Re: [討論] 修改CSV格式 請問這樣值多少錢?

看板CodeJob作者 (呆呆小狼)時間12年前 (2011/12/01 18:42), 編輯推噓4(407)
留言11則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/12 (看更多)
※ 引述《deo2000 (800IM)》之銘言: : 推 WolfLord:要是我報價大約5K左右,其實這個功能我自己寫的字串就有 12/01 17:35 : → WolfLord:對應功能了,大概需要花幾十分鐘做UI吧 12/01 17:37 : → WolfLord:朋友做交情的話,一瓶可樂或正妹撒嬌都可能....就醬 XDD 12/01 17:37 : UI 嘛...我有用 cout + while(1) + system("cls") 做 UI 算嗎XD : 防錯,趕時間就沒弄了 除非對方要用來串SH不然這樣應該算不上UI,不管收不收錢以我無謂的User friendly 自我要求責任感下,我最少會一啟動先呼叫一個OpenFileDialog,然後有輸出最少會 叫一下SaveFileDialog(不使用winmain)。 : 不好意思,可能我功力不夠無法理解,為何說是自己寫的"字串"而不是"function"呢? 那就臭屁一下吧 :P (很長喔~ 不想看的直接END吧 :P ) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef wlsStringH #define wlsStringH //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----- Vars //----- Definitions #ifndef _stdLibWLS #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #define _stdLibWLS __fastcall #include <vcl.h> #else #define _stdLibWLS __stdcall #define BYTE char #define WORD short #define DWORD long #endif #endif #ifndef __BORLANDC__ extern "C" {void setmem(void *buf, int count, char ch);}; #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct wlsGenPos{ int x1; int x2; int y1; int y2; int z1; int z2; int t1; int t2; int i; int c; int n; int p; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _wlsCRC16Defined #define _wlsCRC16Defined #ifndef __x86Only__ struct __wlsCRC16Byte{ //Big endian BYTE high; BYTE low; }; #else struct __wlsCRC16Byte{ //Little endian BYTE low; BYTE high; }; #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- union _wlsCRC16{ __wlsCRC16Byte bytes; WORD crc; }; #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern void _stdLibWLS BackwardCopy(char *s,char *d,int len); extern void _autoDeleteWlsCString(void* v); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wlsArray{ protected://---------------------------------------- void** vd; int length; void _stdLibWLS locate(int len); public: //---------------------------------------- bool AUTOFREE; void (*OnFree)(void *); void _stdLibWLS clear(void); void _stdLibWLS Insert(const void** v,int pos,int len); void _stdLibWLS move(int dest,int src,int len); void _stdLibWLS Push(const void* v); void _stdLibWLS PushBack(const void* v); void _stdLibWLS PushFront(const void* v); void* _stdLibWLS PopBack(void); void* _stdLibWLS PopFront(void); void* _stdLibWLS Pop(void); int _stdLibWLS Size(void)const; void** _stdLibWLS Ary(void)const; wlsArray(); wlsArray(const void* v); ~wlsArray(); void*& operator [](int v); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wlsCString{ protected://---------------------------------------- char* CSTR; int length; int sectors; int realsize; void _stdLibWLS _init(void); void _stdLibWLS locate(int len); void _stdLibWLS setObjs(int len,const void *c); public: //---------------------------------------- char FieldSpliteChar; wlsCString* Prior; wlsCString* Next; int SectorSize; void* Attach; void* AP0; void* AP1; void* AP2; void* AP3; wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Append(const char prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Append(const char* prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Append(const wlsCString &prm); bool _stdLibWLS AppendToFile(const wlsCString &fn); int _stdLibWLS AsInteger(void)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS Base64(void)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS Base64(int col)const; wlsArray* _stdLibWLS Chain2Array(wlsArray* ay); wlsArray* _stdLibWLS ChainDn2Array(wlsArray* ay); wlsArray* _stdLibWLS ChainUp2Array(wlsArray* ay); wlsCString* _stdLibWLS ChainTop(void); wlsCString* _stdLibWLS ChainBottom(void); char* _stdLibWLS c_str(void)const; void _stdLibWLS clear(void); int _stdLibWLS comp(const char prm)const; int _stdLibWLS comp(const char *prm)const; int _stdLibWLS comp(char *src,int slen,char *prm,int plen)const; int _stdLibWLS comp(const void *prm)const; int _stdLibWLS comp(const wlsCString &prm)const; int _stdLibWLS comp(int pos,int len,const wlsCString &prm)const; int _stdLibWLS Count(char prm)const; int _stdLibWLS Count(const char *prm)const; int _stdLibWLS Count(const wlsCString &prm)const; _wlsCRC16 _stdLibWLS crc16(void)const; WORD _stdLibWLS CRC16(void)const; void _stdLibWLS CStr(const char* prmconst); void _stdLibWLS CStr(const void* prm,int len); void _stdLibWLS CStr(const wlsCString& prm); void _stdLibWLS CStr(double prm); void _stdLibWLS CStr(int prm); char* _stdLibWLS CStr(void)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS Data(void)const; wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeBase64(const wlsCString &prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeCrypto(const wlsCString &prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeCrypto(int n); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeCrypto32(const wlsCString &prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeCrypto64(const wlsCString &prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeDCrypto(const wlsCString &prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeDCrypto(void); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeDCrypto32(const wlsCString &prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeDCrypto64(const wlsCString &prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeE32(const wlsCString &prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeE64(const wlsCString &prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS DeE128(const wlsCString &prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Delete(int pos,int len); wlsCString _stdLibWLS DrawHEX(void)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS DrawNum(void)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS DrawString(const wlsCString& Leadin,const wlsCString& Leadout); wlsCString _stdLibWLS EnE32(void)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS EnE64(void)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS EnE128(void)const; wlsCString& _stdLibWLS fill(int len,char c); wlsCString _stdLibWLS Fill(int len,char c)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS FillLeft(int len,char c)const; wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Fillleft(int len,char c); wlsCString _stdLibWLS FillRight(int len,char c)const; wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Fillright(int len,char c); wlsCString _stdLibWLS Field(void)const; void _stdLibWLS FieltB64(void); void _stdLibWLS FieltE32(void); void _stdLibWLS FieltE64(void); void _stdLibWLS FieltE128(void); bool _stdLibWLS Field(const wlsCString &f)const; bool _stdLibWLS Fieldx(const wlsCString &f)const; wlsCString* _stdLibWLS FindKeyWordInChain(const wlsCString &k); wlsGenPos _stdLibWLS FindPair(const wlsCString& Lin,const wlsCString& Lout)const; char _stdLibWLS FirstChar(void)const; bool _stdLibWLS FirstCharIsNumber(void)const; bool _stdLibWLS FirstCharIsAlpha(void)const; int _stdLibWLS hex(void)const; wlsCString& _stdLibWLS hex(int v); // wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Insert(int pos,char *prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Insert(int pos,char prm); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Insert(int pos,const char *prm,int len); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Insert(int pos,const wlsCString &prm); bool _stdLibWLS isASCII(const char *a)const; bool _stdLibWLS isASCII(void)const; bool _stdLibWLS isEmpty(void)const; bool _stdLibWLS isHEX(const char *a)const; bool _stdLibWLS isHEX(void)const; bool _stdLibWLS isNumber(const char *a)const; bool _stdLibWLS isNumber(void)const; bool _stdLibWLS isincludedchar(char *ab,int lenab,char *cmp, int lencmp) const; bool _stdLibWLS isIncludedChar(char *cmp, int lencmp) const; bool _stdLibWLS isIncludedChar(const wlsCString &cmp) const; char _stdLibWLS LastChar(void)const; bool _stdLibWLS LastCharIsNumber(void)const; bool _stdLibWLS LastCharIsAlpha(void)const; void _stdLibWLS Length(int len); int _stdLibWLS Length(void)const; bool _stdLibWLS LoadFromFile(const wlsCString &fn); void _stdLibWLS lowcase(char *a,int l); //Working Function only wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Lowcase(void); //Change & reyurn self wlsCString _stdLibWLS LowCase(void)const; //Change & reyurn temp int _stdLibWLS mPos(const wlsCString &sig)const; int _stdLibWLS mPos(const char *sig)const; int _stdLibWLS mPos(const wlsCString &sig,int count)const; int _stdLibWLS mPos(const char *sig,int count)const; wlsCString* _stdLibWLS NewPrior(void); wlsCString* _stdLibWLS NewNext(void); void _stdLibWLS pclear(void); int _stdLibWLS Pos(char prm)const; int _stdLibWLS Pos(char prm,int count)const; int _stdLibWLS Pos(const char *prm)const; int _stdLibWLS Pos(const char *prm,int count)const; int _stdLibWLS Pos(const wlsCString &prm)const; int _stdLibWLS Pos(const wlsCString &prm,int count)const; int printf(const char *format, ...); wlsCString _stdLibWLS Replace(const wlsCString &prm,const wlsCString &rep)const; wlsCString& _stdLibWLS replace(const wlsCString &prm,const wlsCString &rep); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS replace(const char prm,const char rep); void _stdLibWLS reset(void); bool _stdLibWLS SaveToFile(const wlsCString &fn)const; bool _stdLibWLS SaveToFileWithPath(const wlsCString &fn)const; wlsCString& sprintf(const char *format, ...); wlsCString _stdLibWLS Split(const char Mark); wlsCString _stdLibWLS Split(const wlsCString &Mark); wlsCString _stdLibWLS SplitNz(const char Mark); wlsCString _stdLibWLS SplitNz(const wlsCString &Mark); int sscanf(const char *format, ...)const; void _stdLibWLS Strip(void); void _stdLibWLS StripTheSlash(void); void _stdLibWLS StripHtmlEntity(void); wlsCString _stdLibWLS SubString(int beging, int len)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeAlpha(int max);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeAlpha(void);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeBackAlpha(int max);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeBackAlpha(void);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeBackNumber(int max);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeBackNumber(void);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeBackWord(const wlsCString &sig);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeBackWord(int max);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeBackWord(void);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeCSWord(void);//from fornt to first ',' wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeCSWordEnd(void);//from fornt to first ',' wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeHexNumber(int max);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeHexNumber(void);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeNumber(int max);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeNumber(void);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeWord(const wlsCString &sig); wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeWord(int max);//from fornt wlsCString _stdLibWLS TakeWord(void);//from fornt wlsCString& _stdLibWLS trim(void);//Change content wlsCString _stdLibWLS Trim(void)const;//return in new string wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Trimleft(void);//Change content wlsCString _stdLibWLS TrimLeft(void)const;//return in new string wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Trimright(void);//Change content wlsCString _stdLibWLS TrimRight(void)const;//return in new string void _stdLibWLS upcase(char *a,int l); //Working Function only wlsCString& _stdLibWLS Upcase(void); //Change & reyurn self wlsCString _stdLibWLS UpCase(void)const; //Change & reyurn temp wlsCString _stdLibWLS UrlEnc(void)const; wlsCString& _stdLibWLS UrlDec(wlsCString& s); wlsCString(); wlsCString(const char *prm); wlsCString(const char *prm,int len); wlsCString(const wlsCString& prm); wlsCString(double prm); wlsCString(int prm); ~wlsCString(); int _stdLibWLS xcomp(const char prm)const; int _stdLibWLS xcomp(const char *prm)const; int _stdLibWLS xcomp(char *src,int slen,char *prm,int plen)const; int _stdLibWLS xcomp(const void *prm)const; int _stdLibWLS xcomp(const wlsCString &prm)const; int _stdLibWLS xcomp(int pos,int len,const wlsCString &prm)const; wlsCString operator + (const char prm)const; wlsCString operator + (const char* prm)const; wlsCString operator + (const void* prm)const; wlsCString operator + (const wlsCString& prm)const; wlsCString& operator +=(char prm); wlsCString& operator +=(const char* prm); wlsCString& operator +=(const void* prm); wlsCString& operator +=(const wlsCString& prm); wlsCString operator - (const char prm)const; wlsCString operator - (const char* prm)const; wlsCString operator - (const void* prm)const; wlsCString operator - (const wlsCString& prm)const; wlsCString& operator -=(const char prm); wlsCString& operator -=(const char* prm); wlsCString& operator -=(const void* prm); wlsCString& operator -=(const wlsCString& prm); bool operator < (const void* prm)const; bool operator < ( char prm)const; bool operator < (const char* prm)const; bool operator < (const wlsCString& prm)const; bool operator <=(const void* prm)const; bool operator <=( char prm)const; bool operator <=(const char* prm)const; bool operator <=(const wlsCString& prm)const; wlsCString& operator = ( char prm); wlsCString& operator = (const char* prm); wlsCString& operator = (const double prm); wlsCString& operator = (const int prm); wlsCString& operator = (const wlsCString& prm); bool operator ==(const void* prm)const; bool operator ==( char prm)const; bool operator ==(const char* prm)const; bool operator ==(const wlsCString& prm)const; bool operator !=(const void* prm)const; bool operator !=( char prm)const; bool operator !=(const char* prm)const; bool operator !=(const wlsCString& prm)const; bool operator > (const void* prm)const; bool operator > ( char prm)const; bool operator > (const char* prm)const; bool operator > (const wlsCString& prm)const; bool operator >=(const void* prm)const; bool operator >= ( char prm)const; bool operator >=(const char* prm)const; bool operator >=(const wlsCString& prm)const; char& operator [](int prm); operator char*(void) const; operator double(void) const; operator int(void) const; friend class wlsCCString; friend class wlsMarkDef; friend class wlsCStrings; friend class wlsCStrAry; friend class wlsCSSQLReslut; #ifdef __BORLANDC__ wlsCString(const AnsiString& prm); wlsCString& operator = (const AnsiString& prm); wlsCString operator + (const AnsiString& prm)const; wlsCString operator - (const AnsiString& prm)const; wlsCString& operator +=(const AnsiString& prm); wlsCString& operator -=(const AnsiString& prm); operator AnsiString(void) const; #endif }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wlsCStrings{ protected://---------------------------------------- wlsCString* CSTRS; int length; void _stdLibWLS _init(void); void _stdLibWLS locate(int len); void _stdLibWLS setObjs(int len,const wlsCString* c); public: //---------------------------------------- bool _StackFIFO; bool TextFormat; wlsMarkDef* Marks; void _stdLibWLS Add(const char *prm); void _stdLibWLS Add(const double prm); void _stdLibWLS Add(const int prm); void _stdLibWLS Add(const wlsCString &prm); void _stdLibWLS Add(const wlsCString* &prm,int cnt); void _stdLibWLS AddText(const wlsCString &prm); void _stdLibWLS AddText(const char *prm); wlsCString* _stdLibWLS c_strs(void)const; void _stdLibWLS clear(void); void _stdLibWLS CStrs(const wlsCString* prm,int len); void _stdLibWLS CStrs(const wlsCStrings &prm); wlsCString* _stdLibWLS CStrs(void)const; void _stdLibWLS Delete(int pos); void _stdLibWLS Delete(int pos,int cnt); int _stdLibWLS Find(const wlsCString& x)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS FindField(const wlsCString& fie,char *def)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS FindField(const wlsCString& fie)const; int _stdLibWLS FindFieldIx(const wlsCString& fie)const; void _stdLibWLS FromCSV(const wlsCString& s); void _stdLibWLS FromMSV(wlsCString s); void _stdLibWLS FromSSV(char sig,wlsCString s); void _stdLibWLS FromSSV(const wlsCString& sig,wlsCString s); void _stdLibWLS FromString(const wlsCString& s); void _stdLibWLS FromTSV(const wlsCString& s); void _stdLibWLS Insert(int pos,const wlsCString &prm); void _stdLibWLS Insert(int pos,const wlsCString* prm,int cnt); bool _stdLibWLS isEmpty(void)const; void _stdLibWLS Length(int len); int _stdLibWLS Length(void)const; bool _stdLibWLS LoadFromFile(const wlsCString &fn); void _stdLibWLS pclear(void); void _stdLibWLS Pop(void); void _stdLibWLS Push(const wlsCString& prm); void _stdLibWLS Push(const char *prm); bool _stdLibWLS SaveToFile(const wlsCString &fn)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS ToCSV(void)const;//Comma-separated values wlsCString _stdLibWLS ToMSV(void)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS ToSSV(char sig)const;//Signed-separated values wlsCString _stdLibWLS ToTSV(void)const;//Tab-separated values void _stdLibWLS UpdateField(wlsCString fie,wlsCString dat); wlsCStrings(); wlsCStrings(const wlsCString& prm); wlsCStrings(const wlsCString* prm,int len); wlsCStrings(const wlsCStrings& prm); ~wlsCStrings(); wlsCString& operator = (const wlsCString& prm); wlsCStrings& operator = (const wlsCStrings& prm); wlsCString& operator [](const wlsCString& x); wlsCString& operator [](int prm); operator wlsCString(void); friend class wlsCStrAry; friend class wlsCSSQLReslut; friend class wlsMarkDef; #ifdef __BORLANDC__ wlsCStrings(const TStrings* prm); wlsCStrings& operator =(const TStrings* prm); operator TStrings*(void)const; void _stdLibWLS Push(const AnsiString& prm); #endif }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wlsCStrAry{ protected://---------------------------------------- void _stdLibWLS locate(int len); void _stdLibWLS setObjs(int len,const wlsCStrings* c); void _stdLibWLS _init(void); wlsCStrings* ARY; int length; public: //---------------------------------------- wlsMarkDef* Marks; int defaultFindFromColOfRow; wlsCStrAry(); wlsCStrAry(const wlsCStrings* prm,int len); wlsCStrAry(const wlsCStrAry& prm); ~wlsCStrAry(); void _stdLibWLS Length(int len); int _stdLibWLS Length(void)const; void _stdLibWLS Ary(const wlsCStrings* prm,int len); wlsCStrings* _stdLibWLS Ary(void)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS ToHTML(void)const; void _stdLibWLS clear(void); void _stdLibWLS Add(const wlsCStrings &prm); void _stdLibWLS Add(const wlsCStrings* &prm,int cnt); void _stdLibWLS Del(int prm); void _stdLibWLS Del(int prm,unsigned cnt); bool _stdLibWLS LoadFromFile(const wlsCString &fn); bool _stdLibWLS SaveToFile(const wlsCString &fn)const; void _stdLibWLS SyncMark(void); int _stdLibWLS xFind(int row,const wlsCString &x)const; int _stdLibWLS yFind(int col,const wlsCString &x)const; wlsCStrAry& operator = (const wlsCStrAry& prm); wlsCStrings& operator [](int prm); int operator [](const wlsCString &x)const; friend class wlsCSSQLReslut; friend class wlsCSQLUnit; friend class wlsMarkDef; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wlsCSSQLReslut:public wlsCStrAry{ public: wlsCSSQLReslut(); int _stdLibWLS RowCount(void)const; int _stdLibWLS ColCount(void)const; int _stdLibWLS FieldIndexByName(const char *fe)const; const char* _stdLibWLS FieldByName(int row,const char *fe)const; wlsCStrings* _stdLibWLS Fields(void)const; wlsCStrings* _stdLibWLS Rows(void)const; wlsCString _stdLibWLS ToHTML(void)const; friend class wlsMarkDef; friend class wlsCSQLUnit; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wlsCSQLUnit{ public: wlsCSSQLReslut Reslut; void *db; wlsCString ErrMsg; wlsCString Host; wlsCString User; wlsCString Passwd; wlsCString DataBase; wlsCString SQL; void _stdLibWLS close_db(void); int _stdLibWLS open_db(void); int _stdLibWLS open_db(const char *database); int _stdLibWLS ExecSQL(const char *sql); int _stdLibWLS ExecSQL(const char *database,const char *sql); int _stdLibWLS ExecSQL(void); wlsCSQLUnit(); wlsCSQLUnit(const wlsCString &database); ~wlsCSQLUnit(); void _stdLibWLS clear_reslut(void); void _stdLibWLS clear(void); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wlsMarkDef{ public: //----- Vars wlsCString FieldBeginMark; wlsCString FieldEndMark; wlsCString DataBeginMark; wlsCString DataEndMark; wlsCString RowBeginMark; wlsCString RowEndMark; wlsCString TableBeginMark; wlsCString TableEndMark; wlsCString MSV; //----- Functions wlsMarkDef(); wlsMarkDef(const wlsMarkDef &pas); ~wlsMarkDef(void); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS BindDataMSV(const wlsCString& s); wlsCString& _stdLibWLS BindFieldMSV(const wlsCString& s); wlsCString _stdLibWLS BindTBL(const wlsCStrAry& msv); wlsCString _stdLibWLS BindTBL(const wlsCSSQLReslut& res); wlsCString _stdLibWLS DrawRowFromMSV(wlsCString& s); wlsCString _stdLibWLS DrawDataFromMSV(wlsCString& s); wlsCStrAry& _stdLibWLS DrawDataFromTBL(wlsCStrAry& dest,wlsCString s); //----- Definitions }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wlsMBCRC16{ protected: public: unsigned char low; unsigned char high; wlsMBCRC16(void); wlsMBCRC16(const unsigned char l,const unsigned char h); wlsMBCRC16(wlsMBCRC16 *v); ~wlsMBCRC16(void); void _stdLibWLS Reset(void); void _stdLibWLS Cacu(char b); void _stdLibWLS Cacu(char *b, int len); void _stdLibWLS Cacu(const wlsCString b); void _stdLibWLS MakeCRC(char *b, int len); void _stdLibWLS MakeCRC(const wlsCString b); _stdLibWLS operator int(void) const; _stdLibWLS operator short(void) const; _stdLibWLS operator unsigned int(void) const; _stdLibWLS operator unsigned short(void) const; wlsMBCRC16& _stdLibWLS operator =(const wlsMBCRC16& b); bool _stdLibWLS operator ==(const wlsMBCRC16& b)const; wlsMBCRC16 _stdLibWLS operator +(char b); wlsMBCRC16 _stdLibWLS operator +(const wlsCString& b); wlsMBCRC16& _stdLibWLS operator +=(char b); wlsMBCRC16& _stdLibWLS operator +=(const wlsCString& b); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern class wlsMarkDef ___wls_defMark; extern class wlsCString gwlsCStringErr; extern wlsCStrings gwlsCStringsErr; extern void* __wlsErrorPointer; extern int wlsCString_DefSecSize; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif -- 上帝完美無瑕 上帝造人,人有缺陷 人被造得有缺陷,人造之物必然漏洞百出 WolfLord -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/01 18:48, , 1F
12/01 18:48, 1F

12/01 22:00, , 2F
不好意思 想請問一下版主,您這篇回文跟codejob版有何
12/01 22:00, 2F

12/01 22:01, , 3F
12/01 22:01, 3F

12/01 22:03, , 4F
感覺這樣下去,等等是不是用C/php/python/java 的 每
12/01 22:03, 4F

12/01 22:04, , 5F
個人都可以回一篇在版上..然後說 「現醜現醜」呢?
12/01 22:04, 5F

12/01 22:14, , 6F
12/01 22:14, 6F

12/01 22:47, , 7F
其實我覺得這傢伙怪怪的耶... (有人認同嗎?)
12/01 22:47, 7F

12/01 22:48, , 8F
為了做這麼簡單的東西, 去刻個字串處理程式庫...
12/01 22:48, 8F

12/01 22:49, , 9F
然後還說可能不收錢... 這是來幹啥的?
12/01 22:49, 9F

12/01 22:50, , 10F
12/01 22:50, 10F

12/01 22:50, , 11F
12/01 22:50, 11F

12/02 00:07, , 12F
你們不懂版主的絕妙之處 一個簡單的東西搞得自己很忙
12/02 00:07, 12F

12/02 00:08, , 13F
12/02 00:08, 13F

12/02 00:11, , 14F
12/02 00:11, 14F

12/02 00:16, , 15F
其實 x000032001 沒有誤.
12/02 00:16, 15F

12/02 00:24, , 16F
12/02 00:24, 16F

12/02 00:25, , 17F
12/02 00:25, 17F

12/02 00:26, , 18F
另外,可以看得出來2-15樓統統不懂C++ ,這篇根本不是程
12/02 00:26, 18F

12/02 00:27, , 19F
12/02 00:27, 19F

12/02 00:35, , 20F
12/02 00:35, 20F

12/02 02:10, , 21F
12/02 02:10, 21F

12/02 02:10, , 22F
希望WolfLord發言批評 2~15樓的時候,可以提出我們不會
12/02 02:10, 22F

12/02 02:11, , 23F
C++的舉證~ 感謝!
12/02 02:11, 23F

12/02 02:16, , 24F
我不是已經說了嗎? 這根本不算CODE,而是C++的物件宣告
12/02 02:16, 24F

12/02 02:17, , 25F
可是上面每一個都說是CODE 我也只好推定各位真的不懂
12/02 02:17, 25F
我還是用EDIT來說明好了: 這篇最主要的目的在於說明、回答 "為何說是自己寫的"字串"而不是"function"呢?" 因為C++中 字串 是一個物件,他是由上面宣告中的那麼多FUNCTION組再同一個資料結 構中互相連動運作的一群自動程式(C中以NAMESPACE封裝的群組FUNCTION與DATA) 上面的 "宣告" 之所以說他不是程式碼,因為其中沒有任何一行是用來作功的敘述。 完完全全只有物件的內容宣告(虛碼)。而指著宣告大喊:好臭好長的程式,那我怎 麼去認定會這樣反應的人真的懂得什麼叫做OOP,真的懂得什麼是C++ ? 以這個字串物件要達成原PO的要求程式碼只要: void main(int argc, char *argv[]){ if(argc > 2){ class wlsCString b,o;b.LoadFromfile(argv[1]); while(!b.isEmpty()){o+=(b.TakeNumber()+"\n");} o.SaveToFile(argv[2]); }else{ cout<<"fielters.exe in_file out_file";} } -- 我從沒禁止討論與JOB有關的程式,只是希望大家討論歸討論不要掀筆戰就好。另外 ,希望討論的內容盡量與標題相符。不要標題下岔題又岔題。(道德勸說) 對了,想到一點要提醒:討論發文酸人開玩笑只要不翻臉都可以默許(沒人檢舉為 前提),但是推文仍然嚴禁未經許可的噓文。 ※ 編輯: WolfLord 來自: (12/02 02:53)

12/02 06:57, , 26F
12/02 06:57, 26F

12/02 06:58, , 27F
12/02 06:58, 27F

12/02 06:59, , 28F
12/02 06:59, 28F

12/02 09:11, , 29F
看到#define wlsStringH就知道這是header了阿
12/02 09:11, 29F

12/02 09:13, , 30F
可以把我去掉嗎 被當成不會我覺得有點無奈耶
12/02 09:13, 30F

12/02 09:57, , 31F
12/02 09:57, 31F

12/02 17:09, , 32F
12/02 17:09, 32F

12/02 17:10, , 33F
12/02 17:10, 33F

12/02 17:11, , 34F
12/02 17:11, 34F

12/03 05:21, , 35F
12/03 05:21, 35F

12/03 11:28, , 36F
第一次聽說[不懂C++]可以扯到人身攻擊 @@
12/03 11:28, 36F
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