Re: [外電] KG's talk for Marbury

看板Celtics作者 (ウソのうまい男)時間15年前 (2009/01/05 23:40), 編輯推噓8(807)
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※ 引述《calbert (Yummy)》之銘言: : Marbury is in a contract dispute with the Knicks and has indicated he would : be amenable to joining the Celtics. : "Anything that is going to help us get better, anybody comes in here who : understands what we're doing, and that's getting better," said Garnett, who : had been in the league for a year when Marbury joined Minnesota. : Marbury was drafted out of Georgia Tech by Milwaukee fourth overall and then : traded to Minnesota for No. 5 selection Ray Allen. Marbury and Garnett played : together for 2 1/2 years before Marbury was traded to New Jersey. : Marbury left the Timberwolves on bad note and reportedly in a dispute with : Garnett. 馬大少正陷入與尼克隊的合約泥淖, 同時他也暗示他願意加入超賽. "任何一件能讓我們更進一步的事, 或者任何一個搞得清楚我們的打法的人, 都能讓我們變得更強." 灰狼時期與馬大少共事時, 才在聯盟打滾了一年的KG曾說過這麼一句話. 選秀時, Marbury被公鹿隊以第四順位選中, 並馬上被拿到灰狼去換第五順位的雷槍, 一直到他被流放(?)到紐澤西前, Marbury在灰狼與KG打了兩年半的球. 馬大少在離開灰狼時被記上了一筆, 據聞他跟KG有些衝突. (按:據說當時他對自己的攻擊定位有意見並與教練爭執) : "I think it's about making the team better," said Garnett. "I'm not opposed : to Steph, I feel like he's got a lot of basketball left in him. I know his IQ : is very, very high. He is one of the best point guards out there. I wouldn't : be opposed to it. : "If Steph came to this team I'm all for that. : "If anybody came to this team and made it better, I would be all for that." : Garnett was limited 6 points in 29 minutes of playing time, sustaining a : right calf injury in the third quarter. : "They gave us some traps we hadn't seen in a while and they played well," : Garnett said. : "Teams are definitely trapping us, they are making us find guys on the weak : side. They played aggressively for 48 minutes." "我認為這都是為了球隊好" KG說, "我沒有看Steph不爽, 我知道他IQ高到很靠杯, 對籃球也充滿熱情, 所以說他是當時最棒的PG, 我沒有二話." "如果他要來超賽, 我舉雙手贊成. 任何一個能幫助球隊的人加入, 我都樂觀其成." KG被短短29分鐘的上場時間綁得只拿下6分, 還在第三節時傷了小腿. "我們被陰了. 他們算計得很漂亮, 甚至讓我們一下子還反應不過來," KG說, "我們確實被絆住了, 他們讓我們得從較弱的得分點進攻, 而且整整48分鐘裡, 他們打得很有侵略性." : Rivers weighs options : Celtics coach Doc Rivers said the team has not relinquished hope in the : return of P.J. Brown, who said last week he has retired. : "He hasn't forgotten how to play, [but] we don't know if he can still play," : Rivers said. : But the Celtics' chances of adding players are affected by salary-cap : limitations and a roster composed of few trade-bait players. : Rivers would not comment on the Celtics' interest in Marbury. "We're : cash-strapped," Rivers said. "We're an interesting team - even though we won : the championship last year we don't have a lot of players that guys want to : trade for. That's unusual. Like I said at the beginning of the season, if we : have the guys we have now at the end of the year, I'm very, very comfortable : with it." 河流說, 球隊還沒放棄把上個禮拜宣佈退休的P.J.請出山. "籃球的打法他沒忘, 只是我們不知道他還能不能那樣打," 愛練兵的河流如是說. 但超賽徵召球員的路, 還有個"薪資上限"擋著, 更別提隊上少得可憐的交易肥肉. 河流對超賽與馬大少間的曖昧關係不予置評. "我們被資金綁死了" 河流說: "我們是個還蠻有笑點的隊伍, 就算我們去年拿了冠軍, 還是沒幾個人家看得上的球員. 畸形耶! 但季初我就說啦, 如果我們用這樣的陣容打完今年, 我也沒甚麼好不爽的." (按:河流我希望你說的"今年"指的是"2008年") : Rivers said he would consult the players before making a move. "When we're : adding anybody to our team, at this point of the season, we always talk it : over," Rivers said. : Count point guard Rajon Rondo among the Celtics who would also welcome : Marbury, though his starting position could be threatened. : "It's up to the general manager and coach Rivers," Rondo said. "We have to go : out there and play every night regardless of who they bring in. People may : think it's a bad idea, but I kind of think it'll help us. Anybody who's a : great player in this league can help us. It's a business, and that's how it : goes. We don't make the decisions. The GMs do. : "I'm new in this league and I've heard a little about his [Marbury's] : reputation, but I'm not going to judge him. It's up to the general manager, : and whatever they decide, that's how it's going to go." : Center of attention 河流說在他下手之前會先考慮到球員: "當我們要再塞一個人進來, 我們總會好好討論一番." 先發PG軟豆對馬大少也大開歡迎之門, 即便這可能威脅到他的先發地位. "全聽經理老大跟我們河流教練的", 軟豆說: "不論他們弄甚麼咖進來, 我們球還是照打. 有人覺得這是個餿主意, 但我覺得這樣不錯. 任何一個聯盟裡的強者加入都會對我們有幫助. 公事就是這樣公辦, 做決定的不是我們, 是球團." (軟豆OS:"我好乖, 請不要叫我去坐板凳QxQ") "我在聯盟算新手, 多少也聽過馬大的豐功偉業, 但還論不到我說他, 決定權在經理手上, 不論他們做出甚麼樣的選擇, 都得照他們的意思辦." : Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni used center Jared Jeffries to defend Rondo, who : was held scoreless after converting a 3-pointer on his first shot of the game. : "We laid off him but he killed us on layups," D'Antoni said of Rondo's : performance in the Celtics' 124-105 win Dec. 21. "If you lay off him and make : him a jump shooter, that's probably the lesser of the evils out there. You : have to choose which of those is going to hurt you. But, if you lay off him, : you don't want to give up layups. We let him get to the basket in the third : quarter - he got seven layups and he killed us." : Rondo finished 1 of 7 from the field with three assists and two turnovers in : 26 minutes. 尼克小鬍子教練用上了Jared Jeffries來防軟豆, 讓軟豆一直沒得分, 直到他射進一球3pt為止他一直都沒出手. "那時我們試著擋下他, 卻被他上籃上到爽." 小鬍子回想起軟豆在12月21日那一場124-105的比賽, 說道: "如果你擋下他, 讓他跳投, 軟豆就沒那麼可怕了. 你得選一個比較不痛的捱, 但如果你要守他, 你絕對不會想放切. 第三節的時候我們放他切, 就被切切切切切切切了七次, 最後當然被打爆." 今天軟豆在場上的26分鐘裡七投一中, 三次助攻外加兩次失誤. : Said Rivers of Rondo's way of confronting that type of defense: "By driving. : I think, just because someone gives you a jump shot doesn't mean you have to : take it. I think that's been his biggest improvement. : "I think it gives you a running start when [opposition players] do back off, : and that's what he's done." : ----倒數第二段Doc提到Rondo本場學習到的地方. 據河流所說, 軟豆對抗這種防守的方法是: "切! 又不是說人家放你投你就非投不可. 我想這是他最大的進步." "當防守球員退縮的時候, 你就有加速的空間, 而他抓到了這一點." -- 所以軟豆就是擺明了把跳投擺爛嗎?囧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/05 23:41, , 1F
01/05 23:41, 1F
※ 編輯: AngeLucifer 來自: (01/05 23:44)

01/05 23:43, , 2F
01/05 23:43, 2F

01/05 23:45, , 3F
還是要練一下拉 至少練起罰球 要不然別人硬巴也可以
01/05 23:45, 3F

01/05 23:47, , 4F
01/05 23:47, 4F

01/05 23:52, , 5F
可是軟豆是潛力股耶 俗又大碗!!
01/05 23:52, 5F

01/05 23:53, , 6F
好啦樓上, 別打B了快去練球XD
01/05 23:53, 6F

01/05 23:55, , 7F
01/05 23:55, 7F

01/05 23:56, , 8F
01/05 23:56, 8F

01/06 00:07, , 9F
原來那段真的是那意思 因為我不滿意這陣容所以翻不出
01/06 00:07, 9F

01/06 00:07, , 10F
01/06 00:07, 10F

01/06 00:10, , 11F
怕OP 置底那篇就可以發揮作用了 要翻譯還是先講一下
01/06 00:10, 11F

01/06 00:10, , 12F
比較好 科科
01/06 00:10, 12F

01/06 00:14, , 13F
01/06 00:14, 13F

01/06 00:15, , 14F
01/06 00:15, 14F

01/06 00:20, , 15F
nogoodlaugh> 我完全懂Q_Q
01/06 00:20, 15F
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