[外電] Jamison的罰球心魔

看板Cavaliers作者 (三尺秋水塵不染)時間14年前 (2010/03/17 12:30), 編輯推噓14(1404)
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http://0rz.tw/gJ6be Free-throw miseries has Antawn Jamison a bit rattled 罰球心魔在Jamison的內心嘎嘎作響 Antawn Jamison's dad has been calling, his friends have been suggesting tips, fans have been yelling from the sidelines. 老爸親情的呼喊、友人建議的撇步、球迷在觀眾席上的吶喊,未曾間斷。 Jamison is mired in what he calls "by far the worst slump" of his career at the free-throw line. Heading into the Cavaliers' game Tuesday against the Detroit Pistons, Jamison had made just nine of his last 28 free throws. He's shooting a shocking 43 percent in his month with the team. Jami正陷入他所謂「生涯至今下跌最嚴重」的罰球谷底。在週二對上活塞的比賽以 前,過去28次的罰球只命中了9球。本月在隊上的罰球命中率更是驚死人的四成三。 "It is a mental game right now, it is more mental than anything," Jamison said. "I've been getting to the point where if I miss one it lingers over to the next one. I've got to put it behind me and not dwell on it." 「是心魔。它席捲了我的一切。」Jamiosn說道。「我已經到了如果一球沒罰進,它 就會陰魂不散地糾纏著接下來的出手的地步。我得將它拋諸腦後,而非與之周旋。」 For his 12-season career, Jamison is a 73 percent free-throw shooter. He hasn't been below 74 percent over the last three seasons. Before being traded to the Cavs he was down a little, shooting just 70 percent from the line. But so far with the Cavs, he's significantly behind even the historically poor Shaquille O'Neal this season. 12年的職業生涯,Jami的罰球命中率為七成三。前兩季則從未低於七成四。而在交易 到騎士的前夕則微幅跌宕至7成。但加入球隊至今,他的罰球卻遠比歷史上以罰球糟糕 有名的大歐還爛。 "It is frustrating because I'm to the point where it short every time," Jamison said. "I barely hit the rim a couple of times. I'm like, what the heck is going on?" Jami表示:「這真的很沮喪,因為總是力道不足。好幾次都只勉強碰到籃框。我很 納悶自己到底是怎麼了?」 The irony is that Jamison has shot the ball rather well since coming to the Cavs. His 3-point percentage and overall shooting percentage is up since his time with the Wizards. Take away his bizarre first game, when he went 0-of-12, and Jamison has shot above 50 percent. 諷刺的是,來騎士後Jami的外線反而變好。三分線及整體的命中率比在巫師隊時還 高。倘若撇開第一場那詭異的投12中0,他的投籃命中率已經超過了五成。 Just as he rebounded from that first game, Jamison expects to get through this slump before the end of the season. 如同第一場比賽後的觸底反彈,Jami期望自己在球季結束前能度過當下的低迷。 "I've been doing this for awhile, normally I don't let it bother me," Jamison said. "When you are in a shooting slump, the biggest thing is not to dwell on it. I'm a better shooter than what I've been doing." 「我已經低迷了一段時間,而我通常不會被這種問題所困擾。」Jami說道,「當你 陷入投籃低潮時,最重要的就是不要想太多。我知道自己是個比現在更好的射手。」 West的傷勢 West sits: Delonte West was held out of Tuesday's game with a mild left knee sprain, which he suffered Sunday against the Celtics. Coach Mike Brown the move was precautionary and the injury wasn't serious. West is questionable for Wednesday's home game against the Pacers. Mike Brown因為West在上一場對C's的比賽時左膝輕微扭傷,而沒有讓他出賽。此舉 的目的乃在預防傷勢加劇,West所受的傷並不嚴重。明天主場出戰溜馬能否出賽,則 還是未知數。 更多關於罰球 More free throw info: The Cavs have slipped to 29th in the league in free-throw shooting at 72 percent, easily their worst in the LeBron James era. However, players and coaches don't seem to be all that concerned. Perhaps it is because the Cavs rarely seem to lose because of it. 七成二的罰球命中率讓騎士隊滑落至聯盟倒數第二,為LBJ來到騎士隊之後的最差成 績。不過,球員們與教練團似乎沒有很在意。或許是因為球隊很少因此而輸掉球賽。 There have been only two games this season free-throw shooting was a major culprit in a loss. One was a one-point loss at Utah and the other was an overtime loss at home to Denver by two points. 本季只有兩場球賽,差勁的罰球是敗北的主要罪魁禍首:一分飲恨猶他,以及在延 長賽裡主場兩分輸給丹佛。 In fact, the numbers show the Cavs make more free throws when they are important. They shoot just 69 percent in the first halves of games, but 75 percent in the second half. The fourth quarter is their best at 75.2 percent. 事實上,數據顯示了球隊在越到緊要關頭時,罰球會越準。上半場的平均罰球命中 率為六成九,下半場卻是七成五。第四節最準,七成五二。 "It is not my style to talk about it publicly and make it a spectacle and put it more in the guy's head," Brown said. "We'll continue to shoot during practice but I know we have capable free-throw shooters." 「公開談論這個(罰球)問題,將之誇大,並加諸在大家身上,不是我的作風。」 扣區布朗說道,「我們會持續加緊練習,但我知道隊員們是有這個能耐的。」 -- 前面好好罰,後面就不會打得那麼辛苦了不是嗎..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/17 12:36, , 1F
大家輪流受傷......Orz 希望能健康進季後賽啊Q__Q
03/17 12:36, 1F

03/17 12:39, , 2F
推 前面好好罰,後面就不會打得那麼辛苦了不是嗎
03/17 12:39, 2F

03/17 12:39, , 3F
03/17 12:39, 3F
※ 編輯: kenta10 來自: (03/17 12:42)

03/17 12:56, , 4F
03/17 12:56, 4F

03/17 12:57, , 5F
03/17 12:57, 5F

03/17 12:58, , 6F
03/17 12:58, 6F

03/17 13:02, , 7F
03/17 13:02, 7F

03/17 13:03, , 8F
Jamison:畢竟我以前是巫師嘛!( ′-`)y-~講話自然玄一點
03/17 13:03, 8F

03/17 13:06, , 9F
03/17 13:06, 9F

03/17 13:07, , 10F
到季後賽前 保持健康 罰球加強 就很夠了@@
03/17 13:07, 10F

03/17 13:20, , 11F
03/17 13:20, 11F

03/17 13:21, , 12F
03/17 13:21, 12F

03/17 15:41, , 13F
罰球如果能穩一點,很多比賽都好打的多了 ~"~
03/17 15:41, 13F

03/18 00:58, , 14F
SORRY 想發問一下....罰球可以往後站點罰嗎 算犯規?
03/18 00:58, 14F

03/18 01:24, , 15F
罰球站遠一點記得有人幹過這種事吧,90年代的Van Exel?
03/18 01:24, 15F

03/18 13:01, , 16F
03/18 13:01, 16F

12/10 00:33, 5年前 , 17F
到季後賽前 保 https://noxiv.com
12/10 00:33, 17F

04/18 19:12, 5年前 , 18F
櫻木花道表示;不會進、 https://moxox.com
04/18 19:12, 18F
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