[閒聊] Why Jaylen Brown is a Future SUPERSTAR

看板Celtics作者 (金岡)時間5年前 (2018/08/21 10:08), 編輯推噓41(41023)
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這是本魯在follow的其中一個youtube頻道,主要是分析各種籃球動作跟教學。 昨天剛好發了一個關於我們杰倫的分析,就想分享給大家一下。 Soure: By Any Means Basketball Why Jaylen Brown is a Future SUPERSTAR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thSha52xjk0&feature=youtu.be
Jaylen Brown has jumped from a rookie with some potential, to a dynamic, do-it-all player who took over the playoffs... And yes, these playoffs were Brown's coming-out party as a future star. 杰倫上一季從一個菜鳥到這季變成一個全能球員,並且在季後賽展現惹他的宰制力。 Playoffs per Game Season Age PTS 2016-17 20 5.0 2017-18 21 18.0 上一賽季季後賽場均5分到這季變成18分。 First, Brown is extremely efficient when attacking the basket, not using many extra movements or dribbles As a result, he doesn't need iso situations to be effective, allowing him to score in a variety of situations. 首先杰倫在進攻的時候非常的有效率,因為他不會做多餘的動作跟運球。 他並不需要一些單打的狀況來提升進攻效率,也因此讓他可以在各種不同的狀況去得分。 His impressive physical tools allow him to be a very straight-line driver to the rim. (Uses speed to get advantage, strenth to absorb contact) These qualities make it easy for him to stand out on teams with other star players and high-level ball movement. 他傑出的身體條件讓他可以直線切入得分(速度優勢、對抗碰撞的力量) 這些讓他可以變得相當突出,同時又可以跟隊上的球星做出漂亮的導傳。 But, don't look over the very tough, complex moves that he has in his bag... 但不要以為他就只會這些高難度的動作而已。 And even at 6'7'', he's very secure with the ball around traffic. He also uses his top-tier athleticism to finish very effectively at the rim Also, this season Brown has become way more than a spot-up shooter (Notice how confident Brown is stepping into the shot) Notice how now, the Celtics are running Brown off of screens, and he's taking advantage of it. 擁有6'7''身高 (約201cm)的他仍然可以在球場上跑動及護球。 他也可以利用自身傑出的運動能力去做出非常有效的進攻。 同時,在這一季杰倫也不再只是一位定點射手了。 (看看他那充滿自信的投射) 大家也可以注意球隊開始讓杰倫做些擋拆,杰倫也因此受惠良多。 Defensively, he has all the physical tools to become a legendary defender But he also has the instinct and motor to go with his athleticism 他也擁有所有成為傑出的防守者的身體條件。 而且他擁有那些直覺跟動力去利用自身的運動能力 And he's probably the most versatile young player in a while On top of everything we've mentioned, he has a post fadeaway in his bag... Can play the "pop" man on a ball sreeen He's (a) very good at getting to the rim and finishing when in transition Plus, he's shown he has a killer instinct early in his career 而且他大概是目前最全能的年輕球員之一。就像我們先前提過的, 他還有低位後仰跳投的進攻技巧,單檔後的投射能力。也非常擅長突破接近籃框與 攻守轉換快攻。此外,他才初入聯盟,就展現惹他的殺手氣息。 And finally, he just does the little things right that make a team successful.. 最後,他也僅僅做對了許多小事情,就足以讓球隊變得相當成功。 -- 這季的Tatum讓人驚艷不已,但也不要忘惹我們家的杰倫唷! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Celtics/M.1534817314.A.347.html

08/21 10:15, 5年前 , 1F
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08/21 12:16, 5年前 , 12F
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08/21 12:27, 5年前 , 13F
身體素質優 投籃還不太穩 是這樣嗎??
08/21 12:27, 13F

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08/21 13:58, 5年前 , 22F
這季三分快四成我覺得不錯 罰球就真的怪怪的
08/21 13:58, 22F

08/21 13:58, 5年前 , 23F
他菜鳥年的機會沒這麼多 我覺得進步很正常啦
08/21 13:58, 23F

08/21 14:07, 5年前 , 24F
推杰倫 靠你們雙J了
08/21 14:07, 24F

08/21 14:14, 5年前 , 25F
有給機會有進步 有些人就算給了上場機會也沒進步那麼多
08/21 14:14, 25F

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08/21 16:15, 5年前 , 27F
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08/21 18:31, 5年前 , 28F
未來主席XD 很喜歡有自己想法的JB
08/21 18:31, 28F

08/21 22:47, 5年前 , 29F
希望能開發穩定的急停跳投 跟 多變的切入節奏 嗯...這樣好
08/21 22:47, 29F

08/21 22:49, 5年前 , 30F
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08/22 00:08, 5年前 , 31F
沒講到防守+1 防守進步那麼多完全沒講
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08/24 20:00, 5年前 , 41F
你禁區慢慢吃兩分 我打快節奏拼命投三分抓失誤更有效率
08/24 20:00, 41F

08/25 11:41, 5年前 , 42F
模板就可愛吧 杰倫在場上防守態度真的好 加油!
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08/27 18:38, 5年前 , 49F
有 Raskolnikov 你吹出來的空氣室友過頭嗎
08/27 18:38, 49F

08/27 23:21, 5年前 , 50F
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08/27 23:27, 5年前 , 51F
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08/27 23:27, 5年前 , 52F
像那個余世鈞一直來亂 我都懶得說了
08/27 23:27, 52F

08/27 23:34, 5年前 , 53F
別再提人名了啦... 不想看到文章再度自砍 = =
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08/30 23:21, 5年前 , 58F
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09/03 09:20, 5年前 , 59F
JB運球再加強 就可能是明星等級了 還有防守少亂跳XD
09/03 09:20, 59F

09/03 10:38, 5年前 , 60F
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09/15 17:17, 5年前 , 61F
這隻比ig還爛 不知道在捧什麼
09/15 17:17, 61F

09/15 18:04, 5年前 , 62F
樓上鬧板b1 掰
09/15 18:04, 62F

09/18 00:21, 5年前 , 63F
推杰倫 真的是個好球員
09/18 00:21, 63F

09/19 16:42, 5年前 , 64F
聖衣水準? 慢走不送
09/19 16:42, 64F
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