[情報] 切爾西聲明加拉斯離開內幕

看板Chelsea作者 (射門。得分。歐冠)時間18年前 (2006/09/05 09:36), 編輯推噓21(2108)
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藍軍解答緣何與槍手大交換 法國鐵衛威脅上場就踢烏龍 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年09月05日新浪體育 就在轉會日期截止的時刻,英超切爾西與阿森納進行了一次驚天大交換,加拉斯轉投 槍手,阿什利-科爾來到斯坦福橋。 這樁表面上看起來雙贏的轉會,切爾西方面似乎仍舊 耿耿於懷。   週一,球隊更是在自己的官方網站上發表了一份聲明。這份聲明詳細解釋了為何在最 後一刻球隊選擇交換的內因,聲明中表示加拉斯在夏天提出轉會,並且拒絕為切爾西上場 比賽。法國人並且威脅俱樂部,表示如果不能離開這裏,將會在場上自擺烏龍,使得球隊 不能贏得比賽。   這份聲明中還說道: "自從英超開賽以來,切爾西只有四名防守球員可以上場,而隊 長特裏的傷勢並未完全痊癒,正是在這個時候,加拉斯拒絕為球隊參賽。加拉斯本人則表 示,如果俱樂部強行讓他參賽或者在財政方面對其加以處罰的話,那麼他在場上將會做出 對球隊不利的事情,比如把球踢進自己的大門,或者故意犯規讓自己被罰出場,要麼就犯 一些低級的錯誤。"   最後,切爾西在這份聲明中還表示, "加拉斯在離開斯坦福橋之後仍舊對穆裏尼奧進 行言論上的攻擊,這令俱樂部感到很氣憤。切爾西把加拉斯帶到了一個嶄新的高度,使得 他成為世界上頂尖的中後衛,在上賽季結束前,球隊曾經為他提供了一份不錯的合同,但 他拒絕了。當時加拉斯的理由是希望能夠到一個新的環境中踢球,但俱樂部非常清楚,他 這麼說僅僅是個謊言,他的真正目的只有一個,那就是錢!"   據悉,加拉斯是2001年從法甲馬賽俱樂部加盟切爾西的,據切爾西方面透露,上賽季 足杯半決賽的時候,加拉斯就曾經拒絕為球隊參賽。切爾西方面還表示,之所以要把事情 說出來,是希望那些對那些一直以來支持球隊以及支持加拉斯的球迷有個交代,因為他們 有權知道事實的真相。   (劉峰) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.chelseafc.com/article.asp?hlid=414157 官網全文 Gallas threatened to score own goal Monday, Sep 04, 2006 Chelsea Football Club has the following statement on William Gallas to explain the circumstances behind his departure. These include his refusal to play for the team, and if selected, a threat to score an own goal. The statement says: Chelsea FC believes it is important for our supporters to be made aware of the full facts regarding William Gallas and the lack of respect he showed to the fans, the manager and the club. Despite leaving he continues to attack Jose Mourinho and this cannot be left unchallenged. Chelsea made William Gallas a very substantial and attractive new contract offer to stay towards the end of last season. This was rejected. The issue was purely one of money, despite his public comments that he wanted a new challenge, to play abroad and so forth. These were just a smokescreen to cover up the fact he was hawking himself to the highest bidder. Having failed to secure his demands, his position became increasingly intransigent and unacceptable. He initially refused to play against Liverpool in the FA Cup semi-final last season in an effort to force an increased contract offer. As is now well documented he refused to join up with the team in Los Angeles during pre-season, despite agreeing the dates for his return as the other World Cup players did, with the club. When Jose Mourinho generously offered him a way back into the "family" after the American tour, this was thrown back in the Chelsea manager's face. The manager told him that, even if he did not agree a new contract but returned to the "family" and abided by the rules, he would still select the best players available and would not punish him playing wise. However despite meetings to try and resolve the problems Gallas made it clear to Jose Mourinho he would never play for Chelsea again. Before the first game of the season against Manchester City, when only four defenders were available and John Terry was doubtful with an injury, he refused to play. He went on to threaten that if he was forced to play, or if he was disciplined and financially punished for his breach of the rules, that he could score an own goal or get himself sent off, or make deliberate mistakes. Clearly this was a totally unacceptable situation for the manager, the team and the club. Chelsea's interests had to be protected and a solution was collectively agreed. If a satisfactory deal for Chelsea could be found, Gallas would be sold. If that did not happen it was agreed by all that Gallas would have to fulfil the terms of his contract. Chelsea has a wage structure in place that is valued not only on the contribution of the player to the manager and the team, but also on a player's respect for the club and contribution to the promotion and image of the club off the field. Every player is expected to play their part in this. William Gallas rarely recognised these responsibilities. He also failed to recognise the role Jose Mourinho and Chelsea played in helping him become a double Premiership champion for a player whose only league title prior to that had been in the French Second Division. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/05 11:01, , 1F
唉 沒有好收場 不過他去了更適合他的球隊...
09/05 11:01, 1F

09/05 11:30, , 2F
如果是真的...加拉的形象整個破滅= =
09/05 11:30, 2F

09/05 11:31, , 3F
09/05 11:31, 3F

09/05 11:33, , 4F
09/05 11:33, 4F

09/05 11:56, , 5F
09/05 11:56, 5F

09/05 11:59, , 6F
Fuck you gallas 應該在他烏龍前叫埃辛踹死他
09/05 11:59, 6F

09/05 12:18, , 7F
就算我們不放人 他真的敢在場上這樣搞嗎? 有自毀前途的
09/05 12:18, 7F

09/05 12:19, , 8F
危險耶... o__O
09/05 12:19, 8F

09/05 12:28, , 9F
我也要推 fuck you gall ass
09/05 12:28, 9F

09/05 13:00, , 10F
09/05 13:00, 10F

09/05 13:35, , 11F
http://tinyurl.com/golzc 這翻譯才威猛
09/05 13:35, 11F

09/05 13:42, , 12F
樓上的那個網址的翻譯真的很威猛 XD
09/05 13:42, 12F

09/05 13:42, , 13F
09/05 13:42, 13F

09/05 14:26, , 14F
﹝平衡報導﹞加拉斯否認 http://tinyurl.com/kfh6y
09/05 14:26, 14F

09/05 14:33, , 15F
不是很喜歡這樣在人家走了之後抹黑耶 畢竟曾為球隊效力的
09/05 14:33, 15F

09/05 14:34, , 16F
09/05 14:34, 16F

09/05 14:46, , 17F
09/05 14:46, 17F

09/05 14:47, , 18F
09/05 14:47, 18F

09/05 16:26, , 19F
就如德羅巴說的 現在留下的都是想為球隊踢球的人
09/05 16:26, 19F

09/05 16:26, , 20F
名聲也好卻爾西也好為錢也好 大家現在可以團結合作了吧~
09/05 16:26, 20F

09/05 16:31, , 21F
否認沒用啦,下次見面獸巴打爆他 (當然森德羅斯也可)
09/05 16:31, 21F

09/05 17:35, , 22F
我也絕得加拉不會說這種話 在比賽擺濫甚至踢自家門 這是有뜠
09/05 17:35, 22F

09/05 17:36, , 23F
損職業球員尊嚴的事 那其他球會會怎麼想? 足總應該也不允許
09/05 17:36, 23F

09/06 00:07, , 24F
為了錢? 那不是切爾西最多的東西嗎? 那怎麼會留不住勒..
09/06 00:07, 24F

09/06 00:47, , 25F
anyway 加拉斯現在可以在那跟亨利培養國家隊的默契了 :P
09/06 00:47, 25F

09/06 09:42, , 26F
哈哈 推樓上 感情會更好Y
09/06 09:42, 26F

09/06 17:40, , 27F
A.Cole也可以和Lampard, Terry, J.Cole好好培養一下~
09/06 17:40, 27F

09/07 03:33, , 28F
Normaly i dont think a footballer will talk like this
09/07 03:33, 28F

09/07 03:34, , 29F
but i dont think gallas will always make things normal-.-
09/07 03:34, 29F
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