[外電] Routine excellence is Allen's secret

看板Celtics作者 (標章查核)時間16年前 (2008/04/22 02:40), 編輯推噓31(3108)
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贏球的外電如雪片般飄來,這裡是一篇比較八卦性質的文章,讓我們得以一窺 雷.艾倫的內心私密世界~ The routine is paramount. People don't understand that. They see Ray Allen, his head meticulously shaved, his jersey tucked carefully into his shorts, his socks pulled up to precisely the same length, and they are drawn to his silky jumper. Can you blame them? It is so smooth, so fluid, so seemingly effortless. 每個人都有一些別人不了解的慣例、習慣、難以查覺的小細節,當人們看著 雷.艾倫,他們看到的是他整潔的外表,你會發現他的頭總是剃的乾乾淨淨 ,球衣從來不會亂紮,襪子也永遠保持在相同的高度上,當然,還有他那絲 般的投籃技巧,滑順,流暢,毫不費力。 more stories like thisEveryone wishes they could shoot like Ray. They tell him that all the time. They are envious, they say, of his God-given talent. 所有的人都希望自己可以像艾倫一樣投籃,他們告訴他:上帝對你真是偏愛 ,給了你這麼好的天份。 "An insult," says Allen. "God could care less whether I can shoot a jump shot." ”這麼說簡直是侮辱。”艾倫回應,”上帝才不會在乎我投進多少跳投。” As the Celtics kick off their campaign for an NBA championship tonight in the opening round of the playoffs against the Atlanta Hawks, Allen will leave nothing to chance. He will line up for the tip exactly as he has for his other 73 games. His pregame ritual does not waver: a nap from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m., a meal of chicken and white rice at 2:30, an arrival time at the gym at precisely 3:45 to stretch. Allen will shave his head, then walk out to the court at exactly 4:30. He will methodically take shots from both baselines, both elbows, and the top of the key. 今晚賽爾提將克面對第一場季後賽的對手-老鷹,艾倫也會繼續他每一場 比賽的慣例:從早上11:30到下午1點小睡片刻,在2:30的時候進餐(雞肉 和白米),3:45的時候到體育館熱身,包括剃頭(每一場都剃...難怪 這麼亮@_@),然後在4:30準時,進入場地裡規律的從底線、兩側、弧 頂練習他的投籃。 "I had a borderline case of OCD [obsessive compulsive disorder]," Allen explains. "I was never diagnosed, but it was something I was aware of." ”我可能有一些行為強迫症的傾向。”艾倫坦誠,”雖然從來沒有被診斷 出來,但我自己很清楚。” This is how Ray Allen's mind works. If there is a speck of paper on the floor in his house, he cannot walk by without picking it up. He has tried. He has purposely marched up the stairs without correcting the glaring imperfection, but he's unable to eliminate the image from his mind until he goes back down, throws the scrap in the wastebasket, and restores order in his home. 如果雷的家中地板上有一張小紙片,他就一定要把它撿起來,他曾刻意試著 去忽略它,但怎麼也無法忍受那小紙片躺在地板上的影像在腦海揮之不去, 直到他回去,把紙片丟到垃圾筒,他家中的秩序才得以回復。 He requires the same symmetry in his basketball universe. That's why, when Paul Pierce suddenly began doing 360 dunks in warm-ups earlier this season, Allen demanded an explanation. 球場上他也同樣...嗯...龜毛?有一次PP在賽前暖身時突然做了一個 360度灌籃,艾倫質問他。 "We were winning," Allen says. "Why would he change it up when we were winning?" ”我們在贏球耶?你為什麼要打亂這個前奏?” "I was just trying something new," Pierce says. "I missed the shot. So Ray tells me I have to miss it the rest of the year?" ”我只是想試點不一樣。”PP回答,”然後我失手了。雷馬上問我是不是要 整年都投不進?囧” There was considerable discussion before the season on how Pierce, Allen, and Kevin Garnett would share shots. 季賽開始前就有許多討論關於三巨頭要如何分配他們在比賽中出手的次數。 It didn't occur to anyone, except their coach, to consider how they would share their personal space.The wildly divergent rituals of the three superstars was a surprise - and, initially, a problem. 卻沒有人想到他們在個人生活中要如何相處,也許只有河流才需要膽心。 "As a team," Allen concedes, "we're all inside a bubble. Each of us only has so much room to operate. You have to carve out your space and recognize that because of someone else's needs, you might have to compromise a bit." ”做為球隊,我們都只是團體中的一份子,像小泡泡一樣,只能在有限的空間 中運作,你必須看清其他人的需求並且儘量發揮自己,有時更可能要妥協一部份。” There's the free-wheeling Pierce, who never does anything quite the same from game to game. There is Allen, who needs to complete a specific checklist of chores before tipoff. And then there is Garnett, a brooding pregame figure who requires an intense period of introspection to prepare himself. 我們有自由風的PP,規律型的艾倫,然後還有KG,賽前需要極大專注力和安靜 的沉默KG。 It was inevitable that their approaches would collide. In early December, Garnett was at his locker, alone, silently visualizing his responsibilities for the game. Allen, who had long ago completed his pregame tasks, was joking with Kendrick Perkins and Rajon Rondo. The noise interrupted Garnett's concentration. He barked his objections; his veteran teammate barked back. 終於去年12月的時候有二個人擦槍走火了,當時KG一個人在休息室裡靜思, 想像比賽中可能的情境,而艾倫已經完成了他的慣例,正要和 Perkins 和 軟豆會合,然後三人的噪音打斷了KG的沉思,他馬上咆哮了起來,艾倫同時 也吼了回去。 "They got into it with each other," reports Rondo. "Me and Perk were sitting there going, 'Whoa, what's this about?' " ”當時真的吵的很兇很恐怖耶~”軟豆回想,”我和 Perkins 都坐在位子上想 這二個人是吃錯了什麼藥?” Pierce observed the verbal skirmish with amusement. PP則覺得這些小衝突很有趣。 "Stuff like that happens on teams all the time," Pierce insists. "Different personalities. But Ray's to blame. He's crazy. One night he gets on the plane and says, 'Paul, you're in the wrong seat.' I told him, 'Man, there's a hundred seats open. Leave me alone.' " ”這種事在團體中時常發生啦~每個人都有不同的性格嘛,但艾倫真是有點肖肖, 有一天晚上他上了飛機後告訴我”保羅,你坐到我的位置了。”我告訴他,飛機 上有這麼多空位子,麥來亂。 Ray's obsession with routine has struck a chord with Rondo, who confesses, "I probably have OCD myself." The point guard must wash his hands twice at the nine-minute mark of every game. When teammates and fans high-five him, he offers a closed fist to ward off germs. 其實軟豆在這方面和艾倫也頗有共鳴的,軟豆一定要在比賽開始前的九分鐘洗二次 手,而且當隊友或球迷向他擊掌時,他都只以握拳相觸代替,因為不喜歡細菌,囧。 (軟豆,你好嚴重的潔癖啊@_@) Allen has become his role model, and Rondo has started showing up at the arena three hours before the game to mimic Ray's routine. 早在季初時艾倫就已經變成了軟豆仿傚的對象,他也開始提早三個小時來到體育館 ,自己進行投籃訓練。 "I want to be consistent," explains Rondo, "and Ray is all about that." ”我希望像雷一樣保持良好的狀態,而雷總是這樣要求自己。”軟豆回答。 Allen's mantra is that you must walk, talk, eat, and dress as though you are the best. Garnett concurs - to a point. KG does not feel obligated to wear tailored suits to prove his commitment, as Allen does. 艾倫的銘言是無論言、行、舉止、衣著,你都要做到最好,KG也同意,但KG不認同 這代表你無論何時都要穿著合身訂製的西裝才算履行你的信念。 "Ray is very strong-minded," Garnett says. "When you have other guys who are as strong, obviously you are going to have debates. But I think the young guys can see we can challenge one another without being destructive. ”雷的意志非常的堅定,當團隊裡有同樣堅定的人,爭論便一定會發生,不過隊上 的小伙子清楚這些爭辯不會使我們分裂。” "I'm not going to say it was easy, but it was simple. Communicating is the best thing we do. A lot of people talk to hear themselves talk. Here, guys talk with their soul." ”這並不容易,但卻很重要,溝通是我們最拿手的,許多人說話只是為了聽自己的 聲音,而我們是真正的與彼此溝通。” more stories like this But coach Doc Rivers needed his trio to listen with the same fervor. His three stars were used to going about things in their own way, with teammates who deferred to them. That was no longer possible, and Rivers knew who would suffer the most. 過去三巨頭都是隊伍中最中心的角色,戰術圍繞著他們設計,如今,情況改變了, 河流知道誰將受到最大的影響。 "Earlier in the year, Ray would come to me and say, 'This is the way I used to do it,' " Rivers says. "I'd tell him, 'That's in the past.' Ray is a military guy. It was hard for him. 今年初的時候雷找過我,我們討論他過去習慣的方式,我告訴他,那都過去了, 但雷是一個像軍人一樣嚴謹的人,這對他來說很困難。 "But I told him if we were going to win this thing, he had to change." ”但我告訴他如果我們想要贏球他就必須做出犧牲。”河流大說。 When Ray Allen was 8, he had to drop in five lefty layups and five righty layups before he could leave the gym. Sometimes another team needed the floor and he'd run out of time before he could complete his ritual. 當雷八歲的時候他規定自己一定要做完左右手各五次上籃才可以回家,不過有時候 其他的隊伍會來練習而佔用掉他的時間。 "I cried," Allen says. "It messed up my day." 小小的雷.艾倫哭了T^T~因為他的一整天都被毀掉了~ He did not discuss his compulsion with his teammates, his coaches, his siblings, or even his mother. 他從來沒和隊友、教練、兄弟、甚至是自己的母親討論過他的強迫症。 "I was almost embarrassed by it," Allen says. "It was just always beating inside my brain when I was young and trying to make sense of who I was." ”我幾乎為此感到羞愧,年輕時我腦子裡一直有這樣的衝動而我必須試著理清自己 的思緒。” They nicknamed him "Hollywood" when he arrived at the University of Connecticut because he was always color-coordinated, always meticulously groomed. He looked like someone important. 康乃狄克大學的隊友給他起了個”Hollywood”的綽號,因為他總是衣冠楚楚,整潔地 一絲不茍。 "I got that from [Michael] Jordan," Allen says. "When I was a kid, every time he did an interview on television, he was wearing a suit. He looked professional. I told myself, 'That's the way to go.' " ”我是被喬丹影響的,(喬丹:退休了還中槍?),每次看到他上電視,他總是穿 西裝,看起來非常專業,我告訴自己,就是要那樣。” Ray roomed with Travis Knight at UConn. Knight was disorganized, messy. Worst of all, he squeezed the toothpaste tube from the middle. 雷當時與Travis Knight同住,Knight是個髒亂,不修邊幅的人,更糟的是,他從 牙膏的中間開始擠。(完了,我也是耶,囧) "We said they'd never last together," says UConn coach Jim Calhoun, "and they didn't." ”我們都說他們倆的同居生活不會長久。”康乃狄克大學的教練回憶,”而他們果真 不長久。” Ray plotted his workouts as if he were one of the coaches. Calhoun would show the team game film and Allen would ask to see it again, not because he needed to, but because he knew his teammates hadn't paid proper attention. 每次Calhoun 教練讓隊員看錄影帶時,雷總是要求重看一次,並不是因為他自己, 而是因為他知道他的隊員沒注意看重點。 "It's internal," says Calhoun, "but it's there 24 hours a day. Ray does things the right way, and expects others to do them, too. People are sloppy - in their preparation, in the way they present themselves. ”這是人的本質,雷總是一天24小時做到完美,而希望其他人也一樣。”Calhoun 教練說,”但人也有懶散的一面,多多少少會出現。” "Not Ray. Never." ”但雷從來沒有。” So Allen harangues Garnett about his sweater-and-tie combos, and the omnipresent Adidas logo on everything he wears. He chastises Eddie House for shooting halfcourt shots at intermission at the opposing team's basket. 所以雷纏著KG糾正他毛衣搭配領帶的錯誤服裝觀念,然後抱怨他周圍無所不在的 Adidas標誌(KG:我是只善盡我代言的職責啊~T__T),接著又碎碎念房子不該 在暫停時從半場朝對方籃框射籃。 "Bad luck," Ray says. "Everyone knows that." ”那樣會帶來霉運!”雷說,”大家都知道!” He talks to Perkins and Glen Davis about their social life. Allen doesn't drink alcohol. He reminds the young big men, "You have all summer to go out. Do it then. Not now. Not with so much at stake." 他告訴Perkins和Big Baby應該如何應對社交生活,雷本身不喝酒,他提醒隊上的 小壯丁們,”你有整個夏天可以出去玩樂,那時才出去,不是現在,特別是這麼 重要的時刻。” more stories like this"Ray says he always packs light," Perkins says, "because he leaves his nightclub clothes at home." ”雷告誡我們行李要輕便,把花俏的衣服留在家裡(暗喻不要把遊樂的想法帶出門)。 Perkins 說 Not everybody in Seattle bought into Allen's plan. One day, when he arrived at the arena, Allen's regular parking spot was occupied. The owner of the car was Antonio Daniels, who had recently latched on to the early-bird shooting. 但不是所有人都買艾倫的帳,還在西雅圖時,有一天他的停車位被一位叫Antonio Daniels的仁兄給佔走了。 "I walk in and say, 'Why are you parking in my spot?' " Allen says. "He is acting like he doesn't know what I am talking about. 我走向前問他,”你為什麼佔了我的車位?”艾倫質問,而他裝作好像不知道我 在說那回事一樣。 "We are playing the Knicks that night. I think I had about 40 points, but I'm still mad. I'm at the free throw line and Daniels comes up to me and says, 'You need me to take that spot more often.' I hit the free throw, then turn to him and shout, 'You stay out of my spot!' " ”當晚我們和尼克隊有比賽,我想我大概拿了40分,但我還是生氣,我在罰球線 上然後Daniels走向我說,”看來我以後要更常佔用你的停車位喲~”我罰進後轉 身對他大吼”你離我的停車位遠一點!!!” The Celtics have asked Ray Allen to reinvent himself this season. He plays fewer minutes, takes fewer shots, is no longer the focal point of the offense. 這賽季雷為了球隊改造了他自己,他不再上場40分鐘,出手的次數減少,不再是 進攻上的唯一重點。 "You see him sacrifice," says Perkins, "and you think, 'If he can do it, then I can do it, too.' " ”你看的見雷所做出的犧牲,如果雷都能辦到,那我也應該如此。”Perkins回應。 Those changes were palatable for Ray. But he blanched when Rivers changed the team shootaround from the morning of the game to three hours before the game. And when Davis's minutes dwindled, and the coaches asked him to put in workouts before and after games, that cut into Allen's alone time on the floor. 不過當河流更改隊上的練習時間,或是當Big Baby的上場時間影響到艾倫自己時, 他還是會有點不爽。 "The last time I talked to Ray, he was ticked at Big Baby for not playing better, because he was messing up his pregame," Calhoun says."I said to Ray ,'You've been in this league 12 years. Don't you have this down by now?' " 他的大學教練則安撫他說,”都己經12年了,你怎麼還是控制不了這脾氣咧?” Allen is pleased that Rondo has become his pregame partner. He noted that Pierce, who ribs him the most about his eccentricities, has showed up early himself from time to time. In the meantime, Allen has worked to respect KG's ritual from afar. 至少艾倫很滿意軟豆天天都提早報到來當他的球伴,他也注意到最愛取笑自己 特殊怪癖PP現在三不五時提早練習時間了,至於KG,艾倫學會如何去尊重關於 KG自己的習慣。 "I've watched Ray," Garnett says. "I've watched Paul, and I've watched Pose [James Posey], and we all have our own way of preparing. All of us are excessive in how we go about it. It makes sense to me. Everybody is a little over the top in what they do, because it means so much." ”我有觀察他。”KG說,”PP, Posey ,我們都是有特殊習慣來準備比賽的人, 當然我們同樣也很難搞,因為這對我們來說就是這麼重要。” The Celtics have benefited most from Allen, who admits he's made more concessions this season than all the others combined. 賽爾提克感謝雷.艾倫本季為我們所做出的犧牲,他放棄的可能比隊上所有人 加起來都還要多。 "I'm so happy with Ray," says Rivers. "He hasn't fought it. ”我對雷非常的高興,他並沒有因此不滿。”河流稱讚雷。 "Our young guys are lucky to be around him. Too often these kids make it to the NBA and they settle. Ray won't let them." ”我們隊上的年輕人真是燒到好香才有雷這樣的人來指導他們,太多有天份的 孩子來到NBA後便停頓了下來,雷不會讓這種事發生。” Pierce says he plans to adopt some of Allen's eating habits and offseason workouts. But that's where he draws the line. PP宣稱他打算考慮試看看雷的某些飲食習慣(想減肥嗎?)和非賽季訓練方法, 不過有些習慣還是不要太過份要求。 "If I had to stick to the exact same thing every day, I'd kill myself," Pierce says. "What happens if you go for your pregame meal and there's no more salmon in the freezer? ”如果要我每天都做同樣的事,那還不如叫我去死。”PP說,”如果你正準備好要 吃賽前餐結果冰箱裡剛好沒鮭魚了要怎麼辦?” "I love Ray, but I don't get it. I'm not ever going to be at the free throw line saying, 'Damn, I didn't get my parking spot today.' " PP又說”我愛雷,但是我真的不能了解,怎麼會有人一邊練罰球一邊還想著。” ”該死!今天又有人佔了我的停車位!” The trio of stars has banged into each other throughout the long NBA season. Sometimes, they've even traded elbows. But, when that happens, Ray Allen has learned to retreat to his corner, regroup, and find a way to adapt. 三巨頭的第一個賽季自然伴隨著碰撞,甚至一些互相推擠,不過當爭執發生時, 雷已經知道如何暫時收起稜角,好讓自己適應在團體中的新位置。 The bubble he calls the Boston Celtics can get cluttered. Very cluttered. But, according to Ray's careful calculations, there is still plenty of space inside for a championship trophy. 這個雷所稱的波士頓小泡泡可能顯得凌亂,非常複雜,但為了誓得冠軍獎盃和 雷深思熟慮的計算下,還有很多空間可以商量啦~ ------------------------------------ 這篇文章真是長長長...翻的不是很好,大家見諒~ 翻完後的感想就是...(賽爾提克怪胎隊...) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cyjoe 來自: (04/22 02:57)

04/22 02:55, , 1F
04/22 02:55, 1F

04/22 02:56, , 2F
推 辛苦了 塞爾提克怪胎隊 XD
04/22 02:56, 2F

04/22 02:56, , 3F
04/22 02:56, 3F

04/22 02:57, , 4F
04/22 02:57, 4F

04/22 02:58, , 5F
04/22 02:58, 5F

04/22 03:05, , 6F
04/22 03:05, 6F

04/22 03:07, , 7F
04/22 03:07, 7F

04/22 03:12, , 8F
04/22 03:12, 8F
※ 編輯: cyjoe 來自: (04/22 03:14)

04/22 03:20, , 9F
他就是一板一眼的人 不過也會成為小將們的好老師
04/22 03:20, 9F

04/22 03:54, , 10F
推~賽爾提克怪胎隊...特別是Ray XD
04/22 03:54, 10F

04/22 04:04, , 11F
04/22 04:04, 11F

04/22 04:20, , 12F
04/22 04:20, 12F
mminlyrics:轉錄至看板 RayAllen 04/22 04:22

04/22 04:22, , 13F
04/22 04:22, 13F

04/22 04:48, , 14F
04/22 04:48, 14F

04/22 04:49, , 15F
04/22 04:49, 15F

04/22 04:50, , 16F
04/22 04:50, 16F

04/22 04:51, , 17F
04/22 04:51, 17F

04/22 06:11, , 18F
怪胎一名 不過一個球隊 就是需要一個這樣的人 !!!
04/22 06:11, 18F
JoshSmith:轉錄至看板 SuperSonics 04/22 07:45

04/22 08:11, , 19F
04/22 08:11, 19F

04/22 09:03, , 20F
賽爾提克怪胎隊XD 這篇真的超好笑
04/22 09:03, 20F

04/22 09:27, , 21F
04/22 09:27, 21F

04/22 09:28, , 22F
好笑的 讀到那段我瞬間笑出來
04/22 09:28, 22F
goodwise:轉錄至看板 NBA 04/22 09:29

04/22 09:44, , 23F
04/22 09:44, 23F

04/22 09:50, , 24F
04/22 09:50, 24F

04/22 09:55, , 25F
哈 PP蠻好笑的 XD
04/22 09:55, 25F

04/22 10:43, , 26F
04/22 10:43, 26F

04/22 11:07, , 27F
推推 看到那麼多關於雷槍的事 我感動到快哭了...
04/22 11:07, 27F

04/22 11:45, , 28F
有趣 番意辛苦了
04/22 11:45, 28F

04/22 12:10, , 29F
推!! 翻的真好!! RAY有讓我感動到~他的犧牲真的很大!
04/22 12:10, 29F

04/22 12:19, , 30F
04/22 12:19, 30F

04/22 12:21, , 31F
超賽有這麼多潔癖的人 其他隊員應該也不敢太放縱 XD
04/22 12:21, 31F

04/22 12:43, , 32F
04/22 12:43, 32F

04/22 12:44, , 33F
04/22 12:44, 33F

04/22 12:44, , 34F
04/22 12:44, 34F

04/22 18:36, , 35F
04/22 18:36, 35F

04/22 19:34, , 36F
04/22 19:34, 36F

04/22 21:04, , 37F
04/22 21:04, 37F

04/22 21:32, , 38F
04/22 21:32, 38F

04/22 21:40, , 39F
04/22 21:40, 39F
文章代碼(AID): #183D-S0M (Celtics)