[情報] 四組人馬進入對俱樂部報價的最終階段

看板Chelsea作者 (首席百人隊長)時間2年前 (2022/03/29 16:36), 2年前編輯推噓32(32021)
留言53則, 10人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/-b990549.html By James Robson - 28 Mar 2022 1. Broughton 隊 Sir Martin Broughton (卻爾西球迷、經手過2010年利物浦交易)、 Lord Sebastian Coe (卻爾西球迷、2012年倫敦奧運組委會主席)、 *Josh Harris (美國商人、費城76人老闆、水晶宮股東)、 David Blitzer (美國商人、費城76人和水晶宮股東) 優勢:有俱樂部交易經驗、血統正確、與現有高層關係良好 疑慮:目前仍不清楚背後金主,Harris 和 Blitzer 如果是的話恐有股權衝突問題 2. Boehly 隊 Todd Boehly (美國商人、洛杉磯道奇隊大股東)、 Hansjorg Wyss (瑞士富豪)、 Jonathan Goldstein (英國地產開發商、熱刺球迷) 優勢:有 Clearlake Capital 金援、2019年收購失敗時已對俱樂部做過詳細調查 疑慮:血統完全不對 3. Ricketts 隊 Thomas Ricketts (美國商人、芝加哥小熊老闆) Ken Griffin (美國商人) 優勢:非常有錢、有改建球場的經驗、2018年收購失敗時已對俱樂部做過詳細調查 疑慮:Joe Ricketts 有種族歧視紀錄,被球迷抵制、球迷團體質疑中 4. Pagliuca 隊 Stephen Pagliuca (美國商人、波士頓塞爾提克和義甲亞特蘭大大股東) *目前仍不清楚是否有其他隊友 優勢:投資亞特蘭大顯示他有對足球長期的興趣和知識 疑慮:股權衝突問題 The club, the Premier League and the Government want a swift sale – perhaps as soon as the end of April. 俱樂部、英超、政府都想在四月底前快速完成交易 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/chelsea-owner-abramovich-victim-of -suspected-poisoning-amid/blte0fa29d9f51d7264 Nizaar Kinsella - 29 Mar 2022 01:19+08:00 Many close to the process, believe that £2.5bn is the minimum the Stamford Bridge club could go for with preferred bidders being encouraged to raise their offers. 許多知情人都覺得這次交易不會低於25億英鎊,四組人馬被鼓勵提高價格。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://twitter.com/nicola_imfeld/status/1508539245786546180 上午4:19 · 2022年3月29日 Chelsea: The Swiss-American consortium around Hansjorg Wyss and Todd Boehly is waiting for the next round of negotiations. I'm told that this won't happen until next week. They have not increased their offer to date. @Blickch 懷斯和伯利正在等待下週的下一輪磋商,目前沒有提高報價。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/-b990880.html Chelsea: Stamford Bridge renovation central to takeover race as bidders given new deadline for final offers By James Robson - 29 Mar 2022 Stamford Bridge is set to be key in the race to buy Chelsea, with bidders now fine-tuning their moves for the European champions. 對斯坦福橋的計劃將是四組人馬競購的關鍵。 Plans for the stadium and a guarantee of £1billion worth of investment in the club are being demanded by US merchant bank Raine Group, who have drawn up a shortlist of four contenders. 雷恩集團要求買家要有球場計劃並保證對俱樂部投入10億英鎊。 Sir Martin Broughton, the Ricketts family, Todd Boehly and Stephen Pagliuca have all been given a deadline of April 11 to come up with their final offer to buy out Roman Abramovich. 四組人馬在4月11日前要交出最後的報價。 And it is understood their vision for the Bridge, which is long overdue a rebuild, is seen as a potentially decisive factor in the selection process. 對斯坦福橋的展望將是潛在的決定性因素。 That would hand an advantage to the Ricketts family, who made renovation of the stadium a central point of their original proposal. 里基茨家族將會佔據優勢,球場改建是他們原始提案的核心。 They have the huge financial might of US hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, who is worth around £20bn, behind their bid. And they also have the proven track record of having renovated the Chicago Cubs' Wrigley Field stadium. 球場改建他們可說是有錢又有經驗。 The plans of Broughton, Boehly or Pagliuca regarding the Bridge are not yet clear, but the new deadline gives them the opportunity to formulate their visions for the ground. 其他三組的球場改建計劃仍不明朗。 -- When it comes to a crisis, still keep on running. You believe in power. It's mental power. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1648543008.A.656.html

03/29 17:29, 2年前 , 1F
Boehly應該最有希望 可是那個熱刺球迷看了很肚爛
03/29 17:29, 1F

03/29 19:00, 2年前 , 2F
03/29 19:00, 2F
https://twitter.com/JackRosser_/status/1508768402055258113 下午7:29 · 2022年3月29日 Steve Parish & John Textor have first refusal on the shares of Blitzer & Harris if they succeed with Chelsea bid and have to sell. Textor ready to spend more than £40m and buy them, Parish keen to avoid a majority owner. 水晶宮大股東 Parish 和 Textor 有布利澤和哈里茲股份的優先收購權,準備好出手 了。

03/29 21:02, 2年前 , 3F
Pagliuca 2022才買亞特蘭大的 亞特蘭大算他頭上不太對
03/29 21:02, 3F

03/29 21:42, 2年前 , 4F
03/29 21:42, 4F

03/29 22:03, 2年前 , 5F
我選Boehly 小能老闆衝完冠軍之後也都在省錢
03/29 22:03, 5F

03/29 22:03, 2年前 , 6F
03/29 22:03, 6F

03/29 22:03, 2年前 , 7F
而且老話一句 兒甚麼夢都比不上兒錢夢
03/29 22:03, 7F

03/29 22:04, 2年前 , 8F
他投這麼多錢 是不是支持熱刺也不太重要了XD
03/29 22:04, 8F

03/29 23:04, 2年前 , 9F
如果單純問小熊還是道奇 那還是道奇好吧?
03/29 23:04, 9F

03/29 23:06, 2年前 , 10F
03/29 23:06, 10F

03/30 00:11, 2年前 , 11F
03/30 00:11, 11F

03/30 00:12, 2年前 , 12F
03/30 00:12, 12F

03/30 00:29, 2年前 , 13F
03/30 00:29, 13F

03/30 05:29, 2年前 , 14F
03/30 05:29, 14F

03/30 05:30, 2年前 , 15F
03/30 05:30, 15F

03/30 05:31, 2年前 , 16F
03/30 05:31, 16F

03/30 06:25, 2年前 , 17F
03/30 06:25, 17F

03/30 06:29, 2年前 , 18F
03/30 06:29, 18F

03/30 06:30, 2年前 , 19F
03/30 06:30, 19F
https://twitter.com/TheAthleticUK/status/1509063123260493827 下午3:01 · 2022年3月30日 It's easy to see why some believe Raine wants to sell Chelsea to the Ricketts family & Ken Griffin - they are rich, proven & ready. But they are also the only ones CFC's fanbase has actively campaigned against. @mjshrimper & @liam_twomey 有錢、有實績、又準備好了,里基茨風向吹起來~ https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/-b991344.html By James Robson - 30 Mar 2022 Todd Boehly's consortium have already begun talks over a redevelopment of Stamford Bridge if they win the race to buy Chelsea. They are already talking to the former project director for Roman Abramovich's abandoned redevelopment, David Hickey. Architect Janet Marie Smith has also been consulted. 伯利準備好跟之前球場擴建計劃的主管 Hickey 和建築師 Janet Marie Smith 談談。 She has worked on a host of stadium renovations in America, including Oriole Park, Atlanta's Olympic Stadium, the Boston Red Sox's Fenway Park and more than £200million worth of improvements to Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. 後者也參與多項美國球場的翻新計劃。 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/chelsea-takeover-rivals-angry-at -preferential-treatment-for-ricketts-family-bid-b9l7vppqz Matt Lawton - Wednesday March 30 2022, 2.15pm BST Rival groups bidding for Chelsea are angry at what they see as preferential treatment being shown by the club toward the Ricketts consortium. 其他對手對於里基茨有特別待遇感到很生氣。 One of the shortlisted consortiums fears that rules of the process have been “breached” after it emerged that the Raine Group, the US bank leading the sale process, and Bruce Buck, the Chelsea chairman, had facilitated a meeting between Tom Ricketts and Paul Canoville. 雷恩集團和巴克主席安排里基茨和反種族歧視大將軍卡諾維爾見面,有人跳腳了。 Bid advisor for other party: "If they want the Ricketts family to buy the club from Roman Abramovich, just tell the rest of us now and spare us what is an awful lot of hard work." 還有人覺得乾脆就直接公佈里基茨贏就好,不要再浪費大家的時間和努力了。 Chelsea have confirmed that Bruce Buck facilitated and attended the meeting between Tom Ricketts and Paul Canoville, but say he did not play an active part in it. 巴克承認有安排並出席那次會面,但沒有其他舉動。 https://twitter.com/liam_twomey/status/1509168950315307016 下午10:01 · 2022年3月30日 Some around the sale process have had the impression that Buck is advocating the Ricketts/Griffin bid for a while, so this - even if well-intentioned - really isn't a good look for him 有人覺得巴克一直偏好里基茨+格里芬這隊,托梅覺得即使這次會談本意是好的,但 還是吃像難看。 https://twitter.com/Kingcanners/status/1508833494931283968 卡諾維爾說新聞出來後自己被種族歧視攻擊,真是令人震驚,他沒有幫任何買家背書 並且不會再發表任何評論。 https://twitter.com/Kingcanners/status/1509072097150124033 太陽報想來見縫插針,要人家當廖北仔? 慘遭卡諾維爾洗臉 XD https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1509220514677628931 上午1:26 · 2022年3月31日 Bruce Buck is confident that he has not broken the rules or undermined the Chelsea sale by facilitating a meeting between the Ricketts family and Paul Canoville. Whether that will be enough to satisfy disturbed rival bidders remains to be seen 巴克覺得自己沒有破壞遊戲規則。 https://twitter.com/AbsoluteChelsea/status/1509224457004531712 上午1:42 · 2022年3月31日 The True Blues Consortium, which includes John Terry, that wants to buy a 10% stake in Chelsea is in "positive" talks with two of the shortlisted bidders. [via @MarkKleinmanSky] 想收購10%股權的真藍財團已經和兩組人馬有不錯的談話。

03/31 10:01, 2年前 , 20F
真的難看 巴克搞這什麼鳥
03/31 10:01, 20F

03/31 10:25, 2年前 , 21F
03/31 10:25, 21F

03/31 10:31, 2年前 , 22F
03/31 10:31, 22F

03/31 11:00, 2年前 , 23F
03/31 11:00, 23F
https://twitter.com/TheAthleticUK/status/1509455711096299523 下午5:01 · 2022年3月31日 Meet Todd Boehly, head of one of four consortiums bidding for CFC. The American has long been regarded as the favourite and is viewed by rivals as the one to beat. He is not doing this alone but, as multiple sources, insist: "This is Todd Boehly's bid." 伯利一直以來都是最被看好的一隊,多個來源都透露:這就是托德˙伯利主導的出 價。 "Football is the biggest sport in the world. Kids these days are fully aware of what's the best and the Premier League is the best." 伯利: "足球是世界上最多人參與的運動,現在孩子們都知道英超是世上最好的。" Sources talk about Todd Boehly's consortium as wanting to run Chelsea similarly to how the FSG run Liverpool. Boehly also has the desire to compete with Real Madrid, who are regarded as one of the biggest clubs in the world. FSG經營利物浦的方法就是伯利想要的,他也有心跟世界最大的俱樂部皇馬競爭。 The Todd Boehly consortium feel confident that the size of the wealth behind them runs 'at least as deep' as any other bid for Chelsea, with the addition of Clearlake Capital seen to be 'very significant' @SJohnsonSport 伯利也對自己背後的資金很有信心,Clearlake Capital 的加持也很重要。 https://twitter.com/Matt_Law_DT/status/1509491389347864588 下午7:22 · 2022年3月31日 Never a quiet Chelsea day... - Barca try to take advantage of Chelsea limbo by adding Rudiger to wanted list - Supporters urged to take the #notoRicketts campaign to Stamford Bridge - Online petition against Ricketts passes 16k 巴薩想要魯迪格、球迷想在大橋抵制里基茨、網上請願反里基茨已超過16000。

03/31 19:35, 2年前 , 24F
里基茨絕對不能贏 不然車子內外部都交代不了
03/31 19:35, 24F

03/31 20:07, 2年前 , 25F
03/31 20:07, 25F
https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/-b2048166.html Nick Purewal - 31 Mar 2022 Chelsea's sale remains a level playing field for all four bidding consortiums, the PA news agency understands. PA覺得目前四組人馬沒有誰佔領先位置。 The Raine Group are understood to have had no issues with that meeting, and all bidders have been able to set up similar opportunities. 雷恩集團對里基茨見卡諾維爾沒有意見,四組人馬都能有類似的機會。 https://twitter.com/GregHands/status/1509515869801619458 下午9:00 · 2022年3月31日 Useful call with representatives of the Boehly consortium, would-be buyers of Chelsea Football Club. Good to hear of their plans to work with fans & community. I understand they have met with - or to meet - @ChelseaSTrust and @pitchowners & other fans groups. 伯利隊跟選區議員 Greg Hands 談過了,也跟其他球迷團體談過或將談過。 https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/-b991708.html By James Robson - 31 Mar 2022 Todd Boehly will put data at the heart of his Chelsea revolution if his bid to buy the club is successful, with maximising youth talent one of his key visions for the future. 伯利會好好運用數據分析,並將青訓發揮最大化。 Boehly has told people close to his bid that his ability to use money wisely is a reason why he is such a strong candidate to buy out Roman Abramovich. 伯利認為自己聰明花錢的能力將是贏得這次競購的關鍵。 Under his ownership, the sort of wastage that has been absorbed by Abramovich's fortune is unlikely to continue. The idea of allowing a Kevin De Bruyne, Mo Salah or even Declan Rice to depart before realising their potential could be a thing of the past. 俱樂部將不再亂花錢,而且德布洛因、薩拉赫、賴斯這些案例將成為過去式。

03/31 21:05, 2年前 , 26F
目前老闆都是MLB來的 真的怕把魔球那套帶來車子
03/31 21:05, 26F

03/31 21:06, 2年前 , 27F
03/31 21:06, 27F

03/31 22:45, 2年前 , 28F
03/31 22:45, 28F
https://twitter.com/NickPurewal/status/1509544617695449088 下午10:54 · 2022年3月31日 The Ricketts family will continue meeting ChelseaFC supporters to allay fears over their bid to buy the Blues. The Ricketts family cannot respond to fan criticism with public pronouncements, to respect the CFC sale process. Story for @pasport here: 里基茨還是會持續跟球迷會談,雖然無法公開回應球迷的批評,但他們對自己的報價 有信心,也有自信能讓球迷安心。 https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/-b991728.html By Nick Lester - 31 Mar 2022 Lord Hain told the House of Lords: “As a Chelsea fan for 57 years, will the Government ensure that no winning bid loads debt on the club like the Glazers did to Manchester United? 議員兼57年球迷 Lord Hain 不希望格拉澤讓曼聯欠債一事重演。 “Will ministers also bar the Pagliuca Consortium bid headed by the chair of Bain Capital which remains highly entwined with Bain & Company, recently indicted by a South African Judicial Commission for acting 'unlawfully' and referred for prosecution. Lord Hain 也想讓政府抵制帕柳卡,因為貝恩公司在南非有軍購弊案。 “Bain cynically and ruthlessly disabled the country's tax collecting agency by conspiring with the corrupt former president Zuma for an £8 million fee. Chelsea and the Premier League must not be contaminated with such despicably corrupt business practice.” Conservative Lords whip Baroness Penn, replying for the Government, said: “The Government does not want to pre-judge any decision Chelsea may make as it is a decision for them to ensure the best owners for the club are found. “We would expect all due diligence and assessment of owners to happen before an application for a licence for the sale of the club to be made, which then OFSI (Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation) would consider on its merits.” https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1509546217210011652 下午11:00 · 2022年3月31日 Broughton came to prominence at British American tobacco becoming finance director in 1988. They aren't without their controversies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_American_Tobacco#Controversies 布勞頓爵士以前任職的 British American Tobacco 也不是毫無爭議。 https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1509576286464884747 上午1:00 · 2022年4月1日 Stephen Pagliuca's spokesperson disputes what was said in parliament by Peter Hain: “Bain Capital spun out from Bain & Company in 1984. Since then, the two firms have operated completely independently of one another.” 帕柳卡發言人:貝恩資本和貝恩公司早在1984年就分家了。

04/01 02:17, 2年前 , 29F
04/01 02:17, 29F
https://twitter.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1509609615620640797 上午3:12 · 2022年4月1日 The next step for those trying to buy Chelsea is to submit Premier League (PL) approval documents tomorrow.

04/01 03:56, 2年前 , 30F
04/01 03:56, 30F

04/01 08:54, 2年前 , 31F
04/01 08:54, 31F

04/01 08:55, 2年前 , 32F
04/01 08:55, 32F
https://twitter.com/MattHughesDM/status/1509793550795427874 下午3:23 · 2022年4月1日 Chelsea takeover bidder Todd Boehly holds shares in a betting firm that is still operating in Russia

04/02 00:50, 2年前 , 33F
Boehly那黑料挺沒料的 那公司也只是持股另外還是有遵守
04/02 00:50, 33F

04/02 00:50, 2年前 , 34F
04/02 00:50, 34F
https://twitter.com/SJohnsonSport/status/1510150037216579587 下午3:00 · 2022年4月2日 Last of the profiles on the CFC bidders focuses on Stephen Pagliuca. He has been the quietest, not even speaking to fan groups. But his role as co-owner of Boston Celtics suggests he will be patient with Chelsea staff & use Moneyball to find players: https://twitter.com/ChelsTransfer/status/1510152303285833729 Pagliuca on ESL: “On paper, conceptually, moving to a more American style sports ownership situation will be great for big clubs because right now in Europe, there are virtually no cost controls. You can own a major franchise & be relegated so that adds a lot of uncertainty”

04/02 15:24, 2年前 , 35F
Pagliuca得標前就在喊會縮減轉會預算 大概不會贏了XD
04/02 15:24, 35F

04/02 15:25, 2年前 , 36F
還在喊特許經營權 完全跟球迷對著幹XD
04/02 15:25, 36F

04/02 15:27, 2年前 , 37F
Boehly就識相很多 2019美國媒體問他soccer 他還回
04/02 15:27, 37F

04/02 15:27, 2年前 , 38F
football XD
04/02 15:27, 38F

04/02 16:23, 2年前 , 39F
04/02 16:23, 39F

04/02 21:22, 2年前 , 40F
要玩 Moneyball 又不減少現在這種轉會預算的都是騙子
04/02 21:22, 40F

04/02 21:23, 2年前 , 41F
04/02 21:23, 41F

04/02 21:23, 2年前 , 42F
04/02 21:23, 42F

04/02 21:47, 2年前 , 43F
看別人節錄他是有說預算會縮減 但是會給教練更多時間
04/02 21:47, 43F

04/02 21:55, 2年前 , 44F
04/02 21:55, 44F

04/02 21:55, 2年前 , 45F
1億美元的工程 剛好碰上停賽直接趕工作完
04/02 21:55, 45F

04/02 22:58, 2年前 , 46F
帕柳卡最大的特點就是不太會變動管理層與教練 by凱爾
04/02 22:58, 46F

04/02 23:02, 2年前 , 47F
04/02 23:02, 47F
https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11668/12581061/chelsea-fc-sale -cleveland-cavaliers-owners-rock-entertainment-group-reg-join-ricketts-and -griffin-bid-team By Mark Kleinman, Sky News City editor - Saturday 2 April 2022 21:55, UK Rock Entertainment Group, which is headed by Dan Gilbert, one of America's richest people, is joining the Ricketts family-led bid to buy Chelsea Football Club, Sky News can reveal. As well as the Cleveland Cavaliers, REG owns the Cleveland Monsters ice hockey team, and the NBA G-League team Cleveland Charge. Mr Gilbert is also an investor in the fast-growing e-sports arena, with a big stake in 100 Thieves, which has a significant presence in e-sports in Europe.

04/03 11:45, 2年前 , 48F
騎士隊老闆入夥Ricketts隊 要不是歧視事件根本超穩
04/03 11:45, 48F

04/03 12:09, 2年前 , 49F
04/03 12:09, 49F
https://theathletic.com/news/ricketts-family-present-chelsea-fans-with -eight-point-plan-for-clubs-future/4Qhi1ij9xwCV/ By Simon Johnson and Jacob Whitehead - 2022年4月3日Updated 下午9:50 [GMT+8] A statement from the Ricketts Family read: “Over the past fortnight, the Ricketts Family has met with several Chelsea supporter groups and carefully listened to all their feedback. “As we enter the next phase of the process, we are sharing a list of specific commitments that give fans a pivotal role in protecting Chelsea's heritage and building for future success. We will continue to discuss our ambitions for the club with fans and the wider football community in the coming days. We will: “1. Make no change to the club's name, badge and crest, or Chelsea blue, without the consent of supporters. “2. Never participate in a European Super League and always protect the integrity and heritage of Chelsea F.C. “3. Commit the resources necessary across all levels of the club to continue winning trophies, including investing in the first team, experienced football leadership and the academy. “4. Put diversity and inclusion at the heart of the club and fight against any form of discrimination or inequality. “5. Create an Advisory Committee with diverse representation to ensure our decisions are informed by: a former men's and women's first team player, members of the CST and Chelsea Pitch Owners, and influential community leaders. “6. Explore every option to redevelop Stamford Bridge and do everything in our power to keep playing in this historic stadium. “7. Match the current commitment to Chelsea F.C. Women and increase the number of women's matches played at Stamford Bridge. “8. Continue the vital charitable work of the Chelsea Foundation, seeking to use the power of football and sport to motivate, educate and inspire.”

04/04 10:48, 2年前 , 50F
里基茨發了八點聲明 很多都畫大餅
04/04 10:48, 50F

04/04 12:39, 2年前 , 51F
04/04 12:39, 51F

04/04 12:51, 2年前 , 52F
嚴格來說這份聲明就是 - 保持現狀
04/04 12:51, 52F
※ 編輯: JamesCaesar ( 臺灣), 04/04/2022 15:02:35

04/04 21:36, 2年前 , 53F
04/04 21:36, 53F
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