[外電] Paul Pierce: A Professional Pro

看板Celtics作者 (其實我很帥)時間15年前 (2009/10/18 17:55), 編輯推噓20(2003)
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Paul Pierce: A Professional Pro by Scott Duncanson http://tinyurl.com/yjc7b6w ※ 此翻譯係按照我個人的理解而翻,若有錯誤或誤解,煩請告知! 感謝大家~ -------------------------------- If you read my profile, you would have seen the type of athletes and players that I respect, admire, and am a fan of these days. Players who play hard, who play hurt, who don't opt out of their contracts, who don't demand trades and players who will die with their team logo. Those things describe Paul Pierce to a tee. 如果讀者們看過我的文章,就會知道我尊重、欣賞、和喜歡什麼類型的球員。 有的球員總是很努力,不貪求大約,不會為了交易而么巴吵,甚至願意與球隊 共生死,這些恰好說明了Paul Pierce的嘴臉。 I've had the pleasure of watching Paul Pierce play his whole career. From his time at Kansas, to him getting drafted, all the way to him winning a ring with the Boston Celtics, I am sure I will be watching when they raise his No. 34 next to Larry Bird, Bill Russell, and the countless other Celtic greats. He will be remembered as the best offensive player in Celtics history. 我有幸參予了PP的籃球生涯,從堪薩斯時期,他在選秀會上被選中,一路到 他在塞爾提克贏得NBA總冠軍。 而我敢說:在Larry Bird、Bill Russell和無數塞爾提克球員們旁邊的那個「34號」 ,他是塞爾提克隊史上在「進攻方面」最優秀的球員。 Note that I didn't say the "best" player, but the best "offensive" player. Between his jump shooting, post moves, his ability to drive and get to the line, he is the total offensive package. He is a threat at both ends of the floor. If he has a bad game shooting, he would make up for it at the line, through defense and rebounding. 請注意──我並沒有說他是隊史上「最好」、「最棒」、「最偉大」的球員, 我說的是PP是隊史上進攻最強的男人。 PP的各項進攻能力(jump shooting, post moves, his ability to drive and get to the line) 非常優異,他是球場上的進攻終結者。倘若他在進攻端的表現 欠佳,他會用防守或籃板來彌補。 Rarely, does Pierce just fit in, blends in or falls into the woodwork over the course of the game. He always has an impact on the game one way or another. 基本上你很少看到PP嚴重失常的時候,他總是有他自己的一套。 He had a great rookie year, and after a brutal stabbing in a nightclub, he came back like the warrior he is in no time to become a perennial All-Star. He came to a rebuilding team and turned them into Eastern Conference contenders. He and Antoine Walker almost returned the Celtics to the prominence and success they had in the 80's. PP有著很不錯的菜鳥球季,之後卻是身中11刀的惡夢。無奈的是當他再次重回球場的時候, 他已經錯過成為明星球員的最佳時機。但是他參予了球隊的整建,他和Antoine Walker聯手 ,讓塞爾提克重返東部的競爭勢力,幾乎讓球隊再現80年代的綠色風華。 Almost. 嗯......幾乎...... They almost were there, but it all ended. Who could forget Pierce's four straight crucial free throw misses in the Eastern Conference Finals? Who could forget the monumental 20-plus point comeback against the Nets? 沒有人會忘記當年在東區決賽時,PP失手的那四顆罰球。 同時──也沒有人會忘記,當年在東區季後賽第二輪時,中場落後20幾分,PP最後是如何 讓球隊逆轉贏籃網的。 Things fell apart for Boston then. He went through the Rick Pitino disaster and several disgraceful seasons. Never did he publicly pout or demand a trade. Sure, he might have wanted to get away, but he remained a professional and kept his beef in house, instead of bitching to the media. He played hard and hurt. PP經歷了Rick Pitino時期和接下來的球隊黑暗期,他從來沒有吵著要交易,也許── 他曾經想走,但是他從未逃。他仍然是他,只是更加努力。 He played the game the same way during losing seasons as the winning ones. He endured the hard times instead of running to greener pastures. 在那些輸球的比賽,他打球打得像個贏家,他熬過了那段苦日子,而沒有自暴自棄。 I used to collect basketball jerseys when I was younger and I stopped buying them since because so many players were demanding trades and running away. I only bought jerseys after players signed their contract and extensions. Pierce's No. 34 will surely be in my collection when all is said and done. 我(作者)年輕的時候收集過球衣,後來放棄了,因為有太多球員過分頻繁轉隊。 但,只有那麼一件球衣,PP的34號一定是我的收藏之一。 After a horrendous 15-67 season, Pierce stuck around and was awarded for his loyalty and perseverance when they acquired Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen. A year later, he wins a well deserved ring. Now he's back on a perennial contender, probably to the end of his career. 揮別了那個15勝67負的球季,PP仍然不改他的忠誠,堅持不懈,然後──他迎來了KG和RAY 。一年之後,他贏得了冠軍戒指。 而現在,他的狀態還是很不錯,也許他會維持這樣的狀態直到他退休為止。 Pierce embodies everything what I love about the modern athlete. He battled the hottest player in the league, LeBron James, in a classic shootout in Game Four of the conference finals two years ago, proving that he still is an elite player. He's still able to compete at the highest level against the best competition. Sure, LeBron is more talented, but Pierce was smarter and competed. 身為我喜愛的現代運動員,PP體現了所有。他勇於和LeBron James競爭,那場和LBJ 大戰的東區冠軍賽第四場,已經足以證明他的優秀,他有能力和LBJ這種層級的球員競爭, 當然──LBJ比PP有天賦多了,但是PP打球很聰明又不失對抗性。 He went through hard times, losing teams, and rode on ships that sailed smoothly, and then sank. He stuck with the Celtics through thick and thin, and never left the team that drafted him. That's admirable in these times, and he was rewarded for his loyalty. PP走過球隊的艱困,輸球輸不停的日子,一度置之死地,而後生。他堅持身為塞爾提克人的 一切,他從來沒有離開過球隊,他的忠誠讓人敬佩。 He didn't take the easy way out and ask for a trade. So many players want to leave the teams they started with, to go to a team that's already there, or needs that one piece. They don't go through the whole maturation process where they see an organization go from a laughingstock to a contender. 他沒有輕易地就說出他想要被交易,要知道有很多球員甚至才剛落腳又要求離開,這種 球員不願意陪伴球隊成長,卻像個笑柄一樣在球隊間來來去去。 Where they see players mature and develop over a course of time. Paul Pierce was the cornerstone, and saw the franchise build from the ground up. He was there through good times and bad. 當我們看到(年輕)球員逐漸成熟,球隊漸趨強大,PP正是球隊的基石,他嚐盡塞爾提克 好的和不好的。 He cried when he got his ring from David Stern, probably because he remembered the bad times, the bad seasons and he never ran away. Now he's on a perennial contender. He's been at both ends of the extreme, from best to worst. He appreciates it more than most. He didn't sign as a free agent; he was drafted by them. He stayed with them and he'll have Celtic green on his casket. 當PP從David Stern的手上接過屬於他自己的冠軍戒指,他哭了,也許是他想起了過往的 艱辛,那些痛苦他卻始終不願逃走的日子。 現在,他將會在比較極端的可能下,球員風光從很好到不再。 身為球員Paul Pierce這輩子沒有自由過,他一直待在塞爾提克,直到有一天連他的靈柩 也是綠色的。 Paul Pierce: the kind of athlete that's rare; the kind of athlete I respect. Paul Pierce──這種球員難得一見,正是我最尊敬的。 # ---------------------------------- THE TRUTH ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/18 18:04, , 1F
10/18 18:04, 1F

10/18 18:04, , 2F
推pp 推翻譯
10/18 18:04, 2F
※ 編輯: SexyCassell 來自: (10/18 18:05)

10/18 18:08, , 3F
10/18 18:08, 3F

10/18 18:22, , 4F
在那些輸球的比賽,他打球打得像個贏家 (好催淚
10/18 18:22, 4F

10/18 18:28, , 5F
10/18 18:28, 5F

10/18 18:53, , 6F
10/18 18:53, 6F

10/18 19:03, , 7F
10/18 19:03, 7F

10/18 19:45, , 8F
看了好感動 大推真理魂
10/18 19:45, 8F

10/18 20:33, , 9F
10/18 20:33, 9F

10/18 21:10, , 10F
BorntoGreen ! ! ! Paul Pierce ! ! !
10/18 21:10, 10F

10/18 22:26, , 11F
感動!!!!!!!!!!! 11刀魂
10/18 22:26, 11F

10/18 22:29, , 12F
超棒的 ~ 沒話講 ~ PP希望你真的可以在塞爾提克退休
10/18 22:29, 12F

10/18 23:25, , 13F
10/18 23:25, 13F

10/18 23:32, , 14F
推 PP34 The Truth !!!!!!!!!!!!
10/18 23:32, 14F

10/19 00:16, , 15F
10/19 00:16, 15F

10/19 02:54, , 16F
推 包皮爾斯!!!!
10/19 02:54, 16F

10/19 16:42, , 17F
He's a tough guy. He's the man. He's the Truth.
10/19 16:42, 17F

10/19 18:59, , 18F
10/19 18:59, 18F

10/19 19:00, , 19F
10/19 19:00, 19F

10/19 21:39, , 20F
沒有 就是shaq 請看2550
10/19 21:39, 20F

10/19 22:52, , 21F
謝謝。 原來是大歐給的~唉~
10/19 22:52, 21F

10/20 19:46, , 22F
10/20 19:46, 22F

10/20 21:44, , 23F
10/20 21:44, 23F
文章代碼(AID): #1AskOcru (Celtics)