[轉錄][外電] NBA PLAYOFFS | GAME 1: Detroit 113, …

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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: kerrys (台北不是我的家) 看板: Pistons 標題: [外電] NBA PLAYOFFS | GAME 1: Detroit 113, Cleveland 86 時間: Mon May 8 23:49:27 2006 原文出處: http://0rz.net/b91me -- No late-game heroics, no friendly whistles from the referee, and no clever ad campaign could pull LeBron James out of his team's mess on Sunday. 這一次沒有賽末英雄行為,也沒有裁判特別關愛的哨聲,再多的造神運動廣告也沒辦 法讓LBJ真的在星期天的比賽裡從球隊一團混亂中挺身而出,力挽狂瀾。 Maybe it was too soon after an emotional win in Game 6 over the Washington Wizards. Maybe the Pistons were too well rested. Or maybe Detroit is just a much, much, much better team. 或許是距離驚險終結華盛頓巫師的第一輪第六場比賽太近,也或許是活塞以逸待勞, 有了充分的休息,又或許純粹是因為活塞和騎士根本就不在同一個的層級上。 In any case, Detroit dominated its second-round series opener against the Cleveland Cavaliers, winning, 113-86, at the Palace on Sunday afternoon. 不管怎麼說,活塞完全掌控了季後賽第二輪面對騎士的第一場比賽,他們星期天下午 在主場以113比86輕鬆獲勝。 By the end of one quarter, the two-time NBA Finalists were up 10. By the end of the first half, after a record-setting second quarter, the game was essentially over. 第一節結束,這支過去兩年都闖進NBA總冠軍賽的勁旅已經領先10分。在破紀錄的第二 節(活塞狂得43分)後上半場結束,這場比賽基本上已經進入了垃圾時間。 By the fourth quarter, the Pistons were laughing and joking their way up and down the court, and the Cavaliers were facing some big questions. 比賽來到第四節,活塞球員們已經開心地笑著,在場上也輕鬆打準備迎接第二輪的第 一場勝利,而騎士這邊則是遇到了幾個大麻煩。 Like, how do they speed up this series and get the embarrassment over with? 例如,他們如何在這個系列賽中擺脫窘態打出自己的風格,設法在活塞大軍面前取勝 ? "We got our behinds kicked," Cleveland coach Mike Brown said. "I'll tell you what, they shot the heck out of the ball. ... They played a hell of a ballgame. " 騎士總教練M.Brown說"我們根本是輸到脫褲子,我告訴你吧,他們發揮地超出色,怎 麼投就怎麼進,我們根本只有在一旁看戲的份。" The Pistons went at James, the Cavaliers star forward, from the beginning, attacking him with drives to the basket no matter whom he guarded. 活塞自從比賽一開始就給騎士的小皇帝LBJ下馬威,不管誰被他防守到,都一直切入挑 戰他的防守。 When he covered Tayshaun Prince early, Prince abused him for 11 points in the opening quarter. When he switched to Chauncey Billups, Billups suddenly came alive, and he had 12 points by halftime. 一開賽LBJ守到小王子,而小王子光是在第一節就攻得11分,狠狠地羞辱了這個季後賽 菜鳥一番。之後他換成防守槍蜥,而槍蜥就像是突然醒過來一樣,中場前就拿下12分。 "I think they were tired a little bit," said Prince who finished with a playoff career-high tying 24 points. "It was up to us to try and jump on it early." 賽後一共攻下平季後賽單場紀錄24分的小王子說"我想他們應該是還有點疲倦吧,這從 比賽一開始我們能隨心所欲取分的情形來看就可略知一二。" Once the Pistons had that inside game established, they stepped outside to hit a franchise playoff record 15 three-pointers. They shot 68.2% from outside in the game and got threes from Prince (4-for-4), Billups (2-for-2 and 14 points), Maurice Evans, Tony Delk, Lindsey Hunter (12 points) and Rasheed Wallace (10 points). 一旦活塞確立了內線優勢,他們開始將火網向外擴張,並且以15顆三分球順利改寫季 後賽單場最多三分球的紀錄。他們這場比賽三分球命中率高達68.2%,而且遍地開花,包括 小王子(4投4中)、槍蜥(2投2中拿下14分)、M.Evans、屌客、獵人大叔(12分)和溪蛙(10分) 等人都分別有所貢獻。 The second quarter was one nonstop Pistons' highlight reel. In it, the Pistons scored on 18 of their 21 possessions and shot 74%. Their 43 points were the most in a second quarter in the team's history. It was also a season-high for any quarter this season. 第二節的精采表現是活塞能一路領先到底的關鍵。第二節活塞21次握有球權時有18次 順利拿到分數,而且命中率高達74%。他們攻得的43分改寫了第二節最多得分的隊史紀錄, 而那也是他們本季單節拿下的最高分數。 And while the Cavaliers scored 32 points in those 12 minutes, the quarter wasn't just a showcase of offensive highlights. Prince blocked a James lay-up with such ferocity that it didn't seem to matter that the ball went right into Zydrunas Ilgauskas' hands as he crashed the net for a put-back. 儘管騎士12分鐘內也拿下32分,不過和活塞進攻火力大爆炸的表現相比,那只能稱得 上是小巫見大巫了。LBJ上籃時,小王子狠狠地賞了他一客麻辣鍋,儘管之後大Z撿到那個 籃板並順勢將球塞回籃框。 "He never saw me coming," Prince said. "It was a situation where it was kind of a bad pass and it gave me time to get back to him. He never saw me coming." 小王子說"他根本就沒看到我來了,那是因為他隊友球傳得不好才給了我時間回來敲鍋 。" After Hunter's offensive contributions in the first round, maybe his scoring Sunday shouldn't have seemed so surprising. Hunter hit four three-pointers in the second quarter, helping his team go 10-for-11 from behind the arc. 獵人在第一輪的比賽中就貢獻了不少分數,所以他星期天的得分表現就不特別讓人感 到驚訝吧。他在第二節投進了4顆三分球,幫助球隊維持了11投10中的超高三分命中率。 The final three threes came back-to-back-to-back as part of a quarter-ending 11-4 run. Rasheed Wallace jumped off the bench after the third one with a huge smile. 看了獵人在第二節末活塞一波11比4的攻勢中連續三顆三分命中,溪蛙忍不住從板凳上 跳起來大聲叫好。 James was Cleveland's only bright spot in the first half, when he scored 22 points. LBJ的22分是騎士上半場唯一值得一提的表現。 But when the Cavaliers tried to get other players more involved in the third quarter, Cleveland managed only 15 points. Meanwhile, Detroit stretched its lead to 30 and James went scoreless. 不過當第三節騎士試圖讓其他球員更融入比賽之中,他們卻只拿下15分。同時活塞趁 機將比數差距拉大至30分,而LBJ的得分也沉寂了下來。 And he didn't score in the fourth quarter, either. 他在第四節甚至一分未得。 "It wasn't frustrating," James said, "it was a bit discouraging. You play defense for 22 or 23 seconds and a guy hits a three at the end of the shot clock. But give the credit to the Pistons. They came out and took care of business on their home court, and that's what it's all about." LBJ說"雖然難免覺得有些氣餒,但我不會因此而失志。你認真防守了22或23秒,卻有 個傢伙趕在進攻時間終了前砍進三分。不過活塞真的是個可敬的對手,很明顯地,他們對 於這場主場賽事是有備而來,那也正是我們大敗的主因。" The Pistons don't expect to shoot like they did in every game of this series. They don't expect James to stay so quiet in the second half. They believe the Cavaliers will refocus for Game 2. 活塞並不期待在這一系列賽中每場比賽籃框都跟第一場比賽時一樣像海那麼大,也不 認為LBJ之後的表現都會跟這場比賽下半場一樣沉寂,他們相信騎士將會重整旗鼓,準備迎 接第二場比賽。 They believe the Cavs got the message loud and clear -- they're not dealing with the Washington Wizards anymore. 他們相信騎士也已經很清楚地了解到 -- 活塞可不像巫師那麼好對付。 "Game 2's going to be a tough game for us," Saunders said. "This team really had to catch their breath. They had a very emotional game beating Washington. We knew they were drained a little bit mentally. They're going to have a chance to regroup a little bit." 老桑說"第二場比賽對我們來說肯定會是一場大混戰,這支球隊一定會重振士氣,捲土 重來。他們讓巫師打包回家那場比賽太戲劇性了,所以有點興奮過頭。我相信他們在第二 場比賽應該就能重新凝聚,不過沒關係,大夥兒走著瞧吧。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (05/08 23:53)

05/09 00:00,
05/09 00:00

05/09 00:05,
05/09 00:05
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/09 01:46, , 1F
05/09 01:46, 1F

05/09 03:05, , 2F
05/09 03:05, 2F

05/09 03:51, , 3F
我覺得陣容不錯 可是沒辦法容入 是JAMES太亮眼了嘛
05/09 03:51, 3F

05/09 08:23, , 4F
05/09 08:23, 4F

05/09 08:24, , 5F
05/09 08:24, 5F

05/09 08:26, , 6F
05/09 08:26, 6F

05/09 11:29, , 7F
因為第一年磨合吧,教練擺明了今年進攻主打 James 吸引包
05/09 11:29, 7F

05/09 11:29, , 8F
05/09 11:29, 8F

05/09 11:37, , 9F
05/09 11:37, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #14Nsnuc6 (Cavaliers)