項鍊的可能下落?畢竟他們逃走前就只跟S在一起過 5.S的髮型不論是1920還是現代~都是人人嘲笑的地方XDD ※ 編輯: shirley7398 來自: (10/01 17:54)

10/01 17:57, , 1F
元老吸血鬼殺都殺不死 居然也會怕...
10/01 17:57, 1F
※ 編輯: shirley7398 來自: (10/01 18:04)

10/01 18:10, , 2F
10/01 18:10, 2F

10/01 19:24, , 3F
大推 好厲害好有耐心~!!!!
10/01 19:24, 3F

10/01 21:03, , 4F
10/01 21:03, 4F

10/01 21:04, , 5F
10/01 21:04, 5F

10/01 21:11, , 6F
應該是~但可能不只警長一人 不然不會讓Klaus慌忙逃走
10/01 21:11, 6F

10/01 21:30, , 7F
10/01 21:30, 7F

10/01 21:30, , 8F
10/01 21:30, 8F

10/01 21:40, , 9F
10/01 21:40, 9F

10/01 21:40, , 10F
10/01 21:40, 10F

10/01 21:40, , 11F
10/01 21:40, 11F

10/01 21:45, , 12F
說得也是哈哈XD都忘了TVD超愛埋梗! C被救出真是太好了
10/01 21:45, 12F

10/01 22:25, , 13F
10/01 22:25, 13F

10/01 22:54, , 14F
10/01 22:54, 14F

10/01 22:58, , 15F
10/01 22:58, 15F

10/01 23:06, , 16F
我怎麼覺得那個警長長的好像E的老爸 john
10/01 23:06, 16F

10/01 23:57, , 17F 這篇文章有提到 在Fringe裡飾演
10/01 23:57, 17F

10/01 23:58, , 18F
Newton的Sebastian Roché將飾演Klaus都會怕的獵人
10/01 23:58, 18F

10/01 23:59, , 19F
10/01 23:59, 19F

10/02 00:20, , 20F
10/02 00:20, 20F

10/02 00:40, , 21F
10/02 00:40, 21F

10/02 02:03, , 22F
殺不死才要怕阿 一直被折磨是很慘的
10/02 02:03, 22F

10/02 06:49, , 23F
向Stefan問話的警長是SPN的天使大叔耶 難怪覺得眼熟
10/02 06:49, 23F

10/02 11:07, , 24F
10/02 11:07, 24F

10/02 11:07, , 25F
10/02 11:07, 25F

10/02 11:08, , 26F
10/02 11:08, 26F

10/02 11:09, , 27F
10/02 11:09, 27F

10/02 11:09, , 28F
10/02 11:09, 28F

10/02 18:08, , 29F
過勞死和妹妹感情真好 可以拿刀捅來捅去的
10/02 18:08, 29F

10/03 20:42, , 30F
10/03 20:42, 30F

08/16 12:20, , 31F
08/16 12:20, 31F

09/22 02:27, , 32F
09/22 02:27, 32F
文章代碼(AID): #1EXkBWVD (EAseries)
文章代碼(AID): #1EXkBWVD (EAseries)