Re: [閒聊] 有MP嗆聲說:不會再去大陸的八卦嗎?!

看板DreamTheater作者 (purple haze)時間15年前 (2009/06/03 20:12), 編輯推噓8(808)
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原文恕刪 出自雜誌訪談: RP/KP(大概是訪問的人) vs. MP RP: Talking of new markets. how was your first trip to China? How does that compare with other Asian markets?   (關於新市場,你第一次到中國的經驗怎麼樣? 跟其他亞洲國家比起來呢?) MP: Do you want the politically correct answer or do you want the truth? <Laughter> (你想聽政治上的答案呢還是聽真的) (笑) KP: Tell us the truth Mike!   (公金ㄝ啦) MP: The truth would be that that was the least favourite show on the tour actually and I don't think I'm alone in that. It was a very difficult gig and when we were there we were flabbergasted at how not together the country was. especially since they were going to be hosting the Olympics a few months later. It was just a really difficult gig and they just didn't have it together in terms of preparation and accomo- dation. So I don't think we are going to be returning there that soon. This is horrible to say but a lot of places where we go on tour, in particular if we have a bad gig or venue and report back to our manager and say that we can never play this venue again. It's too small or it just doesn't accomodate our show etc. After the China gig, I called our manager and said, "not only are we blacklisting this venue, we're blacklisting the entire country. We don't want to go back to China."   (事實上,那是巡迴裡面我最不喜歡的一場表演,而且我覺得不是只有我這麼想。   那是非常辛苦的一場表演,當我們到了那裡實在大吃一驚,這個國家太不團結了,   他們竟然在幾個月之後還要辦奧運。他們沒有把事情組合在一起,或是說他們   沒有準備、協調妥當。我想我們短期之內不會再去那裡表演了。這樣說很糟糕,   我們到很多地方表演、參加演出,如果表演得很差,我們會跟經理人回報,我們   以後無法再來表演。可能是因為場地太小,或是沒有對方沒有準備充分等等。在   中國的演唱會後,我打電話給經理人說,我們除了要把這個場地列入黑名單,這   整個國家都要列入黑名單,我們不想回來再辦表演。) RP: That's a pretty big country to blacklist as well.   (那這個黑名單上的國家也很大呀。) MP: I know. It's horrible to say but unfortunately it's the truth.   (我知道,這樣講很糟糕,但很不幸的事實就是如此。) KP: So was it a stark contrast to when you are in Japan then?   (所以說這跟你們在日本的時候對比很大囉?) MP: Well, yeah, it's a big contrast but not just Japan we'd also done Korea, Singapore and Bangkok. All of those gigs were tremendous. All of the rest Asian gigs were awesome. (嗯,對,的確是很強烈的對比,除了日本我們還有去韓國、新加坡和泰國。   其他地方的表演都超棒、超讚的) ... 實際上發生了什麼事我也不知道,總之MP (DT)好像很堵爛 後來MP在自己的網站上有道歉了,說他不是針對歌迷 要封鎖中國是誇張的說法...:P I apologize if my words came off too harsh. Sometimes in interviews I can say things lightly and with (what I think is) a bit of humour and of course it gets misinterpreted, misread and I am then the bad guy... Mind you, I usually dont go out of my way to EVER say anything's just when I am asked questions in interviews I tend to tell the truth without pulling punches (you can see I even debated before answering this particular question) and often "the truth hurts!" (OMG - the beating I am currently taking elsewhere for honestly answering why I don't work with OSI anymore!!!) Sometimes I think I'd be better off not being honest (like some artists I know)or not caring about the fans and doing any interviews at all (like some other artists I know...) I can never win! Anyways, as much as the last experience in China was very difficult for us all...(the show was very close to being cancelled) - it was of course not AT ALL due to the fans... We surely felt the love and passion from the audience during the show!!! It was simply the surrounding accomodations before and after the show that were very difficult....but of course we fully understand this was not the fan's doing.... My saying we LITERALLY blacklisted the entire country of China was just an exaggeration for the article and was meant to be light-hearted. Of course, if we can ever find ourselves in a situation where we can come back and put on the show under the conditions we expect from everywhere else in the world we play, then we'd love to see all of your wonderful smiling faces again! Please everyone - gimme a break! I'm not the bad guy....I really am a nice guy and mean no harm!!!! MP -- Ghost's Reveries falling into Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence.South of Heaven Dark Tranquillity of the Emperor. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/03 20:36, , 1F
06/03 20:36, 1F

06/03 20:44, , 2F
就MP覺得Kevin Moore太雞歪就不爽錄了...
06/03 20:44, 2F

06/03 20:46, , 3F
MP: Kevin "NO" Moore!
06/03 20:46, 3F

06/04 01:13, , 4F
06/04 01:13, 4F

06/08 02:59, , 5F
politically correct answer 這邊意思應該是官方式答案
06/08 02:59, 5F

06/08 03:34, , 6F
06/08 03:34, 6F

06/13 21:23, , 7F
06/13 21:23, 7F

06/13 21:24, , 8F
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06/13 22:06, , 10F
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06/13 22:06, , 11F
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06/13 22:07, , 12F
06/13 22:07, 12F

06/13 22:07, , 13F
06/13 22:07, 13F

06/13 22:08, , 14F
我會翻譯成 MP:你要聽場面話還是真話?
06/13 22:08, 14F

06/18 12:41, , 15F
推樓上翻譯 簡潔!
06/18 12:41, 15F

06/18 12:47, , 16F
06/18 12:47, 16F
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