[外電] 3D的Ojeleye

看板Celtics作者 (綠)時間6年前 (2017/11/09 13:53), 6年前編輯推噓33(33017)
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新聞出處(必填): https://goo.gl/QH3Bdn 作者: By Marc D'Amico Celtics.com November 7, 2017 Semi Seeks Longevity As 3-and-D Specialist Semi 期望以一個 3D專家的角色在聯盟長青 ATLANTA – What does "3-and-D" mean to you? 「3-and-D」 對你來說是什麼? To Semi Ojeleye, it means a long career. 對 Semi Ojeleye來說,那代表長久的職業生涯。 Ojeleye is a 6-foot-7, 240-pound bruiser who looks more like Incredible Hulk than a basketball player. Not many know his name, and even fewer know how to pronounce it. (Sunday night in Orlando, the Magic’s public address announcer pronounced his name as “OH-jelly” instead of “OH-gel-ay”.) Ojeleye是位6呎7吋、240磅的彪形大漢,看起來比較像無敵浩克而不是一位籃球員。 沒有什麼人認識他,更少人知道這個名字要怎麼唸 (星期日晚上在奧蘭多,當地的司儀把他的名字念成:「歐傑利」而不是「歐給萊」) ※ 還好不是「歐給力」… ※ 但今天看轉播,ESPN的主播念「歐傑雷」到底哪個是對的? The Celtics selected him with the 37th overall pick during the second of the 2017 NBA Draft. He was joining a team that was expected to compete for a conference title, and he knew minutes would be hard to come by, if not impossible to find. 2017選秀會上,Celtics用第二輪37順位選了他。 他加入的是一支分區冠軍的競爭者,所以他知道會很難獲得上場時間, 如果能夠上場的話。 So what did Ojeleye do? He searched for a niche that would earn him a role on the team, and what he found was an opportunity to slide into a valuable position that had been empty in Boston for quite some time: the 3-and-D position. 所以 Ojeleye怎麼做呢?他找出能讓自己在隊上有一席之地的利基, 他找到一個機會,適時補上 Boston懸缺一段時間的位置: 3D球員。 Now, just weeks into his professional career, he is earning substantial playing time for the best team in the NBA thanks to his ability to excel in that role. 現在,職業生涯才剛開始幾個星期,他已經在NBA最好的球隊裡獲得大量的上場時間了, 這要歸功於他的能力足夠撐起這個角色。 “I think it’s a simple way to play the game,” Ojeleye said Monday night of the 3-and-D mantra, following a 110-107 win over the Hawks during which the forward scored six points during 16 minutes of action. “It’s a simple way to play the game.” 「我想這樣子上場比賽比較單純」Ojeleye在週一晚上110-107擊敗老鷹隊的比賽中 上場16分鐘,得到六分,賽後談到他一直掛在嘴邊的3D,「這樣子上場比賽比較單純」 The description of the role is simple – make 3-pointers and defend at a high level – but executing the role is a hefty challenge… for anyone, let alone for a rookie. 描述這個角色是很單純 ─ 投進三分球和高質量的防守 ─ 但要扮演好這個角色卻是一項大挑戰…對所有人來說都是,更不用說是一位新秀。 Yet there Ojeleye was Monday night in Atlanta, 11 games into Boston’s 9-2 season, seeing more than seven minutes of action during the fourth quarter of a one-possession game. Even he had to chuckle in amazement when those facts were outlined to him after the win. 星期一夜晚對上 Atlanta,Boston在開季11場比賽中獲得9–2, Ojeleye在只有一球差距的第四節比賽裡面,上場超過七分鐘。 連他自己在聽到這個事實時都有點訝異地偷偷笑了 His play, however, was no laughing matter. 但他的表現,沒有任何能取笑的地方 During the final period of the contest, Ojeleye canned two big 3-pointers, all while providing strong defense against everyone from speedy Hawks point guard Dennis Schroder to center Dewayne Dedmon. 比賽的最後一節,Ojeleye飆進了兩個關鍵三分球,同時在對到對方每一個人時, 拿出強悍的防守,從速度飛快的後衛 Dennis Schroder,到中鋒 Dewayne Dedmon。 Read that previous sentence once more. 再讀一次前面的那句話。 Ojeleye defended the Hawks from point guard to center, and he’s legitimately capable of doing so against any team in the NBA. He is essentially Draymond Green when it comes to defensive versatility, and that’s saying a lot. Green has been considered a Defensive Player of the Year candidate for nearly a half-decade. Ojeleye防守了 Hawks隊上從控球後衛到中鋒每個位置的球員, 對上NBA裡任何一隊,他都有能耐做到同樣的事。 講到防守的多功能性,基本上,他就是Draymond Green,這已經足夠說明很多事。 Green近五年來都被視為是年度防守球員的候選人。 Brad Stevens phrased it as “pretty unique, the (defending) five-position part.” Brad Stevens形容這是「非常獨特,五個位置都能守的零件」 Stevens has raved about Ojeleye’s rare defensive abilities since the team drafted him back in June. Just the other day, the coach detailed how impressive Ojeleye’s agility is for his size, which translates perfectly to the defensive end of the court. At this point, there is no question that defensive impact is what will spur Stevens to call the rookie’s name. 自從六月球隊把他選進來開始,Stevens就很欣賞他不可多得的防守能力。 就在不久前,教練詳細描述了對於 Ojeleye擁有這樣的體型卻如此敏捷, 並完全展現在防守端,他的印象有多深刻。 從那時候起,防守端的影響力無疑的會時時提醒教練, 去叫這位新秀的名字,讓他上場。 “He’s going to find himself in the game a lot when we need stops, or when things aren’t going our way defensively,” Stevens said, “and he’s done a good job thus far.” 「當我們需要阻止對方、或是我們的防守不在正軌上時,他很清楚自己在場上的定位」 Stevens說「一直到現在,他都做得很好」 Still, no one is as aware as Ojeleye that defense and defense alone won’t earn him consistent playing time. He needs to provide space for Boston’s top players to operate inside, and he needs to shoot the ball from the perimeter with consistency. 但是沒有人比 Ojeleye更清楚,只有防守沒辦法為他爭取穩定的上場時間。 他必須為 Boston的頂尖選手們清開空間,他必須要有穩定的外線投籃。 Thus far, Ojeleye hasn’t only been good from long range; he has been great. Ojeleye has connected on 42.9 percent of his 3s, including a 2-for-3 performance Monday night, and that rate trails only Jayson Tatum (52.9 percent) and Al Horford (47.4 percent) on the C’s. 到目前為止,Ojeleye的遠程砲火不只是好,而是非常好。 Ojeleye的三分球命中率有42.9%,包含了週一晚上投三中二的表現, 在賽隊中,只略遜於 Jayson Tatum (52.9%)和 Al Horford (47.4%) Ojeleye knows what his offensive role is, and that’s why he has parked his rear behind the 3-point line. Twenty-one of his 24 shots on the season have been released from beyond the 3-point arc, and two of the remaining three were layup or dunk attempts. Ojeleye知道他在進攻時候的角色是什麼,那就是為什麼他總是退到三分線外。 在他這一季出手的24球裡面,有21球是從三分線外開火,剩下的三球中, 有兩球是嘗試上籃或灌籃。 He knows that he is not expected to initiate offensive sets or play isolation basketball. His offensive role is to shoot it from long distance, and he has done so at an incredibly high rate. 他很清楚沒有人期待他去發動進攻或是單打,他進攻時的角色就是從遠距離投籃, 他這麼做了,而且有非常高的命中率。 That type of shooting, combined with his defensive ability, is the definition of 3-and-D. It took players such as Shane Battier and Bruce Bowen years to perfect the craft of 3-and-D play, yet Ojeleye, as a second-round rookie on the league’s best team, is already excelling in the role less than a month into his NBA career. 那樣的投籃,加上他的防守能力,就是所謂的 3-and-D。 像 Shane Battier和 Bruce Bowen那樣的球員都得要經過好幾年的淬鍊才能精熟這項技藝 而 Ojeleye,一個身在聯盟最佳球隊的二輪新秀,在他 NBA生涯開始的一個月之內, 就已經在這個角色上非常出色了。 That’s not normal, as Ojeleye's teammates are well aware of. 這並不尋常,Ojeleye的隊友們深知這點 “He’s a rookie,” Horford said Monday night, with a big grin on his face, “ but he doesn’t play like a rookie.” 「他是位新秀」星期一晚上,臉上掛著大大微笑的Horford說 「但他打得一點都不像新秀」 And if he keeps playing like this, he’s going to be around for a long, long time. 如果他能繼續保持,他會待在聯盟很久,很久。 Which leads back to the original question: What does "3-and-D" mean to you? 回到一開始的問題:對你來說,「3-and-D」代表什麼? With a confident smile, Semi Ojeleye answered, “Longevity in this league.” 帶著自信的笑容,Semi Ojeleye回答:「能夠在聯盟立足一段很長的時間」 -- 選到 Ojeleye的時候 和騎士的交易還沒發生 就有看到板上大大們在討論 這隻堪稱小 Crowder 位置功能都重疊了 大概要守開特力或放紅爪慢慢養 沒想到真 Crowder離開之後 偽 Crowder還真的能頂上一些 令人欣慰 有興趣的板友們可以去點原文 原文的照片我一度以為是放成 Crowder的... 該說安吉早有預謀嗎?但那時KI還沒有離意 只能說這個備案選得不錯 不過今天那球大reverse進了之後,Ojeleye大概熱血衝上來了, 連續好幾球切進去高難度放球都失敗 年輕人終究是年輕人 (對!Brown!也是在說你!) 今天對上湖人的暫停時間 主場有放一支影片 內容是Yabu教大家怎麼念他的名字 影片中隊友們也試著拚出Yabu的名字 看大家很苦惱的樣子超好笑 結果只有 Brown拚對 Guerschon、Baynes拚對 Yabusele 之後會推出 Ojeleye篇嗎?令人期待! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Celtics/M.1510206783.A.CD5.html

11/09 13:55, 6年前 , 1F
之前很多專家就說我們的二輪能選到他 是爽到歪頭的
11/09 13:55, 1F

11/09 13:56, 6年前 , 2F
那時是說二輪的防守之王 就先朝Crowder邁進吧RR
11/09 13:56, 2F

11/09 13:57, 6年前 , 3F
11/09 13:57, 3F

11/09 13:57, 6年前 , 4F
守到5號是太困難了 不過semi單防真的很穩y
11/09 13:57, 4F

11/09 13:58, 6年前 , 5F
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11/09 14:02, 6年前 , 6F
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11/09 14:06, 6年前 , 7F
11/09 14:06, 7F

11/09 14:08, 6年前 , 8F
那是因為他超級壯 所以看起來手腳短了點
11/09 14:08, 8F

11/09 14:12, 6年前 , 9F
11/09 14:12, 9F

11/09 14:23, 6年前 , 10F
我們明明只有兩個人 為什麼要叫做3D呢~
11/09 14:23, 10F

11/09 14:27, 6年前 , 11F
Jesusemilore Talodabijesu Ojeleye
11/09 14:27, 11F

11/09 14:27, 6年前 , 12F
Semi的全名 真的要考這題嗎XD
11/09 14:27, 12F
※ 編輯: BosCgreen (, 11/09/2017 15:47:43

11/09 16:19, 6年前 , 13F
Semi 很不錯~先養成JC2.0
11/09 16:19, 13F

11/09 16:44, 6年前 , 14F
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11/09 16:46, 6年前 , 15F
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11/09 16:48, 6年前 , 16F
天花板是 綠嘴,哇
11/09 16:48, 16F

11/09 16:49, 6年前 , 17F
11/09 16:49, 17F

11/09 16:54, 6年前 , 18F
擅長三分和防守的球員:Crowder,AB,Danny Green,Trevor
11/09 16:54, 18F

11/09 16:54, 6年前 , 19F
Ariza... 等
11/09 16:54, 19F

11/09 16:58, 6年前 , 20F
沒啦 我在唱歌
11/09 16:58, 20F

11/09 17:08, 6年前 , 21F
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11/09 17:25, 6年前 , 22F
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11/09 17:27, 6年前 , 23F
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11/09 17:35, 6年前 , 25F
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11/09 17:35, 6年前 , 26F
是今天也是後來腦衝 是全隊一起吃口水嗎xd
11/09 17:35, 26F

11/09 17:35, 6年前 , 27F
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11/09 17:35, 6年前 , 28F
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11/09 18:00, 6年前 , 29F
11/09 18:00, 29F

11/09 18:00, 6年前 , 30F
JC身材沒他那麼厚 守到4號位以上經常被吃假的
11/09 18:00, 30F

11/09 18:05, 6年前 , 31F
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11/09 18:14, 6年前 , 32F
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11/09 18:14, 6年前 , 34F
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11/09 18:35, 6年前 , 35F
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11/09 18:37, 6年前 , 36F
還沒 先照MRI而已 不是一定有傷
11/09 18:37, 36F

11/09 18:39, 6年前 , 37F
11/09 18:39, 37F

11/09 18:42, 6年前 , 38F
semi信心有起來 不過結果不是太好XD 加油
11/09 18:42, 38F

11/09 18:42, 6年前 , 39F
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11/09 21:03, 6年前 , 40F
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11/09 21:04, 6年前 , 41F
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11/09 21:33, 6年前 , 42F
他變嘴綠 我們就賺翻了
11/09 21:33, 42F

11/09 21:46, 6年前 , 43F
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11/09 21:56, 6年前 , 44F
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11/09 21:56, 6年前 , 45F
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11/09 23:31, 6年前 , 46F
11/09 23:31, 46F

11/09 23:36, 6年前 , 47F
2輪新秀能有這樣的表現 已經很欣慰了
11/09 23:36, 47F

11/10 00:04, 6年前 , 48F
而且還是我們的二輪 XDDD
11/10 00:04, 48F

11/10 11:06, 6年前 , 49F
先做好3D 就超有價值了吧
11/10 11:06, 49F

11/11 10:38, 6年前 , 50F
IG對抗太差才會限制 而且他的切入也不是靠速度
11/11 10:38, 50F
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