[情報] 11/04 魔 * 英文版綜論 * 羯

看板Capricornus作者 (ikugray)時間10年前 (2013/11/03 19:26), 編輯推噓8(804)
留言12則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/overview-daily-20131104.html Overview 整體運勢 You're fairly well organized, which really comes in handy on an intense day like today. You may have to deal with more than one crisis, but you can turn the biggest into an opportunity. 你相當善於組織,遲早會有緊急的一天,像今天一樣派上用場。 你可能必須處理更多的危機,但危機即是轉機。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/love-daily-20131104.html Love 愛情運 It's time to take another look at that big, weird issue staring at you for days (or weeks, or even longer). You have all the info you'll ever get on the subject, so make the call! A delay will only exacerbate things. 是時候再次思考這幾天(這幾個星期、或者更久)和你有關,又大又奇怪的八卦。 關於那個是非八卦,你擁有全部的消息,所以自己作主吧! 任何遲緩只會讓事情更糟糕。 延伸佳句: 不要太在意別人的想法,人生是自己的,選擇權也掌握在自己的手中。 Couples 情侶 Your objective approach makes perfect sense to you, but your sweetheart might feel like you're a little detached. Give them the emotional context as well so that they get the full picture. 你的客觀態度讓你變得更為明智,但是你的哈尼可能會覺得你有點冷血。 把整件事情的來龍去脈,盡可能的交待清楚,讓他們瞭解事情的全貌。 Singles 單身 A romantic connection should deepen today. If it's still new, something should help you get even closer. If you're already well on the way to love, it's time for the next step. Say something that can't be unsaid. 今天將會有一段深刻的浪漫的關係。 如果你們的關係才剛開始,某種東西(化學效應?)可能會幫助你們更靠近彼此。 如果你已經準備好要談戀愛,是時候可以展開下一步囉。 把不敢說的話,勇敢說出來吧~ iku: 這一段實在是讓ikugray翻得很嗨呀~ 魔寶們,快衝阿!! XD ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/career-daily-20131104.html Career 工作運 Even the best of friends needs occasional time to themselves. Don't get bent out of shape if a colleague seems detached. Their issues are best left alone from nine to five. 即使是再好的朋友也需要屬於自己的不定期時間。 如果同事看起來很有距離感,你也不需過度扭曲。 他們的問題最好獨自留到朝九晚五時的工作時間。 iku: 今天就先認真的處理好自己份內的工作吧:) ------------------------------------------------------------- 各位板胞們,打起精神來,準備好迎接新的一天囉! 這首歌獻給戀愛中的魔寶們 XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lgOff9-SWM
黃舒駿 戀愛症候群 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/03 22:07, , 1F
推~ 還在單身T_T
11/03 22:07, 1F
沒關係,明天會有浪漫的邂逅 (念力催眠)

11/03 22:35, , 2F
11/03 22:35, 2F
那不然...你要不要衝一下樓上...聽說他還單身喔 (喂)

11/03 22:41, , 3F
11/03 22:41, 3F
謝謝推推:) 珍珠梨大,你是不是在樓下...偷吃炸雞了 T^T

11/03 23:55, , 4F
 ̄0 ̄||我沒有!(擦嘴巴)珍珠梨這名字...
11/03 23:55, 4F

11/03 23:56, , 5F
11/03 23:56, 5F
衛生紙(遞) XD 我也覺得珍珠梨聽起來好可愛,好好粗(嚼嚼)

11/04 00:54, , 6F
哇哇 真是令人心動的運勢
11/04 00:54, 6F
今天還順利嗎? :) ※ 編輯: ikugray 來自: (11/04 19:04)

11/04 23:08, , 7F
11/04 23:08, 7F

11/04 23:18, , 8F
真的欸,最近真的越來越會吃了 XD
11/04 23:18, 8F

11/04 23:42, , 9F
iku大 順利喔~工作蠻順利的-.- 你還順利嗎
11/04 23:42, 9F

11/04 23:56, , 10F
11/04 23:56, 10F

11/05 00:18, , 11F
加油~~會越來越順遂的 good luck~
11/05 00:18, 11F

11/05 19:46, , 12F
謝謝^________^ 我會繼續加油的!!
11/05 19:46, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1ITZBM2p (Capricornus)
文章代碼(AID): #1ITZBM2p (Capricornus)