[情報] 藍軍最愛音樂 Top 20

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http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,283-1881820,00.html November 21, 2005 Chelsea chart-toppers on song By Patrick Kidd YOU ONLY SING WHEN you're winning, so the saying goes, and Jose Mourinho's men are calling the tunes this season. Now we can pretend we are getting lairy in the back of the Chelsea team bus with the release of a CD of the players' favourite singalongs. But what does the music reveal? Mourinho's choice displays surprising modesty. The Special One could have gone for My Way, or I am the One and Only by Chesney Hawkes. Instead, the manager has picked Bryan Adams's Run To You, a ditty about infidelity. Does he dream of stealing someone from their love? Perhaps Mourinho should have gone for another Adams number, such as Everything I Do, which also stayed at the top of the table for months. The choices of the goalkeepers are revealing. Petr Cech, the man in possession of the gloves, likes to hum I Believe I Can Fly, which might explain some of his acrobatic saves, while Carlo Cudicini can only watch from the bench, listening to Groove Armada's I See You Baby. Cudicini is perhaps resentful at having to watch Cech shaking his ass every week. Many of the team go for love songs. John Terry deserves some stick for his choice of a Luther Vandross number, So Amazing, which is unbearable schmaltz and ridiculous in light of revelations of his alleged lothario tendencies. It is no surprise that gold absorbs the thoughts, but does Joe Cole, in choosing Spandau Ballet, feel he is indestructible or does he “always believe he’ll be sold”? Ricardo Carvalho could be expressing self-doubt by choosing Fools Gold, by the Stone Roses, or maybe the line “I'm watching you all, I’m seeing you sinking” refers to Newcastle United on Saturday. With only five Premiership games this season, Robert Huth probably changes the Marvin Gaye lyrics to “Let's Get Me On.” There is only one football song in the list. Damien Duff picks his countryman Christy Moore's excellent Joxter Goes to Stuttgart, a song about Ireland beating England in the 1988 European Championship. It will be something to cling to next summer when another big tournament takes place in Germany without the Irish. Jose Mourinho and his Chelsea squad have exposed their soul — or lack of it — by releasing a 20-track CD of their favourite songs. The Chelsea manager sets the tone by admitting an embarrassing secret — his preferred listening is Run To You, by Bryan Adams. It could set a trend across the Premiership. Here, TheGame imagines what tops the playlist on the iPods of some of the sport’s biggest names: Dennis Bergkamp Come Fly With Me (Frank Sinatra) Adrian Mutu The Drugs Don’t Work (The Verve) Peter Crouch Missed Again (Phil Collins) Roy Keane What's It All About Alfie (Cilla Black) Sam Allardyce Let Me Entertain You (Robbie Williams) Glenn Hoddle Come On Eileen (Dexy’s Midnight Runners) Teddy Sheringham Justified And Ancient (KLF) Mick McCarthy Straight Back Down (Curiosity Killed The Cat) Sven-Goran Eriksson Diamonds Are Forever (Shirley Bassey) Neil Warnock Paranoid (Black Sabbath) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/2005-11-23/11501896386.shtml 2005年11月23日11:50 《足球˙勁體育》 特約記者徐丹雷報導 是的,贏了球就會唱歌。上週六的斯坦福橋,中場休息時因為比賽無聊還在翻動 蘋果派的切爾西球迷,下半場一開場就被科爾的進球挑動了神經,以往熟悉的歌聲又 在斯坦福橋蔓延。球迷有自己喜歡的讚歌,球員也不例外!原來切爾西隊從主教練莫 里尼奧到替補門將庫迪奇尼都有自己喜歡的歌。這些球員們在球隊大巴上酷酷地掛上 耳機,一言不發自我陶醉的歌曲,到底都是什麼貨色?   “她說對我的愛永不死,但愛已枯死,我要奔向你,奔向你……”,如此的情歌 小調,你猜是誰的選擇?原來一首布萊恩˙亞當斯的《奔向你》,竟然是性格莫里尼 奧的最愛。《泰晤士》報對此大惑不解,因為在外人眼中特立獨行的切爾西主帥,怎 麼也得來一首英倫搖滾奇才切斯尼˙霍奇斯的《我是唯一》或者《我的路》才與行事 風格旗鼓相當。媒體調侃,即使莫里尼奧選擇情歌王子布萊恩˙亞當斯,也應該選那 首《我所做的一切》,給斯坦福橋貴賓包廂的俄羅斯老闆表表功績啊。   相比莫里尼奧的選擇,切赫的心頭好就容易理解了。身高近兩米的捷克門將喜歡 哼哼 R. Kelly 那首經典的《我相信我能飛》。“我相信我能飛,我相信我能觸摸天 際”,也許切赫就是哼著這首歌,在騰空飛躍中完成了多次精彩撲救。切赫威風八面 ,也苦了以往的藍軍正選庫迪奇尼。 曾獲格萊美獎的英倫電子組合 Groove Armada 一首《我看到你了,寶貝》是他最喜歡的歌曲。莫非,意大利人每週看著捷克隊友春 風得意,在板凳上虛度光陰時,就用這首歌來作為精神寄托?   大部分切爾西球員最喜歡聽的還是愛情歌曲。相信嗎?時常被倫敦小報抓到夜生 活猛料的隊長特里,最喜歡的歌曲是2004格萊美最佳 R&B 歌手 Luther Vandross, “一首感傷得讓人欲哭無淚”的《如此神奇》。特里搭檔卡瓦略喜歡聽石玫瑰樂團的 《愚人黃金》。剛剛進球的科爾追捧的是1980年代早期英倫一支讓年輕女孩尖叫的帥 哥樂團。至於胡特,最喜歡的音樂類型是R&B,最常聽的是馬文蓋伊的《讓我們一起》 ,也許本賽季只有5次首發的胡特要呼喚更多上場機會了。   也許在藍軍陣營中,從外形到生活習慣以及穿著喜好,最不“小資”的就屬愛爾 蘭國腳達夫了。1988年,愛爾蘭在西德歐洲盃小組賽擊敗英格蘭,賽後歡呼勝利的浪 潮席捲了全國,愛爾蘭民謠傳奇可利斯蒂摩爾的一首《約克斯特去斯圖加特》,被愛 爾蘭球迷從西德唱到都柏林,歌聲反諷英格蘭人對愛爾蘭人鄉巴佬的蔑視。當時只有 9歲的達夫被父輩們勝利的激動感染了,直到今天,他依然在聽這首歌。   足球和音樂的關聯,始終是一個好話題。美國歌王富蘭克信納特拉《來與我一起 飛》被媒體建議用作博格坎普“恐飛症”的心理治療。克勞奇點球也射丟了,真該聽 聽菲爾˙科林斯的《再次錯失》。埃里克森戰勝阿根廷所使用的菱形中場會給瑞典人 建立信心,信心不夠?《泰晤士》報建議埃里克森可以聽聽靈歌皇后 Bassey 的《鑽 石是永遠的》 (英語中鑽石可引申為“菱形”)。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/2005-11-23/12391896496.shtml 2005年11月23日12:39 體壇周報 記者克韓報導 ....穆里尼奧的選曲排在第20首壓軸,而賽季新人小賴特的選擇 — 節奏藍調歌后酷 莉絲的歌曲《奶昔(Milkshake)》則排在打頭陣的A面第一曲。 ....英超冠軍球隊聽的是這些歌,那其他球員呢?《泰晤士報》發揮搞笑精神羅列如 下:博格坎普,辛納屈《和我一起飛翔》;穆圖,神韻小組《藥物不起作用》;克勞 奇,菲爾˙柯林斯《再次錯過》;基恩,布萊克《這一切都是為什麼?》;埃里克森 ,貝茜《鑽石(菱形)恆久遠》……   此外,蘭帕德20日晚舉行了一次慈善晚宴,為他所支持的“兒童癌症信托基金” 籌款50萬英鎊,一個有趣的鏡頭是當拍賣“近距離觀察阿森納訓練課”權利時,特里 出價1.3萬英鎊,名宿因斯出價2.6萬,但一個來自文萊王室的人出價2.7萬壓過了所 有人,阻止了特里偷窺海布里的企圖。 -- But you saved me! As difficult and as frustrating as it's been sometimes, your goddamn strict rationalism and science have saved me a thousand times over! You've kept me honest, made me a whole person. I owe you everything, Scully, and you owe me nothing. I don't know if I wanna do this alone... I don't even know if I can... and if I quit now, they win. - Fox Mulder -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/23 15:37, , 1F
Adrian Mutu "The Drugs Don't Work" XDDDD
11/23 15:37, 1F

11/23 15:37, , 2F
11/23 15:37, 2F

11/23 16:00, , 3F
Mutu的 有豪洨到 XD
11/23 16:00, 3F

11/23 16:41, , 4F
11/23 16:41, 4F

11/23 19:26, , 5F
Cech 的 I Believe I Can Fly ..也是我很喜愛的一首歌.
11/23 19:26, 5F

11/23 20:48, , 6F
我跟克勞奇一樣 超愛Phil Collins^^~
11/23 20:48, 6F

11/24 13:20, , 7F
後面的都是有點嘲諷意味的 並不是說克勞奇真的愛那首歌
11/24 13:20, 7F

11/24 14:31, , 8F
"TheGame imagines....."
11/24 14:31, 8F

11/25 00:50, , 9F
11/25 00:50, 9F
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