[選秀]Harris Barnes:追尋定位

看板Cavaliers作者 (Mr.Vengeance)時間12年前 (2012/04/24 10:53), 編輯推噓10(1007)
留言17則, 11人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
Finding a Niche For: Harrison Barnes 追尋定位:Harrison Barnes by: Walker Beeken - College Basketball Scout April 21, 2012 Harrison Barnes bypassed the 2011 NBA Draft, and the opportunity to be a likely top five pick, to return to North Carolina for his sophomore season, giving the Tar Heels a roster loaded with NBA talent, and the consensus preseason number one ranking in most NCAA polls. Barnes 放棄了可能進入前五順位的2011選秀,他的第二個球季讓北卡隊天分洋溢, 在季前評估中戰力名列前茅。 Barnes ended up leading his team in scoring as a sophomore and earning First Team All-ACC honors, but his season finished on a low note, shooting an atrocious 20 for 61 (33%) in the NCAA tournament, and leaving NBA scouts with a poor final impression as North Carolina lost to Kansas in the Elite Eight. 最後,他成為隊上得分王,亦贏得All-ACC聯盟明星隊殊榮。但在錦標賽中投61中20 ,讓他的大學籃球生涯遺憾作收,北卡敗於堪薩斯之手,球探對Barnes的評價因此 下滑。 This marked the end of a highly scrutinized two-year college career for Ba rnes, who never quite lived up to the huge expectations bestowed upon him as the top overall recruit in the nation coming out of high school in 2010. 這就是被高度檢視的Barnes大學生涯之結束,自2010年從高中轉戰大學以來,他從未 適應外界加諸身上的龐大期待。 While Barnes' disappointing finish to the season highlighted some of the concerns NBA teams may have regarding how his game will translate to the NBA level, he's still likely to be a very high pick in this summer's NBA Draft, as he brings a quite a bit to the table, starting with his ideal physical profile for an NBA small forward prospect. Barnes的難堪敗退讓不少NBA隊伍疑慮其打法能否適應職業賽,當然他仍會以前段順位 中選,憑著理想的身體條件為母隊擔任先發小前鋒。 He has great size at 6-8 to go along with a long wingspan, and a very str- ong, mature frame for a 19 year old (he'll turn 20 next month). He doesn't possess elite explosiveness, but he's very smooth and fluid athletically, and should have an easier time than most rookies adjusting to the NBA from a physical standpoint. 具備6呎8吋的身高與相應臂展,即將滿20歲的Barnes有強壯的體魄,他不以驚人爆發 力取勝,卻有流順敏捷的機動性,純以身體條件方面,調整適應NBA的步調將比其他 新秀更快。 As we discussed last year, Barnes' biggest strengths revolve around his exc -ellent scoring instincts and offensive polish, effectively utilizing shot-fakes and displaying advanced footwork when catching the ball on the perimeter and in the mid-range area, which he uses along with his great size and frame , to create space to free himself for jumpers. His 23.3 points per forty min- utes ranked him amongst the top per-minute scorers of all wing prospects in this draft class, but he still struggled to score efficiently as a sophomore , showing many of the same issues that we highlighted last season. 和去年我們的討論焦點一樣,Barnes的長處是卓越的攻擊技巧、得分本能,無論在外圍 或中距離持球,都有效利用假動作和步法,配上體型的優勢製造投籃空間。每40分鐘 23.3分幾乎是本屆所有側翼球員之冠,然而其得分效率方面仍有著和上季相同之問題。 His lack of an explosive first step prevented him from getting to the rim and creating easy baskets, and while he did get to the free throw line at a higher rate this season, he still seemed far too content settling for contested jum- pers off the dribble, as he connected on an unimpressive 47% of his field go- als inside the arc. 欠缺爆炸性的第一步,Barnes難以輕鬆殺進籃下取分,即便本季他製造罰球率較上季提 高,看起來還是較樂於使用無運球突破下的跳投,反映在47%的禁區內命中率上,這命 中率差強人意。 From 3-point range, Barnes shot a respectable 36% and shouldn't have much tro-uble adapting to the NBA line, but he's not yet a prolific deep shooter. He has a tendency to be a bit streaky and miss shots badly on occasion, some of which he should be able to improve on with repetition and better shot selection. 三分線上36%的命中率應該能滿足NBA標準,但Barnes距離成為一位高產能的犀利射手還 有段距離。他的出手有時不穩定且手感超差,反覆練習和改善出手選擇將有助於修正這 些缺點。 Another area where Barnes hasn't shown much growth is with his ability as a passer and creator for others. His comfort level as a ball-handler looks to decrease dramatically after a few dribbles, and he doesn't have the creativi- ty or vision to find his teammates for easy baskets, as evidenced by his extr- emely paltry assist numbers (his 1.5 assists per-40 ranks him towards the bot -tom of all small forward prospects in our Top100), particularly for a player who has the ball in his hands as much as he does with the freedom to make pl- ays. Barnes另個尚未展現水準的是傳球以及為隊友製造機會的能力,作為持球員在幾次運球 後就容易陷入窘境,欠缺傳球創意和找到空檔隊友之視野,此缺點具體呈現在不足一提 的助攻表現上(每40分鐘1.5助攻,是Top 100當中小前鋒的末尾),特別是他持球量大 ,有時間為隊友創造機會。 On the defensive end, Barnes still shows the same promise that we noted last year, thanks to his solid physical tools and fundamentals. His size, length, and strength should serve him well defending small forwards at the NBA level , and he does a nice job moving laterally, understanding positioning, and ch- allenging shots.When looking forward to Barnes' role at the NBA level, his mature frame, scoring tools, and defensive ability give him a nice base to build on and should allow to him to contribute to an NBA team right away. 感謝強悍的身體天賦和基本功,在防守端,Barnes的表現跟我們去年的觀察相去無幾。 身高、手長和對抗性應能讓他防守NBA級別小前鋒,他的橫移速度夠快、防守站位清楚 明白、且勇於封阻投籃。展望他的NBA前景,體型、得分手段跟防守能力可望幫助他成 為NBA即戰力。 His inability to make plays for others, get to the rim consistently, and sco- re efficiently likely limits his upside when compared to the high expectations he had coming out of high school when he was thought of as a potential overall number one overall pick, but he still has plenty of time to shore up his weak- nesses and has considerable upside to grow into as he develops his feel for the game. 比起從高中以來就被譽為選秀天分之冠的高期待,不擅幫助隊友、攻擊籃框,以及欠缺 得分效率可能將限制Barnes的發展極限。然而他有的是時間去修正缺失,並且在成長中 培養對職業球賽的感覺。 Barnes is an outstanding shot-maker, and should benefit from the greater spacing he'll see in the NBA, giving him more room to operate and create space for himself off the dribble. He should end up being a versatile scoring option who can catch the ball in different areas of the floor, whether it's posting up smaller players, catching the ball in the mid-range, running off screens, or being used in isolations and pick-and-rolls on the perimeter as he improves his ball-handling. Barnes是很強的射手,到NBA級別的戰術配置應會讓他有更多運球製造投射的機會。隨著 持球技術的精進,他最後可望成為拿手區域遍佈全場的多才多藝射手,無論低位背對對 手小前鋒持球、中距離持球、走位、單打或檔拆樣樣精通。 If he's forced to be a go-to option too early in his career, Barnes may stru- ggle to adjust, but if he lands on a team playing for a coach who understands his strengths and limitations, and with a point guard who can get him the ball in the right spots, he has a chance for early success. 假使一進NBA就頻繁當作go-to guy來使用,恐怕造成Barnes適應困難,可是如有瞭解其 長短處的教練,搭配一位傳球到位的控衛,他可能加速展現成就。 By all accounts, Barnes is a high character individual with a strong work ethic who plays the game with a very competitive mentality, all of which should bode well for him in the pre-draft process. While his poor play in the tournament wasn't the ideal final impression to leave on NBA scouts, he'll have plenty of time over the next couple months to win back fans amongst NBA decision-makers as he conducts interviews and workouts, giving himself a chance to hear his name called somewhere in the top ten and possibly the top five on draft night. 總括而言,一流的人品加上敬業的工作態度,以及投入比賽的鬥爭心,都會幫助Barnes 在試訓階段給各隊好印象。接下來兩個月他有時間透過面試和測試,扭轉球探對他錦標 賽的不良觀感,進而在選秀會以前十順位甚至前五順位入選。 ============================================================================ Chad Ford的第三次模擬選秀跟NBADraft.net的最近一次模擬,騎士都選中Barnes, 球團去年對他的期望一度破表,如果他投入2011選秀,4號籤一定不是Thompson。 然而,很多騎士迷對他的個性有所顧慮,並指出種種跡象顯示:這個沈靜、有禮的 年輕人,其實蘊含著極強悍的自我意識。而Barnes在連選秀都還沒開始,就公開宣傳 自己的專屬品牌LOGO,亦讓球迷有些感冒。但,對於這種評判的接受度是需要拿捏的, 畢竟太多騎士迷從 "The Decision" 後,先入為主的將自我、自尊意識高的球員貼上黑 標籤,實際上並非如此。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/24 11:12, , 1F
MKG 跟他相比如何呢?去年Barnes的聲勢的確蠻高的
04/24 11:12, 1F

04/24 11:18, , 2F
04/24 11:18, 2F

04/24 12:34, , 3F
04/24 12:34, 3F

04/24 12:41, , 4F
04/24 12:41, 4F

04/24 15:23, , 5F
這評論看起來根本就像我們家的Wesley Johnson
04/24 15:23, 5F

04/24 17:28, , 6F
沒有強大的第一步就會差很多了 可能跟B-EZ Ariza那種類
04/24 17:28, 6F

04/24 17:29, , 7F
類型 籃下也不強 去年第二順位DW發展性感覺比他好多了
04/24 17:29, 7F

04/24 23:42, , 8F
Wes當年低位和背框比他好多了 類型有點差距
04/24 23:42, 8F

04/24 23:44, , 9F
04/24 23:44, 9F

04/25 20:51, , 10F
04/25 20:51, 10F

04/25 22:09, , 11F
04/25 22:09, 11F

04/25 23:22, , 12F
Mummy's Boy!!!!不過 其實MKG他很孝順的
04/25 23:22, 12F

04/25 23:40, , 13F
04/25 23:40, 13F

04/26 12:04, , 14F
那Barnes跟Perry Jones比 誰比較像地雷?
04/26 12:04, 14F

04/26 23:04, , 15F
04/26 23:04, 15F

12/10 00:48, 5年前 , 16F
拜託先選長人..... https://muxiv.com
12/10 00:48, 16F

04/18 19:31, 5年前 , 17F
類型 籃下也不強 去年 http://yofuk.com
04/18 19:31, 17F
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