Re: [情報] 2016年度 D3 各種大吐槽+建議收集帖

看板DIABLO作者 (HolyBug)時間7年前 (2016/12/14 16:31), 編輯推噓1(100)
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雖然上次您出來募集建議時,我被砲的體無完膚. 不過本著厚顏無恥的態度,這次還順帶把意見事先用英文編輯完成. (其實是很久之前就想用來貼在美國論壇,然而哀莫大於心死...) [Craft System] - will never produce an "Ancient" one - will not be restricked by "Legacy of Nightmares" 核心精神:鍛造不出遠古,只能藉由重洗來出遠古,避免過度強勢.  不受夢靨限制,獨立在六件套規則之外,畢竟都和技能脫鉤. - [Asheara] from (2) Set: +100 Resistance to All Elements (3) Set: +20% Life (4) Set: Attacks cause your followers to occasionally come to your aid. to (2) Set: Attacks cause your followers to occasionally come to your aid. (3) Set: +800 Resistance to All Elements (4) Set: +15% to all attributes 核心精神:把四件套特性往前挪,棄三攻,重點在屬性的提升. - [Aughild] from (2) Set: Reduces damage from ranged attacks by 7.0%. Reduces damage from melee attacks by 7.0% (3) Set: Reduces damage from elites by 15.0% Increases damage against elites by 15.0% to (2) Set: Reduces damage from ranged attacks by 20.0%. Reduces damage from melee attacks by 20.0% (3) Set: Reduces damage from elites by 40.0% Increases damage against elites by 40.0% 核心精神:單純提升強度 - [Born] from (2) Set: +15% Life (3) Set: Reduces cooldown of all skills by 10.0%. +20% Experience. (2.0% at level 70) to (2) Set: +30% Life (3) Set: Reduces cooldown of all skills by 25.0%. 核心精神:單純提升強度 - [Cain] from (2) Set: Attack Speed Increased by 8.0% (3) Set: 50% Better Chance of Finding Magical Items +50% Experience. (5.0% at level 70) to (2) Set: Attack Speed Increased by 20.0% (3) Set: Critical Chance Increased by 10.0% Critical Damage Increased by 100.0% 核心精神:拔除MF與EXP功能,Lv70練巔峰去打高大密實際一點.  重點在完全提升三攻. - [Captain Crimson] from (2) Set: Regenerates 6000 Life per Second Reduces cooldown of all skills by 10.0%. (3) Set: +50 Resistance to All Elements Reduces all resource costs by 10.0%. to (2) Set: Reduces cooldown of all skills by 15.0%. (3) Set: +500 Resistance to All Elements Reduces all resource costs by 50.0%. 核心精神:單純提升強度 - [Demon] from (2) Set: +6000 Fire Thorns Damage (3) Set: Chance to Deal 25% Area Damage on Hit. (4) Set: +15% Damage to Demons Chance to reflect projectiles when you are hit by enemies. to (2) Set: Each Hit Heals you by 10% HP (3) Set: Lost 1% HP every yard you moved, 50% at most An aura increases your damage by 1% to your next attack every yard you moved, stacks 50. (4) Set: The aura will fade after 5 seconds after you hit an elite enemy. 核心精神:重新設計,和旅者相反的增攻.  移動會耗血但獨立增傷,四件套時該buff維持5秒消失.  怕失血過多,文末有對應處理方式. - [Guardian] from (2) Set: +250 Vitality Regenerates 8000 Life per Second (3) Set: +15% Movement Speed to (2) Set: +20% Vitality Regenerates 100000 Life per Second (3) Set: +500 Resistance to All Elements +10000 Thorn Damage 核心精神:搭配荊棘套使用 - [Hallowed] from (2) Set: +100 Resistance to All Elements Attack Speed Increased by 10.0% to (2) Set: Attack Speed Increased by 10.0% Critical Chance Increased by 6.0% Critical Damage Increased by 50.0% 核心精神:半套增強三攻 - [Sage] from (2) Set: +250 Strength +250 Dexterity +250 Intelligence +250 Vitality (3) Set: Increases Death's Breath drops by 1. to (2) Set: Increases Death's Breath drops by 1. (3) Set: Increases Death's Breath drops by 2. 核心精神:雞肋屬性不需要了,要農死息請給的大方一點 [Gems] 核心精神:寶石系統怎麼鑲幾乎是定番了,該有點變革 - Flawless Royal Amethyst Helm: +23% Life -> +30% Life Weapon: +28000 Life per Hit -> Attack Speed Increased by 50% Other: +280 Vitality 核心精神:擊回效益超鳥,綠寶提升暴傷,就讓其他寶石提升另外兩個三攻 - Flawless Royal Diamond Helm: Reduces cooldown of all skills by 12.5%. Weapon: Increases damage against elites by 20.0% -> Critical Chance Increased by 15% Other: +78 Resistance to All Elements 核心精神:誰要一個日光守祭,同上述把目標改為增加暴率  以戒指來看是6暴率等同50%暴傷,故綠寶130%約15.6暴率上下 - Flawless Royal Emerald Helm: +41% Extra Gold from Monsters -> Ring of Royal Grandeur 核心精神:雖然打錢時有其需求,不過現在都跑去抱DH腿解泥炭  改為取代華戒來釋放一個綠裝需求 Weapon: Critical Hit Damage Increased by 130.0% Other: +280 Dexterity - Flawless Royal Ruby Helm: +41% Experience. (4.1% at level 70) -> Auto revival CD 60 seconds 核心精神:給專家模式的玩家一條生路 Weapon: +270 Damage -> All elemental damage Increased by 40% 核心精神:除了三攻之外,還能上檯面的就是元素增傷,故改之 Other: +280 Strength - Flawless Royal Topaz Helm: Reduces all resource costs by 12.5%. Weapon: +38000 Thorns Damage Other: +280 Intelligence [Battle] - now Elite enemies may perform skills to break your armor - now heal potions can stack 3 times - now rift has a bonus progress bar to summon 2nd boss with better rewards 核心精神:雖然BZ希望玩家躲招,但是系統面沒有需求躲招  所以目前還沒有動到的就是護甲系統,護甲只有  會不會壞的差異,可以將其重要性提升.  允許菁英某些技能能破壞護甲,但是施放的頻率與量要降低. 一瓶血不夠用,血球系統都拔成那樣了,參考一下PoE吧.  小秘境大家只想要速度刷,下一層,誰會鳥你開圖?  給個建議是不要只放一條進度條,王出來之後可以讓進度條變色,  假使你又集滿的話,第二隻王可以給予更好的loot  這和閃電霹靂車加速開完還有第二段是異曲同工之妙 樂於接受各位批評,麻煩不要提老母之類的,好歹花了時間,給點面子,謝謝. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

12/14 18:51, , 1F
12/14 18:51, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1OKGDjqL (DIABLO)
文章代碼(AID): #1OKGDjqL (DIABLO)