[外電] Thibodeau: Team must feed Boozer

看板ChicagoBulls作者 (穿白襪的小熊與公牛)時間13年前 (2011/03/10 01:31), 編輯推噓15(15032)
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來源:芝加哥論壇報 連結:http://0rz.tw/DKuEg By K.C. Johnson, Tribune reporter 6:18 p.m. CST, March 8, 2011 Thibodeau: Team must feed Boozer But coach says Boozer's worth can't be measured in statistics 老席:球隊必須餵食布惹(大誤,更正為:我們要餵球給Boozer)但是Boozer的價值是不能 用數據衡量的。 As far as Tom Thibodeau is concerned, Carlos Boozer's dip in offensive production is the team's fault, not Boozer's. 老席認為,Boozer在進攻產出上的下降是球隊的錯,而非Boozer的! "We have to do a better job of searching him out," Thibodeau said. 我們必須要在"找到他"這件事上做得更好。 Boozer's 19 points and nine rebounds in Monday's victory over the Hornets were a welcome sight for all involved, particularly given that his scoring came on aggressive moves and 8-for-14 shooting. Boozer在對黃蜂的勝利中拿到了19分9籃板,這是一幅球隊全員參與的良好景象,特別是 他的得分是以積極的方式而且有著14投8中的命中率。 Boozer had averaged 11.8 points on 40.7 percent shooting in his previous four games. Boozer過去四場比賽平均只能拿到11.8分,投籃命中率只有40.7%。 "Who cares about stats?" Boozer said. "All I want to do is win." Boozer說:"誰在乎數據阿?我只想要贏球!" According to Thibodeau, Boozer's worth can't be measured fully in statistics anyway. "Sometimes you don't see how efficient he has been," Thibodeau said. "When the double-team has come, without hesitation he moves the ball. Oftentimes he doesn't get an assist because it goes to the top and gets swung to the weak side. But it's the right play. And it makes us a very efficient offensive team. Those become high-percentage shots for us." 對老席來說,Boozer的價值無法只憑數據來衡量,他說:"有時候你沒辦法發現他是多麼 地有效率,當包夾來臨時,他會毫不猶豫的流動球,通常他不會因此獲得助攻,因為球會 被傳向高位再被分到弱邊,但這是正確的打法,而且這讓我們成為進攻效率很高的球隊, 因為那些被傳到弱邊的球會成為高命中率的出手。" Boozer agreed. "It's easy basketball," Boozer said. "When they put two on the ball and put attention on one or two guys, someone is going to be wide open. You just got to find them." Boozer同意這樣的說法,並說到:"那是輕鬆的打法,當對手有兩名球員對球施壓,並 將注意力放在我們的一至二位球員時,總會有其他人有空檔,我們要做的就是找到空檔。" Nevertheless, Boozer's lack of explosiveness and finishes at the rim has been apparent. Thibodeau agreed the team needs to get in transition more but again cited the need to commit to Boozer to jump-start him. 話雖如此,Boozer缺乏爆炸性以及在籃下得分的乾旱是顯而易見的,老席也同意球隊需要 有更多的攻守轉換(快攻?)而且再次強調必須讓Boozer多接觸球來幫助他啟動/熱機。 "Post depth is so important, particularly when a team digs well or they double-team," Thibodeau said. "On his kick-out (pass), we have to give him a quick second look where he gets a paint catch and he doesn't have to put it on the floor and let them get their help in there. 老席又說:"低位的深度是很重要的,特別是當對手很愛撈(干擾)球或者包夾時。當Boozer 把球傳出來時,我們必須要很快地再看他一下,觀察他是否可以在油漆區內接到球並且在 不用下球讓對手進去協防的情況下(把球再傳給他進攻)。" "In looking at his numbers over the last 10 games, they're down a little bit. We have to find different ways to get him the ball. Direct post-ups are harder for us because it allows the help to get there quicker. I think we have to do more with false action, some pick-and-roll, some transition. It will come." "觀察他過去十場的數據,是有一些下降。我們必須要找到其他的方式讓他拿到球,直接 在低位要球對我們來說比較困難(可能是因為身材?)因為這樣會讓對手可以較快速地對他 進行協防,我想我們需要有更多的假動作、P&R、一點球的轉換,我們將會這麼做。" Layups: The Bulls have held seven straight opponents under 90 points and three at 77 or lower, going 6-1 in that span. "The way (Thibodeau) has us shrinking the floor and his concepts, they really work," Joakim Noah said. "His defense is all about having trust that the next person will be there. We're just getting better at it. It can improve. That's a scary thing. That's a good thing." ... Noah cracked himself up with this one: "When we play good defense, rebound, have low turnovers — Jeez, I sound like Thibs — we usually win." 後記:過去七場比賽公牛讓對手得分都低於90分,其中三場等於或低於77分,並取得了六 勝一負的戰績。 Noah說:"老席要我們shrinking the floor**與他的概念是有效的,他的防守哲學在於相 信你的隊友會在那個位置上。我們正逐漸的進步中,這是可以加強的,而這正是 (老席的防守)可怕的地方。這是一件好事。" Noah也逗趣地說:"當我們把防守做好,搶好籃板並且降低失誤時 (講到這裡Noah覺得自己很像老席在講話),我們通常會贏球。" **我想這裡的shrinking the floor是指快速地換/補防?因為shrink有收縮、變小的意思 所以是否是指縮小場上的空間?也就是讓對手空間減少?對不起好像太腦補了... 這一篇有比較多的籃球術語,我是用自己打球的時候接受學長指導我們時的理解去解釋的 ,不知道對不對,歡迎比較熟悉這方面用語的多多指教,順便讓我學習一下!謝謝~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: bluesky3330 來自: (03/10 01:33)

03/10 01:33, , 1F
03/10 01:33, 1F

03/10 01:33, , 2F
Rose的確會偶爾把Boozer的球都投掉 這不是好事
03/10 01:33, 2F

03/10 01:34, , 3F
03/10 01:34, 3F

03/10 01:34, , 4F
I totally agree this article.
03/10 01:34, 4F

03/10 01:35, , 5F
雖然沒指名 我覺得這篇就是講給Rose聽的
03/10 01:35, 5F

03/10 01:36, , 6F
03/10 01:36, 6F

03/10 01:37, , 7F
老席看得出問題的所在 希望Rose早點想通
03/10 01:37, 7F

03/10 01:57, , 8F
03/10 01:57, 8F

03/10 02:00, , 9F
坦白說公牛在進攻端並沒有把Boozer用得很好 如果不是他非持
03/10 02:00, 9F

03/10 02:00, , 10F
03/10 02:00, 10F

03/10 02:01, , 11F
球也深具破壞力 練過苦工... 也不好適應
03/10 02:01, 11F

03/10 02:01, , 12F
Rose跟他的檔拆還有非常大的進步空間 現在Boo比較像掩護幌子
03/10 02:01, 12F

03/10 02:03, , 13F
老席也讓我更喜歡了 他可以說是現階段全聯盟我最欣賞的教練
03/10 02:03, 13F

03/10 02:03, , 14F
這篇文章之後更欣賞 因為連鹽湖城的高層/寫手都未必有他眼光
03/10 02:03, 14F

03/10 02:07, , 15F
03/10 02:07, 15F

03/10 02:08, , 16F
是老席不常下檔拆戰術 還是Rose執行得不好 這我不是很懂
03/10 02:08, 16F

03/10 02:09, , 17F
檔拆常呀 但可能是Rose的習慣 檔拆完他大半還是自己打掉
03/10 02:09, 17F

03/10 02:10, , 18F
其實會覺得1.Boo常其實空檔 2.Rose高難度進球 3.好球但太累
03/10 02:10, 18F

03/10 02:11, , 19F
喔喔@@ 我想問摸大 DW跟Boo是配合多久才把檔拆打好@@?
03/10 02:11, 19F

03/10 02:12, , 20F
至少我看到的時候就很好了 因為Boozer一開始Deron還菜是第一
03/10 02:12, 20F

03/10 02:14, , 21F
得分點 很多Easy Basket 所以我才說Boo還沒有用到最好
03/10 02:14, 21F

03/10 02:14, , 22F
老席提到策應也是如此 不見得檔拆完Boo就要Finish 而是他的
03/10 02:14, 22F

03/10 02:14, , 23F
那手策應 高難度進球很好 但我想老席從賽隊出來應該也是追求
03/10 02:14, 23F

03/10 02:15, , 24F
能輕鬆進球至上 另外老席關於攻守轉換的觀察也是對的
03/10 02:15, 24F

03/10 02:15, , 25F
Boozer的優勢在於一對一時其實相當強 弱點在於對方堵禁區
03/10 02:15, 25F

03/10 02:16, , 26F
所以攻守轉換打對位不及是強項 這也是他以前勇士王原因
03/10 02:16, 26F

03/10 02:24, , 27F
他跑EO的腦袋很好 持球者要會去用
03/10 02:24, 27F

03/10 02:25, , 28F
ROSE現在如果想法跟BOO一樣 會少助攻的話 球隊真的會
03/10 02:25, 28F

03/10 02:26, , 29F
更輕鬆 但會少助攻 對於爭取mvp的他可能也是一大考驗
03/10 02:26, 29F

03/10 02:26, , 30F
03/10 02:26, 30F

03/10 02:28, , 31F
抱歉第一行少打了 不介意會少助攻的話
03/10 02:28, 31F

03/10 02:28, , 32F
Boo退休不去教人會很可惜 大前鋒fundamental教科書
03/10 02:28, 32F

03/10 02:37, , 33F
Rose應該是要不介意少得分啦XD Boo可以讓他助攻再+1~2個的
03/10 02:37, 33F

03/10 09:02, , 34F
rose如果少投3分朝平均25 9ast或10邁進 對搶mvp會更有利
03/10 09:02, 34F

03/10 09:48, , 35F
隊友還得加把勁 落後半場的情況之下 老大就會急著跳出來
03/10 09:48, 35F

03/10 12:25, , 36F
Rose的確要多給他 或者是多和Boozer打個配合 有時候會看
03/10 12:25, 36F

03/10 12:25, , 37F
到Boozer要到好的未置可是拿不到球 很可惜 老席GOOD!
03/10 12:25, 37F

03/10 13:02, , 38F
03/10 13:02, 38F

03/10 13:02, , 39F
常常也可以看到他跑到底線或中間的好位置 一拿到球馬上墊
03/10 13:02, 39F

03/10 13:03, , 40F
步或運一下攻擊籃框 令人防不勝防 目前最會給他球的大概
03/10 13:03, 40F

03/10 13:03, , 41F
03/10 13:03, 41F

03/10 20:52, , 42F
小酒:那我勒....= =
03/10 20:52, 42F

03/10 21:13, , 43F
其實已經比季初好很多了 而且有的play會給人他有去看小胖錄影
03/10 21:13, 43F

03/10 21:15, , 44F
03/10 21:15, 44F

03/11 21:23, , 45F
03/11 21:23, 45F

12/10 13:23, 5年前 , 46F
所以攻守轉換打對位不及 https://noxiv.com
12/10 13:23, 46F

04/19 03:21, 5年前 , 47F
得分點 很多Easy https://moxox.com
04/19 03:21, 47F
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